Level 2: Next level

Amy looked several times at the image and noticed a boy which they saw minutes earlier. Was this woman his mother? They hadn't found her mother after hours, now she showed herself at their face.

Amy held her face sternly and looked at the woman. "Madam your son is secure with us. You may come and see where he is."

As she stopped sobbing, she stood up and thanked them for their courtesy. "Thank you very much! Where is he? I need to meet him!" With dispatch, Amy responded, "Yes madam. Please this way!"

They all walked in a house that seemed burnt and still had the strong odor of smoke. In a corner, there was a chair and a child who was waiting desperately with a young woman at his side. The woman spontaneously recognized her son and was overjoyed at the sight of his little cheeky face.

The woman who was sitting beside the child appeared before them.

"Hello, is it the mommy of this little boy?" She spoke with laughter trying to flatter her.