chapter 6: the day we didn't want to see

[Yadara and Narimo getting their things ready for the beach]

Yadara: i'm so excited to go to the beach.

Narimo: yeah..we haven't been to the beach in a while.

Yadara: yeah it's been like six years since we've been to the beach.

Narimo: i just can't wait to go into the ocean.

Yadara: yeah it'll be fun.

[yadara and narimo walk down stairs to tell yoichi were they're going]

Yadara: hey were going to the beach for a little bit.. We'll be back later.

Yoichi: ok just make sure nothing happens.

Yadara: We won't.. If anything does happen we have our powers to protect us.

[yadara and narimo open the door leaving the house]

Narimo: we'll see you later.

Yoichi:ok you two have fun.

[the door closes and yadara and narimo begin their walk to the beach]

Yadara: i wonder when we'll be able to see mom again.

Narimo: I don't know.. Hopefully soon.

Yadara: yeah.. I just wish we didn't have to hide our powers from her.

Narimo: yeah.. But she'll find out eventually.

Yadara: Well, let's not worry about mom today.. I want to be able to enjoy the beach.

Narimo: Are you finally over worrying about mom constantly?.

Yadara: kind of not a whole lot though.

[narimo looks at the sky and see's a plane]

Narimo: do you think we'll ever be able to ride in a plane.

Yadara: I'm not sure.. Maybe one day.

Narimo: hey also when we get to the beach what do you think we should do first.

Yadara: i don't know about you but i'm jumping into the ocean as soon as we get there.

Narimo: i'll probably do the same.

[Yadara and narimo arrive at the beach]

Yadara: finally.. now we can do whatever we want.

Narimo: well not whatever we want.

Yadara: you know what i mean.

[yadara and narimo begin to laugh]

Yadara: oh yeah i forgot.

[yadara runs and jumps into the ocean]

Narimo: really?.

Yadara: what.. I told you it was the first thing i was doing once we got here.

Narimo: ok well let me go put our stuff down and i'll be in.

Yadara: ok just don't take to long.

Narimo: ok.. Whatever.

[narimo put their things down and looks into the distance and notices smoke]

Narimo: someone must be having a bonfire.

[narimo looks away from the smoke and runs to jump into the ocean with yadara]

Yadara: wow.. What took you so long.

Narimo: shut up.. I didn't take that long.

Yadara: ok whatever you say.

[yadara grins while pulling out a fake snake from his shorts]

Yadara: hey narimo.. I have a surprise for you.

Narimo: What is it?.

[yadara throws the fake snake at narimo]

[narimo screams at the fake snake and yadara begins to laugh]

Yadara: wow.. I can't believe you fell for that.

Narimo: Come on.. Really?.

Yadara: what.. I had to.

[narimo looks into the distance and notices there's more smoke]

Yadara: hey narimo.. What are you looking at.. Is it a guy?.

Narimo: no.. do you see that.

[narimo points to where the smoke is]

Yadara: It's just someone having a bonfire.. It's fine.

Narimo: no yadara.. The smoke keeps getting thicker.

Yadara: So what.. they could just be burning some wet things.

Narimo: i have a weird feeling about that smoke.

Yadara: ok.. Whatever you say.

[yadara goes back to playing in the ocean while narimo still looks at the smoke]

[narimo notices herds of people running towards them]

Narimo: hey Yadara.

Yadara: what?.

Narimo: why are there people running towards us.

Yadara: I don't know.. Maybe someone is having a race.

Narimo: there is no way that many people is having a race.

[narimo notices really tall flames]

Narimo: yadara!.. Someones setting the beach on fire.

[yadara see's the flames]

Yadara: oh crap.

Narimo: should we..

[yadara notices the flames getting closer]

Yadara: wait till they get a little closer then we will.. Because then no one will see us use them.

Narimo: ok.

Yadara: ok.. 3.. 2.. 1.

[yadara uses his red helix power to launch himself into the flames]

Furuta: oh there's another one of them power junkies.

Yadara: hey.. Who are you calling a junkie.

Furuta: oh.. My bad.. thief's.

Yadara: look.. i didn't want to fight anyone today.

Furuta: well im looking for a fight.

[furuta uses his pyrokinesis to try and burn yadara]

Yadara: So all you have is fire.. Huh.

Furuta: yeah.. So what.

[yadara laughs at furuta and uses his red helix powers to throw furuta into the ocean]

Yadara: well.. I guess that's done.

[yadara looks at narimo and notices she's scared about something]

Yadara: Hey narimo.. Are you ok?.

Narimo: no.. look at the beach.

[yadara looks at the beach and notices how many dead bodies there are]

Yadara: That guy.. Done all of this?.

Narimo: yeah.. Pretty much.

[Furuta comes back up out of the water]

Furuta: wow.. You thought that would stop me.

Yadara: well water does put out fire.

[yadara prepares to use his red helix power]

Narimo: no.. i have this one.

[yadara stands back]

Furuta: wow what's a little girl going to do.

Yadara: oh.. You'll see.

Narimo: this is for all the innocent people you killed.

[narimo uses her power to suck up furuta and wipe him out of existence]

Yadara: Did you know your power could do that?.

Narimo: no.. i guess it got stronger.

Yadara: Well now what.. The beach is pretty much ruined.

Narimo: i guess we get our things and go home.

[yadara and narimo go to grab their things and notice that yoichi is there]

Yoichi: what did i tell you two about your powers.

Yadara: I had it all planned out.. Once the flames got closer we used our powers because no one could see us.

Yoichi: yeah what about the time you threw that man into the ocean.. Or that time narimo wiped the man out of existence.

Narimo: Wait, how long have you been here?.

Yoichi: the whole time.

Yadara: how?.. you never left with us.

Yoichi: I have more powers than you think yadara.

Narimo: can we just go home.

[yoichi grabs both yadara and narimo and teleports them home]

Yadara: Wait, you have a teleportation power?.

[yoichi begins to laugh]

Yoichi: like i said yadara i'm not as weak as you think.

Narimo: when will we get to see more of your powers.

Yoichi: hopefully not anytime soon.

Yadara: why it's just your powers.

Yoichi: because my powers if they reach a certain percentage then they could erase the whole world.

Narimo: Wait, how?.

Yoichi: well.. I mix my powers so if two powers are a certain strength then it creates and entire new power which is stronger than the two that are mixed.

Yadara: So basically.. You can mix powers to gain strength?.

Yoichi: yeah pretty much.

Narimo: Are you the strongest one that has powers?.

Yoichi: no.. not really.

Yadara: wait.. then how can you almost erase the world if your not the strongest.

Yoichi: ok.. You got me, I can't erase the world.. But i am one of the strongest power wielders.

Narimo: oh ok.

Yoichi: but i do have to say both of you have gotten a lot stronger.

Yadara: does that mean were able to freely use our powers.

Yoichi: no.. but you two do have to be careful.. Dont forget people will do whatever it takes to have your powers.

chapter 7 September 30th