Razing ruins

At Raze's office inside the tavern basked in the night, the charming Destruct and blazing Raze were discussing something.

While they were drinking crimson wine, the complacent Destruct could see that Raze was filled with rage. Thereon, Destruct made a grin,

"So you saw the Supreme Zero with some other ladies?"

Raze smacked his own wooden table,

"Yes! They were all laughing! Even the queen was there! Has she gone insane?!"

Then, he smacked his own table once again.

Destruct just expressed his own opinions with calm gestures,

"I think you're jumping to conclusions my emotional cousin."

Raze shoved his own furious face near Destruct's eyes,


Destruct took a sip of his own drink,

"Do you really think the queen herself would allow him to have a harem? Also, have you seen them DO it?"

Raze just looked down filled with disappointment,


Destruct just clasped his own hands with a cool smile on his face,

"See? Nothing's wrong. Those ladies must've been the queen's friends or acquiantances instead. Sonce, you know how strict she is."

Raze just sighed,

"I guess so."

Afterwards, Raze's rage simmered down the drain gradually. Thereupon, the two lords of carnage were just indulging themselves into their crimson drink.

Calm winds surrounded the whole room, as the tensions had ceased.

Raze took another shot of his drink and he was no longer filled with rage.

When Raze was done emptying his glass of wine, he looked at Raze with a grin,

"By the way, is it alright if me and MY golden lady to have a GREAT TIME at your villahe's inn? As it's night time already."

Raze just looked away with a guilty look,

"I don't own that inn. Ask the innkeeper instead."

Destruct just brushed his hair,

"I see I see."

Then, he stood up and grabbed Raze's shoulders such as they were brothers in arms,

"Just don't take it seriously okay. Oh and yes, MY golden lady wants you to say hi for my dear li'l brother. If ever you encounter him again."

Though, Raze just kept silent.

When Destruct was about to leave Raze's quarters, Raze threw his glass near Destruct's face and Raze released his pent-up wrath,


Destruct saw that the glass had smashed into millions of fragments near beside him. He just closed his eyes and vanished into the shadows.

The next moment, Destruct appeared behind his cousin and pointed a blood pistol at Raze's head.

Raze was startled and caught off guard, making him to raise his arms.

Once again, the air was seeped in heavy tensions, as two brothers in arms were having a dispute.

Destruct facepalmed with a crazed grin and his finger was about to pull the trigger of doom,

"Did I hear that correctly my dear cousin?"

Raze just grit his teeth and looked away,

"Like I said, she isn't yours to begin with.—"

"Yes I heard that,"

Destruct interrupted. Then, he brushed his hair,

"Also, I am protecting my golden lady from the other lords of carnage. I don't want her to become their mindless toy."

He caught his breath and continued afterwards,

"Since, my golden lady has huge potential, especially to my jouney. Also, the golden lady herself was the one who went with me willingly."

Raze's mind was shookt,

"What? She left on her own?!"

Destruct sighed,

"To be honest, I truly don't want to kill you. Rather, why don't we change the subject, if you please?"

Soon, Destruct had stopped pointing his lethal weapon at his own cousin.

Thereupon, Raze was able to breathe from the chains of doom and drop his hands. Then, he tipped his glasses and asked Destruct without staring at him,

"Are you still after those things from the ruins?"

Destruct put away his pistol and placed it inside his coat,

"Yes, as I wanted to know the HIDDEN TRUTH about this world and claim its interesting secrets. Nothing more nothing less."

There after, he shut his eyes and expressed himself more,

"And I don't care about the throne, it's too much pressure here and there."

Destruct vanished into the fray afterwards.

This time around, Raze glanced around, if Destruct was still there. Although, he felt that Destruct's malevolent, but majestic presence was no longer there. Thereon, Raze was able to calm down.

Later on, the door opened and his adorable twin daughters entered his quarters,

"I-is he gone now daddy?"

Raze brushes away the frustrated look on his face and showed his girls a smile instead,

"Yes, the scary handsome fella's gone. Time for both of you to sleep now."


Then, his offsprings went near him.

To Raze's eyes, his girls looked-like they wanted headpats as they were kittens. Thereon, he gave them headpats. While he was rubbing their heads, he felt soothed and all of his worries were gone.

After a while, his daughters frolicked upstairs with innocent glees on their faces,

"Night daddy!"

As he was all alone again, he went out of the tavern. Everything around him was blanketed in the cozy, yet cold night. He perceived that the street lamps were radiating their lights, giving security to the whole place. While he was nearly outside the village's territory, he saw his twin daring wives Xiera and Xola watching along the outskirts.

He approached them and grabbed their shoulders with a gentle touch,

"So, what are those mindless Revelanians doing?"

Xiera looked uneasy, while she was looking through the distance,

"They're not moving to this place."

Then, Xola followed upon,

"Instead, they're after the ruins near here, dear."

Raze was caught with intrigue, especially in his mind,

"They're after the ruins too? What can they benefit from that?"

Raze closed his eyes and decided crucially in his thoughts. Not much soon, he came to a decision. Then, he opened his eyes and tipped his glasses,

"I know this sounds risky, but we should just spy on them to see what's going on."

Then he shifted his look at Xola and caressed her left cheek,

"But Xola, you should stay behind and protect our cutie pies."

Though, he was also convinced in his mind,

"I'm sure we'll meet Destruct again."

Xiera and Xola agreed. Soon, Xiera and Raze rushed through the white glistening forest. While their feet were touching the azure ground, Raze felt a mysterious vibe from the place,

"This place is so eerie at night."

