Bizarre ball of truth and anomaly

Thelamia took witness of Goddess Rae's full form, as Rae looked-like a small child wearing a flowing white dress. The little Goddess was also lugging around a metal backpack filled with wonders as well.

Although, Genocide wasn't seeing Rae as an ordinary little girl. Rather, he sensed that this Goddess is always on her high horse who would ridicule the lower mortals beneath her feet.

Then, the emerald bob-cut haired Rae pointed at Thelamia, while Rae had a smug on her face,

"It's been a while Thamy. I heard that you overstayed your vacation hm?"

Thelamia just bonked her head, as she was just filled with embarassment,

"Eheheheh, yea."

Genocide was filled with intrigue,

"Vacation huh."

Soon enough, Rae shifted her gaze at Genocide,

"And is this CARELESS HYBRID your chosen hero now?"

Thelamia just made a silly grin, while she was looking away,

"O-officially yea."

Her stone gaze penetrated through Genocide's nerves that made Genocide to be frozen and still.

Afterwards, long and flexible mechanical arms emerged from Rae's backpack. Then, those metalloid arms were touching Genocide's features, even his fangs and ears.

Thereupon, Genocide was feeling more and more nervous.

Not much soon, the mechanical hands were done examining Genocide's face and they returned to Rae's backpack.

Rae nodded, as she was convinced,

"Dragon and vampire hybrid I see."

Thelamia just smiled,


Later, Julieth came back, but she had an annoyed expression as well,

"Ughhh, finding a smoking area without much people is so hard to find."

Julieth noticed Rae as well,

"Oh and it's great to see you Rae."

Rae gave Julieth a straight fiery stare,

"Tell me Julie, is this your son?"

Rae pointed at Genocide.

The next moment, Genocide expressed his childish glee when he saw Julieth,

"Welcome back mom!"

Julieth just brushed her face down, as she felt the stressful vibes once again,

"Apparently so."

Rae just sighed,

"Nevermind. Oh yeah and also, you three should come with me. There's something I want to show all of you."

Thelamia, Julieth, Genocide were just dumbfounded.

Soon they followed Rae along the non-claustrophobic hallway.

Genocide was recording the whole area with his smartphone, as he was a truly stubborn guy. Though, most of his focused shots were the delicious melons of the Goddesses.

A short while, they've entered at a place called Divine scales. It was the same place where Thelamia saw the state of her world through the visionary spheres.

Soon, chilly rumors were spewing around the other Goddesses and Gods, as they noticed Rae's presence,

"The owner's here."

"Y-yeah and she looks frustrated for some reason."

Though, the little owner Rae wasn't bothered much by the cold murmurs about her. Instead, she just continued forward and pushed another glass door. Thelamia and her companions just followed the little Goddess on her high horse.

As soon as they entered the inner room of cosmic vibes, there was only a huge crystal sphere at the dead center. More so, only the four of them were around.

Then, Rae focused her stare at Thelamia,

"I want to show you something Thamy."

Rae snapped her fingers.

The next moment, the luminous ball was showing a floating land behind the shroud of clouds was crumbling gradually.

Soon enough, the sphere was now revealing snapshots of floating emerald meteorites. Then, those odd meteorites were crashing into the ground causing seismic ruptures.

There after, Rae uttered her own analysis,

"Apparently, your Goddess Sanctuary is falling apart thanks to your people's dwndling faith."

Rae nodded,

"And those green meteorites are your.—"

"My things,"

Thelamia expressed with a frown.

Then, Genocide crossed his arms and agreed,

"Yeah, we've encounted one recently and a monster popped out from it. When we defeated the monster, it turned into a laptop charger."

Thelamia was about to cry when she uttered more,

"And that's one of my things from my Goddess sanctuary. I wonder what's left of my Goddess sanctuary."

Julieth was saddened for Thelamia as well,


Rae explained more,

"Worse news is, you can only return to your Goddess sanctuary if your people's faith was higher."

Although, she was intrigued over something,

"Also, this is the first time I've seen a normal object mutating into a monster before."

There was silence in the atmosphere when Rae told something dire.

Rae just nodded,

"Anywho, we shall check on this too. As it is the role of the DIVINE SCALES insititute to investigate the anomalies of various worlds."

Julieth was grateful for Rae,

"I see, thanks for your help as always Rae."

As for Genocide, he was scratching his chin, while he was hearing the conversation of the Goddesses before him. Not only that, he was engrossed in his thoughts as well.

"So they also do these things. Yep, this is some advanced stuff alright!"

