Chapter 17 *Newbies*

(It was early in the morning, about 8:00 am. Reo got up out of bed. He was in jeans and no shirt. Dai has said before it's bad to sleep with jeans, but Reo ignores him half the time, so he doesn't care. He put on a black tank top and walked into the bathroom across the hall. His room was the closest to it, that's why he chose that room exactly. He looked into the mirror to see that he had bed head. He combed it down a bit with his hands, but that's all he did. He grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. When he was all finished he walked down the stairs still partly tired, he saw two new people he hasn't seen before downstairs, and everyone was grouped up. Just once he wishes he could walk downstairs without something new happening.)

Kazu: "Ah, Reo. This is Kiriena and Shurui. They are part of the tournament. They'll be staying with us for a while."

Selene: "Hey Reo, do you see these guys? They look awesome."

Reo: "Yeah I see them."

(Taku looked at Kiriena's fire tattoo. He started to lift up the bangle.)

Taku: "Cool tattoo."

(Kirena ripped her arm back.)

Kirena: "It's not a tattoo and don't touch that."

Taku: "Jeez, sorry."

Ruri: "Mind if I ask what it is then?"

Kiriena: "It's a birthmark. I was born with it."

Taku: "Well then cool birthmark. I didn't even know birthmarks could look exactly like fire."

Kiriena: "Yeah, well let's stop talking about it."

(Sara walked up to the guy and started to talk with him.)

Sara: "Hi, I'm Sara. So what's your core?"

(Shurui looked at her and smiled.)

Shurui: "Metal controlling. How about you?"

Sara: "Ice. It's pretty nice. I bet not as nice as your metal controlling."

Shurui: "Hehe, are you kidding? My metal controlling is only good if there's metal nearby, but your ice can help you anywhere I bet. Nice core, Sara."

(Sara slightly blushed at him saying this.)

Kazu; "Metal controlling? Hm, I don't think I've really heard of that."

Shurui: "Oh, well it's not that interesting. I can just control anything that is basically metal. So steel, iron, silver, that kind of stuff."

Ruri: "Hmm, actually you could help us out, if you don't mind of course."

Shurui: "Hey, if I can help I gladly will. You were all nice enough to let us stay here so of course I will help.."

Ruri: "Well we just need some help building the tournament place and you can control metal which can help us with the construction."

Shurui: "Well no problem. I will gladly help."

Kiriena: "Wait, isn't the tournament in four days?"

Dai: "Uh, yeah."

Kiriena: "And the place isn't built yet."

Ruri: "Mmhmm."

Kiriena: "Seems kind of dumb."

Shurui: "Wait, Kireiena don't say that. It's their tournament. They make it how they want to. Plus they're letting us stay here so please be nice."

Kiriena: "Pfft, whatever."

Reo: "I like the fire in this one."

Selene: "Why, because she reminds you of yourself?"

Reo: "Eh, shut up, damn it. I didn't even know we were having people stay here. Start telling me stuff first. I hate being last to hear stuff."

Kazu: "Oh ok Reo. Well I'll do that for you. Also, we need to start thinking of food ideas for the tournament. Anyone got some?"

Yui: "Oh, what if we go like Mexican style. We can get tacos, chips, salsa, guacamole-"

(Reo slammed his fist on the wall.)

Reo: "No."

Yui: "Uh ok? But yeah Mexican food, with no guacamole."

Reo: "Mhm."

Kazu: "Uh, sure I guess. If you're down to make it, since you're done with the flyers. Mr. Clone used to cook some too, so he'll help you too."

(Mr. Clone slid right up next to her as this was said.)

Mr. Clone: "I don't know a lot about Mexican food, but today I will learn. Let's do this!"

Yui: "Alright."

Selene: "Could I help in the kitchen?"

Kazu: "Uh, maybe later. Right now I need you, Sara, and Reo to go and spread the word. Now that we have flyers we might actually get some people. Plus, your double-powered core is perfect for showing off to the people."

Selene: "Well I guess you're right. Ok, let's go, Reo and Sara."

Reo: "Ugh, fine. Let's go."

Sara: "Alright, the original three back together. I feel like it's been forever since we've all done something together."

Reo: "There's a reason to that. Now come on, let's go."

