I was about twelve now; I have been trying this for a few years. I know that Superman could not do this until he was much older, but I told myself that the only reason he could not do it was that he did not know he could. I was standing atop a big building in the center of the city, and it was around one in the morning.
I tested out how strong a hit I could take by throwing boulders then running forward to get hit by them in the forest, which caused a riot in the city when the locals heard big bangs and crashes. The police came to the forest to investigate, so I had to hightail it out there. They had stayed for a good week, constantly trying to find out what was going on.
So anyway, I knew my body was strong, but the feeling I was getting right now had to come from my past life. For some reason, I never really got over my fear of heights, and it happened to be affecting me right now. After thinking back to what happened at the orphanage, I really wanted to fly, and I had the big idea to throw myself off a tall ass building. Yeah was not the best idea I have ever had, but I seem to be stuck right now, and I wanted a way to get through this bottleneck.
Before I could pussy out, I threw myself off said building, and I fell. I was not very elegant about hitting the concrete road either. I groaned as I got up and popped my shoulders and neck, and then I saw lights coming on in the nearby buildings. I also heard a siren in the distance.
'Damn, these guys sure work fast,' I thought as I looked down to see the cracks and an image of what could only be a small person imprinted in the middle of the road.
Let's say that I did not do that again. I did, however, practice just about everything I could to fly, until finally, when I had just turned 15, a little over 10 years of being here, I was able to take off from the ground. Mind you; I was not particularly good at it at first. I did summersaults and flips in the air trying to control myself, and I could only go extremely slowly as well. It took a bit to finally get up to a car's speed and remain in control of myself while in the air.
Backtrack a bit, and we are again training to see how strong I have become; I was currently 13. I was able to stack cars on top of themselves in the scrapyard or training yard, as I liked to call it. The dude that owns this place is fat and loves to drink. He is usually asleep early due to his drinking.
Once in a while, I could see other guys come and bring in some bodies in bags; I could discern this by activating my X-ray vision I happened to activate while looking at a beautiful woman. The rest of that day was horrid, though; I got scared seeing a particularly fucked up dude. I do not even want to go into detail.
Anyway, I memorized the feeling and started training by looking through trees and boulders out in the forest. I got it down fast and was able to master it in the middle of my 7th year here. Getting back on track, it seems I have free rein here in the scrapyard after a certain time. I started with the stack of three cars. (each vehicle will be about two tons) I spread my aura throughout the material and could easily lift said stack. Since that was easy, I moved over to the seven stacked pile, again easily lifted. I thought back to pulling out that tree, 'it had to have been much heavier than anything I am going to get here.' I thought to myself, and then I heard heavy-set footsteps behind me. 'Aw shit, I got caught.'
I turned around to see the fat keeper of these grounds, but he did not seem to be stopping anytime soon. He soon stood before me and reached out one of his hands which I backstepped easily.
"I will get off the property chill out, man. I have not hurt anything or anyone. I was looking for my lost dog." I said to try to get him to leave me alone, but that did not work as he tried to reach out again towards me. So, I slapped his hand away, and he did not seem to like that as a sneer plastered his face.
"What the hell, man. Why would you reach out and try to grab someone like that? At least tell me what you want or something." I said as I retreated again and took a better look at this dude. He was bald, fat, and wore something that the homeless would be caught dead in.
"I shouldn't have to tell you, anything boy, you are trespassing, and now that you are on my property, you will be mine too. I am sure the boys would fetch a fine price for you. I will take what I can get in the meantime." He said as he approached me again and started taking off his belt. " Don't think about running, little boy. I could tell the rest of the fellas to find you. It would only be a matter of time before they did."
" OH, you don't have to worry about that, mister. I would not dream of running." I said as a cold gleam passed through my eyes. As he drew close enough, I stomped on his foot. I do not think he realized what happened as my foot passed through his and two inches into the ground. He just stood there with that stupid ass smile on his face till he looked down.