While for the case of the silly Goddess Thelamia, she already had worries buried inside her mind,

"Oh Gods! Even my Goddess sanctuary is falling apart! Everything is getting worse and worse!"

Suddenly, all of them heard the sound of a soothing bell.

Rae's smile was exposed,

"Oh goodie! It's coffee break!"

There after, Rae pushed Thelamia and her companions outside without warning,

"Now move along now and don't disturb me."

Then, she told more,

"Oh and Julie, I'll have to think about it."

Julieth just made an affirmative nod,


Thelamia was just dumbstruck over what Julieth and Rae discussed about behind.

Afterwards, Thelamia, Julieth, and Genocide were now back at the entrance of Divine scales institute.

Julieth exhaled her worries. She looked at her companions, while her arms were crossed in an elegant manner.

"So Thamy and my dear son, wanna hit the bar?"

Thelamia nodded with a lady's smile,

"Yea, sure!"

As for Julie's douchebag son, he crossed his manly arms. Then, he proved his demagogue self on a whole new level,

"I guess mom wants to get drunk and fall into another ma.—"

That sudden moment, Julieth jabbed Genocide's stomach turning him to eat his words and almost puke his lunch.

Thelamia just ignored the mild violent thing that happened before, since she doesnt want to get on her friend's badside.

Thankfully, Genocide was still conscious and breathing.

The three of them moved along.

Later, they've arrived at a certain bar that looked-like a medieval tavern inside. For some reason, when their presence were noticed by the burly deities, they praised and congratuled Thelamia,

"Oh it's the star of the show!"

Then another nerd-looking divinity held her hands and made a smile of a pervert,

"Welcome Thamy!"

Thelamia just touched her own lips and looked above the ceiling,

"Eh? How come I'm popular now?"

As soon as the burly men heard Thelamia's signal, one of them turned on the hanging flat screen tv. From the screen, Thelamia witnessed her own lewd dancing and obscene actions. Thereupon, the Goddess herself panicked as an obnoxious teenage girl,


Julieth just made a depressing facepalm.

Genocide made a grimace when he saw the Goddess of creation's strange dance once again.

The repulsive deity made a smile and told Thelamia,

"Err even if we delete's already.—"

Then, he pulled out a cd case that has Thelamia's lewd form and pose as the cover.

Not much soon, Thelamia turned white and she fell unconscious from embarassment.

Genocide just laughed,

Gahahahahahahaha! I never thought that they're watching us! Guess Thamy's an actress now huh."

Juleith just crossed her arms,

"I guess Thamy is the main attract.—"

Suddenly, the recorded screen revealed a clip of Julieth rinsing herself in pure hot water in a bold manner. Even though the misty steam were covering her private parts, her oozing form of perfection was wholly exposed.

Her voluptuous figure would make any perverted man drool from excitement. Not only that, her firm bottom and bountiful rack would anyone feel the tempting heavenly stars. All in all, her amazing assets were pretty much exposed, as she was a model in an erotic scene.

As expected, the perverted male deities whistled when they saw her video.

Julieth clenched her fists and unleashed her flaming thunderstorms,


Sady, the burly men just laughed out loud,


Genocide whistled as well and held his own hips,

"Guess mom has an amazing body underneath too. No wonder dad fell for.—"

Julieth just shoved Genocide's face to the wall with a powerful smack interrupting his next words of stupidity. Her smack was so destructive that it caused a fissure.

As for Genocide, he lost consciousness and flopped to the floor near the frozen white Thelamia.

Yeah, that's what you get for being a douchebag to your mother.

A few hours passed, Thelamia opened her eyes and felt her head. She raised her body and glanced around. There, she saw that she was back at the dusty storage room at the top of the tower.

She felt her chest and exhaled, as the calm atmosphere was back,

"I guess we're back."

Julieth whose back was leaning on the wall expressed herself,

"Yeah and it wasn't easy dragging you two along."

Thelamia was just dumbstruck,

"What do you.—"

Julieth just pointed near to her right.

"Whoa! What the,"

Thelamia witnessed the unconscious Genocide lying on the ground with a silly look on his face. Soon, Thelamia was filled with concern. Then, she looked at Julieth,

"Uhh uum Julie, is your son gonna be alright?"

Julieth just held her own forehead and sighed,

"He'll be alright in just a few seconds."

As three seconds have passed, Genocide regained his senses and scratched the back of his head,

"Geez mom, that was your strongest smack yet. Honestly dad's.—"

Julieth just clenched her fist and gave her own son a stare of terrorizng flames,

"Want me to do it again?"