(The three of them walked off to spread the word, Mr. Clone and Yui went to the kitchen to cook, and Shurui, Dai, and Ruri went to the abandoned warehouses and buildings they found. Kirenia was going to join them, but Kazu stopped her.)

Kazu: "Oh hey. Yeah sorry I'd actually like for you to stay here. I just wanna ask a few questions."

Kirienia: "Ugh, yeah. What do you want?"

Kazu: "Hm, how sweet. Well I want you to follow me to my room."

Kirienia: "Fine, but no funny stuff. I'm not afraid to burn you."

Kazu: "Ah, good to know."

(Kazu and Kiriena walked up to his room while the others did their thing. Taku ran into the room.)

Taku; "Wait what about-"

(Taku thought for a moment. Remembering last time. He slowly snuck away to his room.)

(Shurui, Dai, and Ruri were at the warehouse they picked. They drove the van to the stop so it was faster. They also brought a bunch of Mr. Clone's clones, which were all like him.)

Mr. Clone: "I can't wait to build this place. This is so manly."

Mr. Clone: "You said it. It'll be so much fun."

Mr. Clone: "Oh yeah it will. We can show off our construction skills."

Mr. Clone: "So Ruri, what do you need us to do."

Ruri: "I-I'm going to be honest I don't know which one said that, but just kind of do what you think will help. If we need more help with something then we will ask."

All Clones: "All right!"

(They finally made it to the place they were headed. It looked like they had lots of stuff to do, but with all the help they had, it would probably go by fast. Shurui started to lift up all the metal type parts and set them into a pile. Ruri used her wind to push out all debris. She then looked through it all and looked for what could still be used. A few of the clones had some money, so they went off to buy cement and stuff to help with the build. Dai was helping Shurui with sizing the metal up using his drills. They were working fine with each other. She was looking at them and making sure everything was going all good, but one of the clones tapped her on the shoulder.)

Ruri: "Ah!"

Mr. Clone: "Oh, sorry ma'am. I guess I caught you by surprise."

Ruri: "Uh, yeah a little bit."

Mr. Clone: "Oh well, we got the cement truck and stuff."

Ruri: "Wait, truck?!"

Mr. Clone: "Oh yeah. We had a lot of money, so we thought we'd go with the truck."

Ruri: "Oh ok, well try and put it where the middle would be."

Mr. Clone: "Yes ma'am."

(He waved over the rest of the clones to come over and make the middle of the tournament. This is where the competitors will fight. It looked like building this place won't take long at all.)

(Reo, Selene, and Sara were walking down the street putting up and passing out flyers. Sara was skipping ahead of Reo and Selene.)

Selene: "So Reo, I feel like it's been awhile since me and you have actually talked."

Reo: "Mhm."

(Reo acted like he didn't want to talk, but Selene hasn't talked to him in a while, she couldn't help but speak to him.)

Selene: "So, what have you been up to lately?"

Reo: "You know. We live in the same place."

(Selene knew Reo seemed distant and she didn't know why. They lived with each other for awhile so she assumed they had a special bond, but at the same time Sara is his sister and he acts cold to her too. Selene may never know why Reo is like this, but there is only one way to find out.)

Selene: "Reo, why do you stay away from people?"

Reo: "Huh?"

(Sara has told Selene before not to ask him anything about this at all. Reo is usually very private about his private life, but Selene couldn't help it. She wanted to know why Reo was distant with her, and she wanted to know now.)

Selene: "Well I just mean we've lived with each other before, and-"

Reo: "We live with each other now. The only difference is it's a nice place and I don't have to see you more than I want to. Our relationship has not changed whatsoever. Now leave me be."

(Reo walked ahead of her. He got defensive very fast, almost like he was hiding something. Selene knew there was something that Reo wasn't telling her, and she wanted to find out.)

Mr. Clone: "Alright, time to cook."

(Mr. Clone and Yui were in the kitchen getting ready to cook. Mr. Clone looked pumped and he was actually pumping up Yui. She thought Mr. Clone was kind of cool when he was talking with Kazu, but now she'd get a chance to really get to know him.)

Mr. Clone: "Alright, what are we making?"

Yui: "Well since the tournament is in four days we won't cook anything final today. So today we'll just I'll just be showing you exactly how to cook."

