Time to Power

As I regained my consciousness, I awoke in an orphanage, and let us say the orphanage was horrible—the end of the chapter.

No, but really, the orphanage was bad. So bad, in fact, the Author here let me dialogue a bit.

Firstly, after leaving the hospital and being barely haphazardly buckled into an old car, we pulled up to what seemed to me was a closed-down asylum. I mean, this place looked like it was a star show on a paranormal show.

Because that is what she felt like, the warden had to get out of the car to pull open and close the iron gate that surrounded the property. As this was going on, the near earsplitting creaking bombarded my ears. The amount of rust on these hinges must have been unfathomable. She gets back in the car and pulls up to the front of the asylum; I mean orphanage.

The front of the building had ivy and moss growing all over it, some bricks were missing here and there along the outside, and the front yard looked like it only got trimmed once every 6 months. This at least told me I was in a humid state, most likely up north, near some water. You could see a few small faces peering out of the water-worn windows with some curiosity, but as soon as the warden took me out of the car, they bolted away. I was not sure if they were excited or angry. It turns out it was neither. The other kids were indifferent about the whole ordeal. They probably only saw me like another mouth to feed.

From what I garnered, this orphanage was not so well off. It really did not make sense to me as in my world; orphanages were gone by about 1960 and replaced by the foster care system. This was the MCU, though, and not my world, I thought. Anyway, after opening the big front door that had peeling paint and looked like it could have been exquisite at one point, I was finally able to see some other children. They were gaunt-looking and skinny as well. You could see some bruising here and there hidden by their clothes.

'This might end up being my hell,' I thought, a little scared of what is to come next. Upon looking around the room, I could see the deterioration of the place. It looked as though everything adult waist height and below was clean while stuff higher got dirtier and dirtier.

'I take it the kids are the cleaners in this place. It makes sense to me, though; chores should be spread out. But it doesn't look like the adults clean up very often.' was my first thought.

The interior of the place was wide open. You would walk right into a set of wide stairs that pulled off in both directions. Long hallways flanked both sides, which lead to, most likely, bedrooms. I was taken up those stairs and into one of the said bedrooms that seemed like a nursery. I was laid down in one of the cribs, and the lady left after covering me with a blanket. After that, I immediately fell asleep.


Life in the orphanage was not too pleasant. I was given formula once every four hours or thereabout, except at night where I was forced to go without. My hunger never really went away as I got older the feedings would get further away in time. I started eating the solid food known as slop in the place around six months in.

I did not want to be labeled a genius in a place like this as it did not feel brilliant. I began 'attempting' how to walk around one year old. I obviously knew how to prior, but I did not want a label placed on me. Time flew by, and I was around two now. I started talking at this point. Small things at first, and I slowly increased my dialect as I got closer to three.

I started realizing early that people would come by about every three months. They usually wore suits, and there was always someone that looked like a scientist. They would look over children and pick out ones that seemed random. I figured them out after the 3rd time they were here and saw the same setup multiple times. They were most likely looking for mutants: Hydra or some other organization. I tried to stay away from these people. I was not always that lucky, but I was lucky enough to avoid their suspicion. There would also be couples that came to the adoption clinic we were taken to once in a blue moon that would be adopting. I tried to make these people happy.


Soon I was four, and I started helping with chores around the place at this point. Many children came in and out of this place. I was quite surprised I have not been tested on or shown even an inkling of curiosity from the suits coming in and out.

'It's almost like divine intervention...' I thought

Anyways this is when the warden deemed it necessary to punish those that do not listen and 'correct' bad behavior—basically, anything she deemed annoying. You were forced to skip the measly meal you were given, beaten, or just charged with more chores. This is when I found out I had a surprisingly good healing capability. I was not sure what was going on, but my bruises healed three-quarters of the time others did. I also noticed that my body did not really grow weak like the other kids, and I was taller than those of the same age or even a few years older. My body was growing perfectly despite being hungry and undernourished in this place.

Right before my 5th birthday, I had gotten in extreme trouble trying to sneak into the kitchen to get more food for the other kids and me. I was beaten black and blue and thrown into a little closet. I lost my meals for the next day. I was starving when I got out and had to wait for breakfast to come the next day. This is the point where my life changed entirely.


As I get up from the wooden bed, I am on my stomach rumbles. I had not eaten since lunch two days ago. That was the reason I tried to sneak into the kitchen late that night. I was not the only one to go hungry either; the Warden caught a couple of us outside the house near the gate. That was a big no for the Warden. I guess she did not like that passersby could see us out there. Anyways breakfast was in 15 minutes, and if I missed that, I would not eat until lunch. I did not realize today kids put on their long sleeves and pants to go out and visit the center families come to for adoption. I rushed out of my room and right into the Warden, and let me tell you; she was pissed. She ended up locking me in the closet again. I was devastated as I was so hungry. My head started spinning, and I ended up passing out.


'Ah, I'm so hungry, I thought as I woke up to my stomach gurgling and in pain. The other kids had left for the day. They will be back before dinner. The warden was still here, though, as I heard her footsteps coming closer. She threw open the door, and I realized just by the gaze she was giving me that I would not have a good time.

"Listen here, you little shit. Do not ever run into me again. I...Will...Not...Tolerate...It..." every word she said invited another slap.

'She is not holding back this time. What is her problem?' I thought as she dragged me by my arm out of the closet.

"You have been a thorn in my side since you got here. We do not take babies. I had to set up a room just for you before you got here. I hate having to work with you stupid children, but the pay from certain organizations is decent. Let's go outside for a walk, shall we?" She stated very sternly as she grabbed my shoulder and lifted me. She started walking out the back door and into the blinding light of the sun. We walked towards the fencing we were never allowed near.

"Now, boy, start digging. You won't be seeing the light of tomorrow. No one seems to want you, and we are getting more mouths to feed starting tomorrow." She said

"What? Nononono. I won't be doing shit for you." I said, starting to get angry.

'Who the fuck does this woman think she is. I can't believe what she is saying.' I was flummoxed

"What did you say, boy?" She said as she stepped forward and slapped me across the face sending me sprawling. She then tried to step on one of my legs and attempted to stomp down. I entered a sort of daze before….


A massive amount of energy came out of me and pushed the Warden back. I was levitating from a horizontal position into a vertical. My feet were inches from the ground. My bio-electric aura snapped into place just as suddenly. Information on it came entering straight into my head. The only thing that did not make sense to me was that it prevented psychics and telepathy.

'Neat. That's new,' I thought. Superman did not have this. I looked at where the Warden landed. It was not pretty. She ended up smashed almost through the iron fence, which had bent outwards. Half of the house was also destroyed.

'Well shit,' I thought, and then I passed out.