Genocide just zipped his mouth shut.

Suddenly they heard Rae's pipsqueak voice above,

"Heyyy! Aren't you guys forgetting something?!"

Thelamia and Genocide looked up. There, they saw Rae looking proud. She was also on top of the metal carpet that had glowing streaks of golden energy.

Surprise was the only thing the whimsimcal Goddess Thelamia could express,

"Rae?! You followed us?"

Julieth butted-in,

"Technically, I requested Rae to come here."

Rae jumped down on the floor and joined-in the conversation,

"Since, Julie here wanted me to work for her in the meantime, regarding some things."

Genocide was just amazed,

"Wow mom! You were able to persuade a Goddess like her to work for you!"

Julieth just brushed down her own face,

"I didn't persuade her. Rather, I requested for her help. And yes, us deities can ask other deities for help, regarding their expertise and craft."

Then, Julieth shifted her look at Thelamia,

"Didn't you ask before too Thamy?"

Thelamia just scratched the back of her head with a ridiculous smile on her face,

"Ehehehehehe! Y-yea...especially when the ocean dried up, so I had to ask the veteran deities who were experts in the bodies of water."

Yes, this whimsical Goddess is truly an airhead. No wonder her people abandoned her.

After that, Rae spouted more,

"Not only that, Julieth's payment is very promising, so I accepted her request."

Julieth looked at her demagogue son,

"Oh yes and Genocide?"

Genocide took notice of his mother's calling.

Julieth tossed to him another black scroll and Genocide caught it.

She crossed her effeminate arms,

"That's your next assignment."

She patted Thelamia's shoulders next,

"Also, Thamy...wish I could help you escape but, Zero won't be happy. Until then, please do have fun and KEEP AN EYE on my son too, would you?"

Thelamia just clenched her hands tight and nodded energetically,

"Sure! You can count on me!"

When Rae and Julieth were about to leave the quarters, Rae told her annoying regards for Genocide,

"Do your best stupid hybrid!"

Then, the two Goddesses left through the metal door afterwards.

As their divine presence were no longer felt, Genocide was able to breathe-in,

"Phew, that was some rough ride alright."

Thelamia approached him, although she was acting shyly for some reason,

"Ummm, Geno?"

Genocide noticed her,

"Hm? What is it Thamy?"

Thelamia snapped her fingers and she had a gift on top of her hands. Then, she presented him the white gift wrapped in red ribbon, but she was looking away,

"Err ummm uhh, here...i-it's just a present for all the trouble I've caused."

Genocide was just dumbfounded and scratched the back of his head,

"Is that for me?"

Thelamia was becoming a little annoyed,

"It's already in front of you geez! J-just take it before I changed my mind!"

Genocide just made a grin,


Soon enough, he accepted her offer. When he opened the gift Thelamia had given him, his smile reached its highest peak.

He grabbed the silver chain necklace from inside the box. There after, he wore the necklace around his neck. His left hand held the two mini daggers of gold and silver dangling from the necklace. Then, he expressed his glee,

"Dang! This is some cool man-necklace alright!"

Thelamia clasped her hands, while she was smiling like a little girl,

"D-do you like it?"

Genocide hugged her without warning and patted her head,

"I truly like it! Thank you Thamy!"

Suddenly, Thelamia felt a jolt, but it wasn't a painful sting. Rather, she was struck by a jolt of passionate winds, while Genocide's arms were wrapped around her. Her elven ears were twitching as well. Even her cheeks were blushing like strawberries.

As soon as Genocide was done hugging the flustered Goddess, he expressed himself,

"One of my favorites are things like these! We have ones like these but they are just too plain."

Thelamia was a little saddened,


Genocide perceived that Spheera was still sleeping inside the birdcage at the left.

Thelamia remebered something,

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

Soon, Thelamia went near the birdcage and made a gentle knock on Spheera's metal head,

"Wakey wakey Spheera."

Spheera started to float, but it had the face of a sleepyhead,

"Huh what?"

Although, Spheera continued to float higher and higher turning Thelamia to be surprised. She jumped high in order to catch her levitating metal ball assistant,


As soon as Thelamia caught Spheera, Genocide laughed,

"Say, could you tell me how you met your little ball kitten assistant?"

Thelamia hummed and touched her own soft lips,

"You're interested in knowing that hm? Well I could tell i to you straight."

In an abrupt manner, she twisted her body and pointed her finger at Genocide,

"So listen up, Geno!"