Crysalis Journey

Zooming back at Thelamia's instance, Goddess Thelamia, Genocide, and Spheera were moving along at a narrow passage.

It looked-like an escape route from a dungeon.

Though, Thelamia's attention was caught by the dazzling and colorful crystals sprouting along the floor.

"This place is so rich with CRYSALIS! I wonder where they got many of these RARE magic crystals!"

To her eyes, it's as if the luminous place was a secret spring leading to a crystal garden.

Genocide just made a proud grin, as the Goddess herself was acting like an amazed little girl.

When she took a straight glance, a glimpse of light was seen. She grew overly excited and pointed at the light,

"I see the light! Let's go!"

In a jiffy, she raced through the pathway, heading towards the bright light.

Genocide just scratched the back of his head and made a smile,

"This is one lively Goddess..."

While for Spheera, it just sighed,

"I know right."

As Thelamia pounced and passed through the light, she saw the bright blue skies above and the divine amethyst sun radiating bright as ever.

Her eyes twinkled with immense excitement of a shining maiden,

"Finally! The skies and Zolaria!"

Her whole body had a fuzzy feeling, as she was truly a free bird who witnessed the breezing skies once again.

Soon enough, she felt that there was no platform below and she was high above the skies,


She turned around and saw that the dungeon was at the highest area of the keep.

As soon as Genocide caught up with her from standing at the edge of the keep, he just crossed his arms and made a sarcastic sigh from behind,

"Truly a careless Goddess..."

That next moment, she was falling down gradually without any poise whatsoever.

Thus, her scanadalous screams could be heard miles away,


Genocide's body wreathed in darkness vanished. In a snap, he appeared beneath the grassy ground and let out abyssal gales. At that exact moment, he caught Thelamia in an elegant way.

Thus, Thelamia was saved from crashing to the hard ground.

As Spheera caught up with them, it witnessed that the knight-like Genocide was lifting Thelamia, as she was an adorable princess,


Then, Spheera brought out a camera lens and started to take pictures of them relentlessly.

Genocide gave off a daring smile to Thelamia,

"You are one reckless princess you know that?"

Thelamia became flustered as a bright fresh tomato when her eyes laid upon Genocide's handsome smile. Though, she just looked away immediately,

"Y-you can let me down now.".

As Thelamia was made to stand on her two legs, she felt that her core of warmth skipped a beat.

Thankfully, her racing heart subsided and her beat was back to normal sooner or later.

As soon as she looked around, she was be dazzled by the forest that was decorated in azure shining fragments outside the castle backdoors.

Spheera looked at Genocide,

"So what's the next plan?"

Genocide made a grin and gesture,

"Follow me."

Then, he went on ahead.

Spheera and Thelamia turned to look at each other as they were doubtful for some reason. Although, soon enough, they just nodded at each other and followed Genocide through the thick bushy forest.

Spheera and Thelamia were behind Genocide.

Though, Thelamia's eyes were amazed once again. She witnessed that the trees had golden sparkling gemstones protruding from their barks and roots. Their leaves were dyed in teardrops of sapphire.

For her eyes, it was a vast and mystical crystal garden but, she was somehow filled with doubts,

"I don't remember making this place...but this place looks neater than the secret passage!"

Yeah, since this Goddess right here was just dozing off before.

Genocide was taking a glance at the awe-inspired Thelamia, while they were moving along the dazzling forest basked in morning violet sunshine of serenity.

He scratched his chin, as he was convinced in his thoughts,

"So this Goddess likes this place huh. I guess she's the same as mom...who loves sparkly crystals."

Strangely enough, he had worries in his thoughts,

"I hope mom and dad wouldn't mind that I'm taking this captive girl on a stroll though."

Behind them, there seemed to be a visage of a woman wearing a hood from the abyss, who was watching them from the tree trunk's shadow.

She looked at her flawless ringfinger that had a symbol of eternal marriage embedded with a nether crystal of prestige.

Her voice of whispering elegance was heard softly afterwards,

"I'm sorry...Thamy."

In a blink of an eye, her presence vanished from the fray. Then, she let out the surging stardust of darkness in the aftermath.

That sudden moment, Thelamia turned around, as she noticed something strange,

"Hm? Was that?"

Spheera, was a little startled as well.

Although, Thelamia just didn't mind it that much in her thoughts,

"Nevermind...I must be imagining things."

Thus, they continued on their pacing and the chilliy air was felt no more.

Genocide removed his cold mask and made a friendly smile instead, while he was moving forward,

"You two are quiet huh? Don't worry I won't bite, although..."

He scratched his chin,

"I could SNIFF that your blood is very enticing, my dear Goddess..."

