The world anew

"This is really something else,"

through her surprised eyes, an overhead view of a glorious kingdom was seen through the crystal sphere. The kingdom was blended in the atmosphere of magic and advanced technology.

Her eyes' attention were caught, when she saw there were lots of glowing streaks of bright rainbow lights beneath the paved ground,

"Ooooooh! Nice lights!"

Around the whole area, crystal-like buildings and monuments were emanating vibes of magical energy.

Pale white people wearing black uniforms were moving through the airspace.

She was dumfounded when they were riding on abyss-colored metal broomsticks that weren't suited in a medieval realm,

"Hard brooms or was it?"

All in all, the whole place looked-like it was a world made out of crystal and an otherworldly advanced civilazation filled with immense magic.

"Now let's see what are my people doing, I'm sure they're worshipping me even more! Mmmmhhhmmm!"

She swiped her fingers to the left, as if she was making a gesture on a screen.

Soon, the view of the crystal ball's screen had changed.

There, she witnessed that her emotionless-looking people passed-by the emptied pedestals that had the name engraved, Goddess Thelamia.

Thelamia herself was filled with shock once more,

"Wh-where are all my statues?!"

The Goddesses nearby were just dumbfounded as well.

Suddenly, in front of Thelamia's face, a holographic screen popped out. There, she saw the text, GODDESS THELAMIA RELEVANCE 7%.

Even the other Goddesses were even more confused,

"That's weird. Out of the other worlds, your people before were worshipping you like no tomorrow."

Thelamia just nodded with a disturbed look. The Goddess beside her crossed her arms,

"I think you should go back to your world Thamy. To see what's really going on. Before the CELESTIA HEAVENS COUNCIL KNOW ABOUT THIS."

The others agreed as well,


Thelamia felt under the weather,

"Sigh...I guess so."

After a while, the depressed Thelamia went outside, while she was carrying the sleeping Spheera.

Thelamia's mind was floating above the gray clouds,

"I wonder why my people had lost faith in me."

Gee, I wonder why.

The adorable Goddess herself was about to pour out liquid crystal fragments from her eyes as she had seen something dire before. As her eyes took a glance at her own fading hands, she grit her teeth full of frustrations and filled herself with determination instead,

"Eiiiiyyy! Doing nothing won't solve anything! Time to see what's going on!"

Spheera woke up looking very energized and it started to float,

"Uvvvuuuu...Thamy? What's up?"

The ball kitten looked around immediately,

"And I thought we were still at the beach?"

Thelamia grabbed Spheera abruptly. Then, she looked at her ball kitten straight with a confident smile,

"Spheera, we should get back to our world."

Spheera just reacted mildly,

"Uh huh..."

Thelamia's left hand brought out a golden card stuck in-between her breasts. Her huge peaches of divine heavens jiggled, as those were jellies of cuteness and succulence.

The card was raised up high after that.

Then, she cast out,


A shroud of blinding light had shone upon them once again. Not much soon, bright golden stars burst out and the two of them vanished into the fray.

In a split second, Thelamia and the floating ball kitten Spheera landed at the rocky entrance of a floating kingdom above the skies.

When Thelamia looked down, the only thing she could see was the sheet of clouds and the misty terrain below,

"Woah! How high is this place?"

Later, she had stopped looking down.

She continued forward and Spheera tagged along as well.

They traversed the long-winding bridge.

She noticed that it was made out of polished quartz filled with magical stardust along the area.

Suddenly, Thelamia's attention was caught above.

"Are those...broomsticks,"

she pointed at the clear sky.

Although, when she looked at them closely, the pale-skinned people weren't riding on wooden sticks. Rather, they were riding on long snipers that would raze through the battlefield. More so, they were wearing matching uniforms inspired by the navy seeped in bold black.

"Guess they're not...and those things are new? Reminds me and Julie's old world."

We all know what that means.

After that, Thelamia continued to ask more questions,

"How long was I sleeping even? And what is this place? Where's Zero greeting me, WELCOME BACK MY DEAR BELOVED GODDESS?"

Spheera just sighed, since its master is acting like a curious and demanding kid,


Thankfully, Thelamia had stopped wandering above the clouds and resumed on their current journey of moving along the magical crystal bridge.

