First Day at the Academy

Terry was a tall boy with white hair and blue eyes. His hair was styled into a regulation cut, and he wore a black shirt, with a yellow trouser.

Everyone looked at the two of them, and Amy was extremely embarrassed to see him. "Terry, what are you doing here? I thought you had left a while ago."

Terry let out a smirk, and shrugged. "I simply wanted to stay and help the Mammy. By the way, I still love cooking. " He responded.

Afterwards, the Mammy came and stopped the talking, who was also slightly angered. "Stop talking and give me your document papers." Terry stayed quiet, trying not to frustrate the Mammy. Amy was relieved, and handed the papers to the old lady, who snatched them right away, to see them clearly. She took out glasses from her pockets and reviewed them with great experience and speed.