"Ahhhhhhh," he screamed out as he fell backward. At this point, I dragged him by his neck towards the pile of cars next to us. I think he was still in shock as he did not fight back much. As soon as I let him go, he started to fight back by trying to grab onto me. I just slapped him hard enough to knock him out.
I heard running behind me and looked back to see a dog mid-jump towards me with his fangs out and another about 10 meters behind. I just lifted my arm and slapped said dog away. With a yelp, he hit the ground, rolled a couple of times, and got up and limped away. I held back as not to kill or fatally wound it. The other dog stopped in its tracks as I looked at it, then turned around and ran.
As for the dick laying on the ground, I put him into a position where the cars would fall over; he would be impaled multiple times but not die right off the bat. Slowly bleed out. One of his lungs would be impaled, so he could not take in enough air to scream. As I got him where I wanted, I fetched some water from a bucket nearby as it just rained. I pushed the cars over and sped over to throw the water on his face. He awoke to the mass impacting him before he could scream.
'Fucking pedos,' I thought as I just walked off, leaving him there to die. I did not get 30 feet before I puked.
Training the body was not the only thing I did while in Virginia. I finally went into a library safely at the age of 13. I was sitting at about 5' 6," and that was enough to pass as a high schooler. Thus, I studied everything I could. They did not have anything really over the freshmen college level, but I could still get myself smart enough to pass any high school senior exam plus some.
I always took time from my training at least once a week to visit the library for either the computer access or books that I could not read. I read anything from computers to architecture, biology, and chemistry, engineering of every type; I even snuck in some fictitious material when I was truly feeling bored. Soon the books did nothing for me, and that is when I went to the computer to up my understanding in all types of different fields. My eidetic memory and enhanced intelligence showed themselves to be quite useful, and out of all my abilities, I did not need to train them as much.
This brings us to the present. Currently, I was on top of a building, looking towards a building that was ablaze. Staring into this mess, I could see a few firefighters and multiple civilians trapped on the top floor. They were running up the stairs towards the roof to most likely get into a good position to jump onto the inflatables they were blowing up on the ground.
I was wearing a cheap-looking mask, a red sweater hoody, and just some blue jeans. At 15, going on 16, I stood at an even six foot, and I was built like a slightly oversized swimmer. My mass was compact, but you could easily see I had the muscle behind it. I cut my black hair to be a buzz cut with a medium fade, but no one could see that as I had the hood up over the top of the white mask on my face. I knew these guys were not going to all make it off the building before the top floor collapsed, so I flew over from the building I was currently on. I could hear everyone down below talking and pointing at me as I went. As soon as I reached the building, the door opened, and out came about 10 people.
"Hurry up and come over to me. I can get you all down safely, but we do not have enough time, dally." I said, and they all stared at me wide-eyed.
"Come on, guys. Let the civilians go first. As he said, time is of the essence. You sure you can get these people down safely, right?" he asked me in a hushed whisper which I just ignored and started to float up. I then reached out and grabbed two people and stepped off the side of the building with them screaming in my ear. Before I would land, I would flare my aura around the two for protection. I then dropped them off and leaped right back up for more. I did this a few times before the firefighter that talked to me made it down last. As that happened, the top of the roof collapsed, and everyone gasped. I safely went down with the guy, and everyone turned their cameras and faces towards me. Before they could rush me, I just jumped up and flew off, heading north.
'New York, I hope your ready cause here I come.'
It is currently 2009. The age of the MC is 15 going on 16. He does have all his abilities learned, and most of them mastered. He can lift about 1500 tons, but that does not mean he can exert all of that yet. He can fly at around 200 miles per hour. He can slow time to a near stop by speeding up his perception for as long as he wants without issues and can run around 500 miles per hour on a flat top. That does not mean he cannot go faster. He is just able to control it better. Most of the issues will arise with him having control of said ability.