While they were moving farther away, Thelamia was now seeing the vast and towering walls protruding with gargantuan topaz. Those gemstone were dazzling, as those were spikes of lethal beauty.

More so, the walls had hollowed gaps that were flowing out beautiful waterfalls down below the skies.

In turn, she was even more amazed with her sparkling eyes of an eager schoolgirl from a rural area,

"This place really looks cool!"

There after, she held her hips and made a proud smile,

"I guess my people have been PROGRESSING their CIVILIZATION fast huh? Even without my BENEVOLENT help."

Spheera just expressed itself filled with doubts,

"Yeah...TOO FAST..."

As soon as they arrived at the hollow entrance, there were no guards for some reason.

Thereon, they just sneaked inside and passed through easily.

When they entered at the heart of the kingdom, Thelamia's eyes were filled with immense surprise,


There, she saw that there were huge buildings and shops. Though, those places were carved from magical crystals that looked-like they emerged from the ground.

As they continued to wander around some more, there were lots of big mechanical contraptions made from otherworldly polished metal. Those contraptions had arcane magical vibes, as those had floating orbs of assorted colors as well.

From afar, there were lots of obelisks that had glowing glyphs of unfamiliar writing. Thelamia tried to read them,

"Zhuxel maza avis il maxima deus bevrias..."

Then, Thelamia tried to decipher it hardly,

"Zhu..the benevo...lence maix...maln? Ar...huh?"

Sadly, she was just dumbfounded by her own words.

Spheera just sighed, as its master sucked at deciphering.

When Thelamia looked down, the runic floor had glowing streaks of prismatic colors, as she had seen before from the crystal sphere.

One thing that caugh her attention was a pyramid-like temple structure that had narrow steps on all-four corners called ziggurat. The ziggurat even had a huge floating diamond on top.

Around her, there were white-skinned people wearing white long sleeves and pants with golden designs, as if they were wearing uniforms. Then, Thelamia was deep in her thoughts,

"I guess these are my people?"

Though, she also noticed that they had emotionless and nervous faces for some reason,

"But why do they look so lifeless?"

Spheera looked sad as well.

For a while, they traversed through the amazing, yet gray place and arrived at the prestigious golden gates.

Her eyes perceived an intriguing place beyond the barring gates,

"Crystal castle?"

The place was a gargantuan castle with four keeps made out of the finest cluster of obsidian and azure crystals. The whole castle itself was carved into the perfection of dazzling and glamour fit for a very honorable noble.

Thelamia was just awestruck and didn't bother to enter it, as there were army guys guarding the gates who had auto-rifles made out of crystals.

Instead, her eyes' attention were caught on the nearby pedestals that had her name engraved on those.

She looked listless and closed her eyes, thinking of something.

Spheera was filled with worry for its master,

"Ugh, Thamy? What are you planning?"

Thelamia didn't reply. Instead, she stood up on one of the pedestals and shouted at the lifeless people strolling along,


Thelamia startled the guards and the citizens. Even Spheera was flabbergasted as well.

A proud smile was made by the silly Goddess, when she caught their attention.

Though, she still continued on her blabbering,


The commoners started to crowd on her.

Although, they were just dumbfounded.

For them, they were seeing Thelamia was just a girl who became bonkers. Bad rumors and murmurs about her started to course around them.

Sadly, Thelamia didn't stop being arrogant and she added strong gestures now,


Then, she spouted more,


The guards nodded at each other with composed looks.

Spheera was filled with over the top worry, when it saw the security's reaction, so it went to its master's backside,

"Tha-Thamy...I-I think you should..."

Thelamia truned around with a confused smile,


Suddenly, the guards vanished into the darkness.

In the speed of light, the guard unleashed a lethal straight jab to her stomach, making Thelamia to feel the jolt of pain,


In mere seconds, her senses started to weaken gradually.

Then, she was unconscious and fell down on the ground.

The only thing she could do was to ask herself before she dove into complete slumber,

"What's going on?"

After that, all of her senses went void.

Sooner or later, her senses and eyes started to open. Sadly, her eyesight was still blurry. The only thing she could clearly see was a dimmed light bulb at the wooden ceiling her whole senses regained consciousness.