In a snap, he looked at the skies above with his glorious pose, while walking,


Goosebumps was felt by Thelamia when she heard the abrupt and weird poetic statement from Genocide's shameless mouth. Thereupon, she was very much crept out in her thoughts as well,

"Th-this guy is creeping me out even more."

Spheera just expressed itself,

"Great, this guy is another weirdo like Zero. Yeah, this is Zero's a more annoying way."

Suddenly, Genocide stopped and tiwsted his body to look at Thelamia.

Both Spheera and Thelamia were dumbstruck.

Genocide made a cunning smile and crossed his arms,

"Also my dear NAIVE Goddess, do you know what race I am?"

He spread out his glorious draconic infernal wings and revealed his sharp fangs of a vampire for Thelamia's eyes to see.

Thelamia was made to touch her lips and guess inside her thoughts,

"Hmmmm...The people's races I chose to let them live in this world are: civil vampires, golden elves, hyper demi-dragons, night lamias, sand harpies, crystal fairies, eterlycans, and I forgot some others..."

Yeah, this Goddess is kinda forgetful too.

It seemed the Celestia Goddesses and Gods of each various world can choose which race of intelligent creatures to walk along their worlds, as this silly Goddess said.

Afterwards, Thelamia made her decision and looked at Genocide,

" my world's simple terms, you're a vampire?"

Genocide replied back,

"Ohhhh! So close but yes I am a vampire but, also a demi-dragon. You could call me a HYBRID, my humble Goddess."

He bowed, as he was an elegant noble.

Thelamia gulped as she heard something very alarming to her elven ears, turning her to be quite shocked,


Then, her finger pointed at him straight with a troubled look on her face,


Genocide just scoffed with a grin,

"Ask my REBEL father and LUSTFUL mother about that."

Genocide stopped conversing and they continued to resume the journey.

Thelamia was speechless. The only thing she could do was to grind her teeth, clench her fists, and to be frustrated in her deep thoughts,

"Darn! They even disobeyed my rules when I was gone!"

For some strange reason, the eyes of Thelamia were filled with curiousity. Even in her deep thoughts she was filled with doubts, as she remembered something recently,

"Wait, he has dragon blood? And those wings look familiar."

Spheera, was becoming impatient, so she asked Genocide behind,

"So what's your plan now, son of Zero? And where are you really taking us?"

Genocide paused and scratched his back again. His smile looked embarassed somehow,

"Hmmmmm...honestly, I forgot."

There was a woosh in the air, as Genocide's answer was nerve-racking.

Thelamia was just speechless with a confused face,


Spheera blew its top,

"WHAT?! YOU FORGOT?! You're just like Zero! No, YOU'RE EVEN WORSE! Forgetting the important tidbits!"

Thelamia noticed that she was fading again little by little,

"Huwwaaahhh! I'm fading again!"

In a jiffy, Genocide prayed solemnly in front of her again and Thelamia had stopped disappearing.

Thus, her divine skin was saved and she felt relieved, holding her chest,


Genocide suggested to them, while he was holding his own hips,

"For now, I think we should have an idea in order for this Goddess's existence to stabilize from time to time. While I remember where we should go supposedly."

After that, the three of them stopped on their adventure and idled for a while at a stump nearby.

Thelamia was humming as a charming little girl, while she was sitting on the stump.

As for Spheera and Genocide, they were deciding in their thoughts,


Thankfully, Thelamia was thinking in her thoughts as well, behind her airheaded actions,

"A way for my existence to be stable for a long time huh."

Suddenly, Spheera hatched an idea,

"Aha! I have an idea!"

Genocide asked,

"Hm? What is it ball kitten?"

Spheera's look shifted towards Thelamia,

"Thamy! Let's summon a demon or a soulless monster! We let it havoc near the castle before. Then, we slay it and save the day! So that those civil vampire people of yours would worship you again and won't call you a crazy girl!"


Thelamia was just speechless and tilted her head sidewards.

Genocide's laughter caused the ground to tremble, while he had teary eyes, as he couldn't believe Spheera had just said,

"Gahahahahahahaha! A Goddess summoning a monster!"

He made a hilarious facepalm and couldn't stop laughing,

"How ironic. But I like your EVIL THINKING Spheera."

He flicked Spheera's metal head afterwards.

Spheera wasn't pleased of Genocide's response, so Spheera retorted with a fuming expression,

"Nnnnnghhh! It's not evil! This is just one of the necessary and approved ways for a deity to the the people worship him/her. If push comes to shove."

Genocide scratched his chin and he was filled with eagerness, as he heard something intriguing,

"Judging by what you've said. Then, most deities who do these methods are DIABOLICAL then."

Spheera and Thelamia didn't reply back somehow.