Mr. Clone: "Alright, this is awesome."

Yui: "Ok, first we'll need to buy ingredients. I'll show what everything is when we get there, and what each thing will be used for."

Mr. Clone: "Ok. Man this is so exciting."

(They left the mansion and headed to the store. They had to walk because Ruri and them took the van. It was the only vehicle they had. Technically Kazu himself didn't need a car or anything because of his core, but it would've been nice if he had some for his teammates. While walking down the street tons of people talked to Mr. Clone. They all seemed to recognize him.)

Woman: "Mr. Clone! Mr. Clone! Sign my shirt!"

Man: "Mr. Clone! Mr. Clone! Sign my shirt!"

Woman: "No, my shirt!"

Man: "No, mine!"

Mr. Clone: "Haha, no worries. I can sign both shirts. Using both of my hands."

(He pulled out two markers out of his pockets. He came prepared. He then wrote on both of their shirts very fast. When he was done you could barely make out a name.)

Woman: "Uh thanks."

Man: "Yeah, I can really uh show this off. Maybe. "

Mr. Clone: "Haha, no problem. Anything for fans."

(The fans walked away and Mr. Clone and Yui were by themselves again.)

Mr. Clone: *whisper* "Psst, do you think they knew I have bad handwriting?"

Yui: "Uh, maybe."

Mr. Clone: "Well let's hope not. I usually don't sign stuff. I have my clones do it."

Yui: "Wouldn't your clones have bad handwriting too?"

Mr. Clone: "Yes, but I blame that on the clones."

Yui: "Uh, oh ok."

(Yui was kind of jealous that no fans came to her. Of course Mr. Clone was a bigger hero than her, but she was kind of hoping that her own city would know of her by now. She can't do anything about it, but wait now. She turned the corner and ran right into a girl who was wearing a lot of blue.)

Blue Princess: "Ewwww a poor person touched me."

Yui: "Huh, how do you know I'm poor?"

Blue Princess: "Have you seen you? Whatever, I don't have time for this. Move it hobo, I have work to do."

Yui: "Can I ask what that work is?"

Blue Princess: "Uhhh, no you can't. It's important. Now move."

Yui: "I'm a hero and I want to know where you are going. So tell me."

Blue Princess: "I said move!"

Yui: "Make me."

(Blue Princess' eyes stared her down for a moment. Her blue fingernail was about to start glowing, but Mr. Clone stopped it.)

Mr. Clone: "Ladies calm down. Everything is alright. You can move along ma'am."

Blue Princess: "Don't tell me what to do, fatty."

Mr.Clone: "Fatty?"

(Blue Princess walked past them hitting her shoulder against Yui as she passed. Yui stared her down until she was out of sight.)

Mr. Clone: "Hey, do I look fat to you?"

Yui: "What? No, but why did you stop it. Someone had to teach that brat a lesson."

Mr. Clone: "You can't attack civilians like that. It's not very manly."

Yui: "Well I'm not a man."

(Yui walked past him and headed to the store.)

Mr. Clone: "Oh right."

(Mr. Clone followed her, but he wasn't done talking.)

Mr. Clone: "Then it's not very ladylike, or is that sexist. In a not sexist way it's not ladylike."

Yui: "That is kind of sexist, but it's whatever now. It's over."

Mr. Clone: "Well alright."

(Yui was tired of people treating others like whatever. She wanted to be a hero to show people that it doesn't matter who you are, you can be a hero.)

Kazu: "So what are your intentions with this tournament?"

Kirenia: "Huh?"

(Kazu and Kirenia were in Kazu's room. He was interrogating her to find out her past. He wanted to know as much as he could if she was going to be living with them. He has a laptop on his lap and was typing the stuff she was saying.)

Kazu: "Your intentions. Like why do you wanna be in the tournament?"

Kirena: "To show off. I want others to get the word that me and Shurui are heroes."

Kazu: "Ok ok, and are you and Shurui like related?"

Kirena: "Eh? Related? No."

Kazu: "Oh, Together?"

Kirenia: "Together?"

Kazu: "Yes together. Are you two dating?"

Kireina: "What, no!"

(Kireina slightly blushed at this.)

Kazu: "Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. So what are you? Just friends?"

Kirian: "Yes just friends. That live together."

Kazu: "Ha."