Her bottom felt that she was sitting on a comfortable couch. She tried to move her hands yet, she was shackled by sturdy platinum chains harder than titanium.

" I've been captured and what is this place?"

She asked herself and looked around.

Through her blurred eyes, the whole place was different than before. She observed she was in a storage room at a non-maintained basement.

There were lots of antiques, paintings, artifacts, and dusty furniture that the nobles had disposed of. Also, there were statues of hers that were even more appealing and divine-like than her current form, for some reason.

The metal door opened and a daring guy had appeared for Thelamia's eyes to see.

He made a proud grin of a menace and crossed his arms, as he saw the pink-haired Goddess shackled in chains.

He spread his wings of an infernal dragon as well.

Thelamia was filled with overflowing surprise when she saw him. It's as if she was already familiar with him,

"Is that?!"

The man approached her and held her chin. Then, he spoke with a voice of a scheming demon that would make any woman's flower feel moist from excitement,

"Good morning my dear idiot Goddess."

Thelamia assumed,

"Z-Zero? Is that you?"

The guy just made a sarcastic smirk and revealed his sharp fangs of a vampire,

"No, I'm Genocide."

Then, he told more,


Soon enough, Thelamia's eyesight started to return to its clear state. In front of her face, she saw Genocide.

In an instant, her molten core skipped a sudden beat.

She witnessed that Genocide had a pale yet glimmering skin comparable to a mythical vampire.

His stature was a towering 6' 0" that would be perfect for a model in his 24s.

Genocide rubbed his silky obsidian wavy hair that had blazing crimson spikes at the sides,

"It's so hot here."

His hair would strike fear and terror to anyone.

When Thelamia stared at him, his looks were very much appealing. Genocide's fierce eagle-like eyes of crimson and amber would make any virgin woman fall for him.

He just grinned, as the Goddess was acting strange,

"What's wrong idiot Goddess?"

Even, his smile was similar to a daredevil that could even lure angels to love him.

He licked his own nice set of lips such as Thelamia was a delicious meal for him. His lips could give any lady a kiss worthy of beautiful death.

His nose was well formed too.

In total, his profile was fit for a perfect actor of a handsome demon lord. If those features weren't enough to please any woman's desire, his body was amazing as well.

He remembered something and stood up,

"Oh yeah, I forgot! Mom's asking for that thing here."

Genocide went to the right side of the area and tried to reach an item from the top of the shelf.

He brushed away the dust that his high ranking army uniform had accumulated.

As Thelamia focused on his outfit, she took notice that it was seeped in shining gold and inked in abyss black fit for a badass pilot.

Behind Genocide's uniform, his broad V-shaped body and well proportioned muscles could make any woman melt in hellish passion.

His hands wearing black gloves tightly gripped the dangling golden chains of a gangster that could strangle any masochistic woman into excitement,

"Tch! It's not here."

Thelamia's eyes looked down below. She observed that his pants inked in darkness were very sleek covering his sturdy legs fit for a dance and battleground.

In between his legs, he was hiding a promising magnum that would make any woman scream in pleasure.

Thelamia gulped, as she shouldn't have laid her eyes on his bulge.

Genocide made a sarcastic smile, as he sensed that Thelamia was staring where she shouldn't,

"And where do you think you're looking at?"

Thelamia felt a little nervous.

Genocide's tight army shoes were always polished thoroughly.

Afterwards, he tipped off his captain cap with a golden crystal emblem,

"Right, I guess it's not here."

Last but not the least, his wings of a molten dragon and vampiric fangs could strike terror to anyone's spine that would dare to cross him.

Thelamia was filled with intrigue deep in her mind, regarding Genocide's previous statement,

"Eh? My current hero had a son now? And my hero Zero is the SUPREME GENERIA? A king in other terms?! And who's his wife?"

Though, she felt disappointed afterwards,

"Awww, I really liked Zero. I can't believe he's already married to another woman now."

Later, she had stopped having her mind above the clouds and looked at Genocide straight in the eye. As she had laid eyes upon Genocide's grin of a devil, the Goddess herself gulped as she was a cowardly cat.

Then, she asked herself more questions in her thoughts to break away from her own fears,

"Also, how long have I been sleeping?"