Although, Genocide wasn't that much bothered. Rather, his interest increased even more,

"But still, let's do it. My FLAMEBREAKER is thirsty for some action!"

Thelamia witnessed that Genocide's hand was contracting in and out, as it was a claw ready to gourge out his enemies.

His eyes were filled with fiery determination and devious sinistry.

To Thelamia's eyes, she was seeing Genocide as a villainous guy with evil intentions, making her to sweat heavily.

The eager Genocide took a glance at Thelamia,

"My dear COWARDLY Goddess, if you would?"

Thelamia had stopped being stunned. She composed her nerves and replied back complacently with added gestures,

"Yeah sure why not. I just hope some people won't find out that we're the ones who caused this."

Genocide felt kinda worried in his thoughts too,

"Yes, as I just hope my mom and dad wouldn't find it out as well. Since, they could sweep the strongest monsters in a flash."

Thelamia brought out her pink smartphone that was attached to her leggings that had a thin leather belt.

Genocide noticed that her smartphone had a small white kitten attached,

"Nice kitty cat keychain you have."

Thelamia just ignored his sudden compliment, as she already knew that he'll diss her soon enough.

As she fiddled with her phone's screen, she was confused somehow,


She made rapid tappings on the screen as fast as she can. Although, nothing seemed to happen.

Spheera asked her,

"What's wrong Thamy?"

Thelamia responded,

"It won't allow me. It says access denied since my Goddess relevance is so low now."

Spheera was convinced,

"So that's also affected huh."

When, Genocide heard the unfamiliar conversation from the two, he was filled with deep intrigue in his thoughts,

"They do really have a system huh. Heh! I'll prove to mom and dad that I am correct about the OTHER LIFE OF THE GODDESSES!"

The next moment, a sound of an error was heard from Thelamia's phone.

Thelamia was utterly surprised,

"What in hells?"

It burst out a bright light, blinding their eyes for a few moments.

As the flash ceased, all of them had stopped shielding their eyes. They witnessed that there was a young innocent girl dressed in a midnight blouse and leggings who was sitting on the ground.

Strange thing was, she had the wings, horns, and tail of a petite demon.

Thelamia clasped her hands looking very amazed,

"Cool! It worked!"

Then, Spheera added,

"And time for Zero's son to smite this demon girl and save the day! Yep."

Genocide approached the little demon girl.

His cold stare of a terrifying menace made the young girl to tremble in fear, letting the girl call for help and cover her eyes,

"Mama? Whe-where are you? I-I'm scared!?"

Thelamia and the little ball kitten looked eager of what was going to happen next,


The atmosphere started to become heavy.

The chilling breeze was felt by their skin. Swirling winds started to course around the area.

The next moment, the shut eyed little girl felt a gentle caress. As she opened her eyes, she witnessed Genocide's sweet smile without any threat whatsoever.

He continued to caress her adorable head and tried to ease her worries,

"You're lost huh li'l girl. Don't worry, no one's going to hurt you. Oh yeah and I have some candies for you."

From his pocket, he gave her a pink gumball.

When the little girl accepted his offer with her tiny hands, she made a cute smile afterwards,

"Sankyu, big brother!"

While for the case of Thelamia and Spheera, they couldn't believe of what they had witnessed, since the expected scenario took a huge detour.

Later on, Thelamia's phone vibrated.

Then, the little girl vanished without a trace, as she was transferred back to her own world.

Thelamia was left speechless,

"D-did my eyes deceive me?"

Not much soon, she blurted at Genocide,


Her finger pointed at him.

Genocide denied her,

"Hey, I'm not smiting down a cute kid okay. Plus she has a promising future as a lovely succubus someday."

He crossed his arms,

"And lolis are for headpats, in my book. Until they reached a certain age, similar to wine."

Thelamia couldn't retort back, so the only thing she could was to be annoyed in her thoughts,


Who knows.

After that, Genocide saw that the furious Thelamia started to disappear again. Thereon, he just exhaled with a stressed look,

"Oh yeah, guess I'll do this silly thing again."

He knelt down and prayed in front of Thelamia.

Not much soon, Thelamia's divine body had stopped fading from existence. Though, she was still clenching her fists, as she was still angry at Genocide.

Spheera just sighed at the two acting like cats and dogs.

Later, Genocide brushed away the dirt from his clothes and stood up,

"Oh yeah, I remember where we're gonna go..."

Suddenly, a green glowing meteorite crash was seen and overhead from a short distance, causing a flash of green light to burst nearby.

Spheera grew curious,

"What's that over there?"

Genocide just nodded with a determined grin,

"Well why don't we find out? And it crashed to the place I was going to tell ya."

Then, the three of them sprinted towards the odd green metorite that had fell nearby.