Kiriena: "What?"

Kazu: "Oh, nothing. Just reminded of someone."

(Kazu typed some more.)

Kazu: "Ok, now onto my favorite part."

Kiriena: "Which is?"

Kazu: "What is your core?"

Kiriena: "Pink flame."

Kazu: "Pink flame?"

Kiriena: "Yes.

(Kazu typed for a little bit, but he looked confused.)

Kazu: "I'm not finding any cores called pink flame."

Kiriena: "Guess I'm rare."

Kazu: "Ok, well can I get a description of your core."

Kiriena: "I can make and control pink fire. It can get hotter than the sun, but if I get too hot I can pass out. Sometimes if I lose control, I can't get rid of the fire."

Kazu: "Wait what? You can just get rid of it?"

Kiriena: "Yes. I can make it go away if I want, but if I lose control it will stay there… burning."

(Kirena stared at the floor for a second.)

Kazu: "Uh ok."

Kiriena: "It only happened one time. So don't worry".

Kazu: "Ok, well don't let the second time happen at the tournament. Now what about Shurui, what's his core details."

Kiriena: "His is metal controlling. He can control metal like he said before, but if he uses it too much he can get light headed. It doesn't affect him too much, but I don't want him getting hurt."

Kazu: "Well alright. He won't get too hurt, we'll have a healer type hero on the sidelines.

Mr. Clone said he hired one he knew."

Kiriena: "Good. Is that all you wanted me for? Can I go?"

(Kazu looked over his notes for a minute. He looked at her and nodded. She got up and left without another word. Kazu still didn't know what he thought of her. She still seemed shady. He will keep an eye on her while she stays here. Making sure she doesn't do anything suspicious.)

(Five kids were outside of a school. Three boys and two girls. Two of the guys were with each other, and the two girls were talking with each other too, but there was one guy being silent. His name was Suko Sakkaku. He was thinking to himself.)

Suko: *thoughts* "Principal Shuyona thought it was a good idea to take his strongest students to the tournament in the city. The number one hero was fighting and he thought it would be a nice field trip to see him fight. His strongest students were the five of us. Guren Lee, senior, 18 years old. He has a double-powered core, which is rare. I would know, I have one too. He has Telepathic and Telekinesis, so he can read other people's minds and move things with his mind too. A great combination. The one he keeps jumping on is Minori Haku, junior, 17 years old. His core is beast. He can change into a giant beast that makes him stronger and faster, but not as smart. I heard during his freshman year he attacked a few students in his beast form. This is before he knew how to control it. None died, but some were hurt. He obviously got better, because he was chosen for this. Next is Hona Haku, freshman, 15, Minori's younger sister. She's new, but she's apparently strong. Her core is compulsion. She can make anything in her line of sight compust, including people. Shuyona saw potential in this core, or he was afraid of what she'd do to him if she wasn't on the bus. Lastly, Rufa Saishu, senior, 18. Her core is invisibility. It might sound sucky, but her combat skills make it so much more. She helped stop Minori when he went beast mode crazy. If she could take on a beast, what else can she take on. Then there's me, I said I have a double-powered core, it's true. I have illusion and teleportation. With illusion, if I look into your eyes I can make you see stuff, and teleportation is self explanatory. If I use illusion too much I can go blind for a little bit and if I teleport too much I just get fatigued. Apparently Shuyona liked my abilities and what I could do, because he made me one of the few on the field trip. Not like I care, I don't really go to this school. I'm just here because my friend said it'll help us. Qui heard of this tournament and said we needed to get in this. I think she knew someone or something, but I don't care. She helps me when I go blind so I help her with this. She was there for me a lot though. Even when I was at my weakest. My family was killed by my own siblings. They were messed up in the head about something. I never knew why, but they let me live. I've never thought about it too much, I've been worrying about trying to stay alive in this economy. I don't think it messed me up too much, I'm not crazy. Then again, I'm talking to myself in my head."

Kai: "Sakkaku."

(Kai called for him. It wasn't much of a call than a regular talking voice, Kai was fairly quiet.)

Kai: "It's time to go."

(Suko nodded and headed onto the bus with the rest of the kids. They were probably going to help with setting up or learn about everyone's cores. The only thing Suko was worried about was how was Qui going to get in.)