Strange dream

Amy, was sleeping, with her pale, white head; on her pillow and her body, in her pink sheets.

It was 3 p.m, in the evening, and the sun, was shining, of a luxuriant gold. Amy was having; her smartphone, and scrolled at it.

She saw photos, of her friends and herself; and the brief time — they passed, with each other. 

She smiled, and tossed herself, one more time — on the bed. 

She then, slowly, slowly, started forgetting herself and left, to the world of Sleeping fairy. Amy, was now sleeping, and she was motionless, on her bed. 

The blonde was, in the midst of a dream, and felt her body, lighter than usual. She was in a world — all in black. The only light, present; was on, her body. 

Her body was light and her surroundings — smoother. 

"What, ... what, is this place?" The blue-eyed girl, said; looking around her.