capitulo 7

On February 14 for him is different went to buy some flowers near where he had his first love was something cold change much his mother gave advice and since 2 years ago went to visit the tomb of his beloved

"Here lie the remains of the late ha-neul"


As she left some flowers she cried in silence and still remembered her with love as her last farewell

Hours before

"son, you may be angry with me but you have to forget that girl..."His mother said it with some concern

"She was the love of my life "daehyun said so painfully

"Son - that was the love of a child, you must learn to let go and rest in peace "encouraged his mother

But... Could not finish when his father stopped him

"Your mother is right maybe destiny doesn't want you to be together"

Only understand for your good "his parents said at the same time

"This well parents have reason..."

His parents hugged him a sincere hug

Daehyun put on the record player and put on elvis Presley's "cant help falling in love"

Current local time

I still remembered with love that cute girl who fell in love but it was time to let her go

"You said to do my life with another person and that I will change for you I love you very much"

The most painful minute of silence of his life

An elderly man approached him

"I see you depressed"The old man said to her in a calm voice

" It is... That my parents want her to be forgotten"

"MMMM... They sent me to the military service they trained me but in the second world war they killed my wife."

"Wow Sir"

" The worst that my wife was pregnant I lost both the girl and her, but I will always have them in my memory and I will only stay with one boy"

"I'm so sorry for that"

"You should not feel bad for something is happy in heaven and do not worry, she wants to see you happy fulfill your promise, if it is the love of your life plus the people you love most are remembered with love and beautiful memories"

You are right Mr. Thank you... Daehyun entered into reason

" boy now go and be happy that you have a way to go "the old man left Daehyun

Daehyun ran home to mark her cousin Nayle

Bueno nayle - while speaking in Spanish

-hello dae -

-remember what you told me about your card project-

-oh, if my students -

- I would like to help you - sighs completely sure

- "very well, you were the only one waiting - with joy.

-well I wasn't in my plans to accept but I want to help just for you kisses to Mexico-

-thanks, maybe greets my uncles on my side - both cut the call

It will be the day when destiny decides to make him renew the life of his university that was a few years away from finishing