After several hours of fighting the UNDEAD, WOLF Yami was finally able to keep him down. The man for using forbidden magic that uses the soul of those sacrificed to recover from his injuries making him stronger in the process.
Normally it won't be a problem for Yami to kill him before but it was specified in the mission he was wanted alive.
It doesn't take a smart person to see someone wants Yami away from the guild. The only people who can arrange for this type of mission are members of the council and the ten saints.
"I'm coming for you Jose" Yami then increases his flying speed want not to be too late.
Back in the phantom guild, Erza was confronting Jose
"For as long as I can remember, Phantom Lord has always been at the top." Jose drawled, "We got the strongest wizards with the strongest spells! We also have more capital and more members than any guild! However, Fairy Tail has begun to catch up recently and our position as leader is in jeopardy. The names Erza, Yami, Laxus, and Mystogan became widely known, and Salamander has spread across the land like wildfire."
"Now Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord are considered equals: the top two guilds representing this kingdom." Jose scoffed. "The thought alone disgusts me. I refuse to be acquainted with a feeble guild!"
"Silence!" Erza flew at him, sword flashing. He teleported away, just like last time.
Erza snarled at him. "We're fighting for our lives, just because you had a fit of jealousy?"
"Jealousy? That's absurd." Jose waved the idea away. "We simply wanted to prove to the kingdom that we are the dominant guild."
"How could you? And for such a petty reason!" Erza flew at him again, swinging her sword, but she just couldn't hit him. Jose sidestepped and dodged every strike the redhead had with her sword.
Finally, Jose knocked the sword out of Erza's hands with a few specters of magic. Those specters then wrap around her in coils and zap her with red lightning. Erza screams out in pain, trying to free herself from her binds.
"maybe if Yami was still around he would have given a bit more trouble to destroy the Fairy Tail" Jose grins "but using my power as one of the great saints I was able to get him out of the way"
"While I've never been particularly fond of your guild," Jose said, "My distaste for you is not what triggered this war. We were hired by the patriarch of the Heartfillia family to find his missing daughter."
"Lucy!" Erza gasped in pain as the specters squeezed her with electricity.
"The child of one of the kingdom's wealthiest is now in Fairy Tail. So Makarov is trying to buy his way to the top, isn't he?" Jose cast another magic circle, entrapping Erza in more pain.
"Now that your guild has unparalleled access to the Heartfillia family fortune, it's only a matter of time before that happens. That is if we don't completely wipe you out first!" The electricity that was bound on Erza grew larger, inflicting the female mage with more hurt than necessary.
Jose took delight in this, but his sadism disappeared when Erza was grinning from ear to ear. "It's laughable how concerned you are about something as silly as your guild's ranking! But, I'm even more amused at how incredibly misinformed you are about Lucy!"
Jose was startled. "What?"
"She came to us as a runaway! She doesn't have access to her family's fortune!" Erza revealed, "She rents a place for 70,000 jewels a month. She works hard to make a living! She fights alongside us, she laughs with us and she cries with us! She's no different from any other member of our guild!"
"And she's why we're at war!" Erza shouted at Jose, "She may be the daughter of the Heartfillia family, but just as flowers don't get to choose where they bloom, children don't get to choose their parents! You don't know anything about Lucy or the tears that she has shed!"
Jose scowled at her. "I'll find out soon enough. I'm not going to give her over to her father without getting a benefit of some sort. I'll make her my prisoner until her father meets my demands! I'm going to bleed the Heartfillia family of their fortune and their precious money-making businesses!"
"You...!" Erza tried again to free herself, but the shade binds surrounding her coiled even tighter.
"I wouldn't keep struggling like that if I were you." Jose drawled, "It's going to be more painful!"
He then summoned two shades of a violet purple and began to drain Erza for whatever was left of her. The redhead's soul was visibly being pulled apart from her body, putting her in excruciating pain. She let out a scream as Jose continued to rip her soul away.
"Not feeling very well, are you dear?" Jose mockingly said. "You're going to have to buck up because it's almost time! I want you to make a show before your peers! Once they see their beloved Erza in such a pitiful state, they're sure to surrender!"
"Y-you're a despicable man!" Erza shouted.
"Now now, insulting me like that isn't going to help your situation." Jose mockingly chided.
Suddenly, before anyone could act otherwise, the sound of a boom cut through the air. A powerful pressure descended on the Phantom guild.
"...what this pressure?" Ezra asked, wondering what happened.
Master Jose glared at something up in the sky. It was Yami, levitating down with a Dark wing, looking like a deity going down to earth. His hand was holding the sword, and his face was unreadable.
"I see you have taken care of my guild," Yami said calmly,
Erza sigh of relief "Yami..."
He appears next to Erza helping break free of the bind. "sorry I'm late"
Jose simply grinned maniacally at Yami. "do you think you can beat me?" Dark energy made the rocks around him begin to hover.
Yami pulls his sword coating it with a large amount of magic. "doesn't matter I will just do it while breaking my limits"
Gray and Elfman came to as well, though still dazed. Jose took this opportunity and shot a blot of magic energy at them. Their eyes widened as it got closer, but Yami cuts them before they reach them.
"You guys need to get out while you still can!" Yami shouted at them.
"Yami!" Gray exclaimed.
"No! We'll stay with you!" Elfman refused.
"No, we'll have to do as he says!" Ezra countered.
Jose shot another bolt of dark energy, but Yami summoned a magic circle to negate the attack. The whole place shook as the two forces clashed.
"Let's go," Erza said. "Yami can handle himself."
They finally left unwillingly
Jose smiled sadistically." Come I always wanted to see what the Dark swordsman is capable of"