Later on, they arrived at the backside of a rundown ruins. As they were sneaking behind the bush, there they saw the heavy armored Revelanian warriors entering the place. Xiera turned to look at her husband,

"Should we crush them down now dear?"

Raze nodded silently,

The two of them vanished into the wispy void.

Soon the Revelaninan footmen saw a visage of a wraith descending from the sky above their heads,

"Is that a bird?"

As it smashed to the epicenter, orange flames burst throughout the azure ground. The last thing the Revelanians saw before they burned, was the terrifying Raze glaring at them.


Raze looked around and all of the Revelanians were turned to ash in a matter of seconds. Everything was scorched and only the sea of flames was around him.

The other Revelanians from the entrance of the ruins noticed Raze,

"It's a Vampian! On your guards men!"

When the Revelanian footmen heard their captain's command, they armed themselves and readied for battlestations. Raze perceived that their sharp pointed swords were aimed at him, although they were cowering.

Raze just tipped his glasses and smirked at them confidently,


Suddenly, a spectral maiden of blades danced behind them and caused bloodshed around their wake.

To Raze's eyes, the graceful shadowy maiden was his wife, dismembering and killing every Revelanian in sight.

Raze just took his steps in a slow pace. When he was at the entrance of the old ruins, Xiera was already done purging and cleansing the pathway. Raze just held his wife's chin and gave her a stare of a romantic vampire,

"Now that the coast is clear, let us continue my dearly beloved."

The bloodlust Xiera just nodded with a heartfelt smile and threw the captain's decapitated head away.

There after, they entered the ruins. It was a long road for them, but there were no Revelanians in sight. While they were traversing the nearly crumbling pathway, Raze's eyes were glancing at the walls of the ancient place.

There, he saw lots of ancient letter engraved along the walls. Sadly, he couldn't decipher them. Thereupon, he just didn't mind those mysterious letters and continued on his pace with his wife.

Sooner or later, they reached at a dead end. Though, it was only a one-way path, so Raze just tipped his glasses,

"I'm guessing this is the heart of the ruins."

In front of his wife and him, they saw a humongous statue of a winged lady coated in pure gold. Though, he perceived that the statue's face was severely damaged, so he couldn't tell who she was,

"I wonder if this is an ancient statue from one of our two Goddesses."

Xiera was just confused,

"Though, their usual statues are either made of crystal or marble."

Xiera glanced around and she saw an open passage through the left-side,

"Dear, I think the Revelanians entered through that."

Raze agreed,

"Most likely."

Both of them trudged through the secret passage. Though, Raze was just in awe, since he saw something glorious,

"I think we've found something amazing."

Xiera nodded as well,

"Yes dear."

In front of them, was a treasure trove flooded with gold and riches.

Suddenly, Raze felt a pat behind his shoulder. He turned around and saw the smiling Destruct in front of him.

Destruct just expressed himself afterwards,

"Yes we've found something amazing."

Then, Destruct went near the unsuspecting corner and burrowed his hand into the overflowing gold coins,

"But the real treasure is...."

His hand unearthed a green meteorite,


Then, he returned to Raze.

Somehow, Raze was noticing that Destruct was trying to give him the treasure he had found. Thereon, Raze was just dumbfounded.

Though, Destruct told him to give it to Genocide and his companion somehow.

Raze had second thoughts at first, but he just accepted the meteorite. Though, he gave his cousin a cold stare straight in the eye,

"What are you planning here, Destruct?!"

Destruct just patted his cousin's shoulder and gave him a non-chalant gesture,

"I'm just after the journey, not the reward itself. Besides, I'm just a bad guy here. After all.—"

Raze tipped his glasses,

"Yes, we're all bad guys to all Revelanians."

Soon enough, the two lords of carnage laughed like demonic crackheads of chaos.

Xiera just sighed and facepalmed as two of the feared noble vampires were acting like idiotic maniacs.

That next moment, they heard the pleading voices of pitiful maidens outside the treasure trove,

"H-help us."

They had stopped laughing. Then, they exited the treasure trove ad went back to the heart of the ruins. In front of them, they saw three poor-looking, but young women in rugged clothing pleading for mercy.

Though, Raze's attention was caught on the blue and red collars wrapped around their necks such as they were dogs.

Raze pinched his own forehead,

"Are these..."

Destruct brushed his own shiny hair,

"Yes, these girls must be from Revelas. Looking at their collars, they've must've done something against their laws."

Though, Raze's eyes also witnessed that they had pointed ears, as they were elven girls.

Destruct masked a face of a heartless demon. He approached them and unsheathed a crude sword from his back.

The girls cowered in fear when they saw the threatful blade was about to slice their necks,

"Please, don't kill us."

Destruct just made a quick swift with the speed of the blinding light.

Suddenly, their collars were sliced in half. They looked at their hands and bodies, none were lethally slashed in the process.

Truly, Destruct's capabilities is comparable to a blademaster.

There after, the girls had their wishful eyes on Destruct such as he was their longed savior.

Though, Destruct just didn't mind their appreciation, even though they were fair maidens. He just turned around, and left slowly,

"I could see they're just MERE COMMONNERS. So they're just mere rocks and not the gems that I desire for. See ya."

Raze just didn't bother Destruct's action. Instead, he just set his focus on the poor girls.

Xiera touched his shoulder, while she was looking at the frightened elves,

"What should we do with them dear?"

Raze looked at her calmly,

"What do you think?"

When he went up close to the girls, he observed that one of the girls was carrying a miniature statue.

It was the same golden statue as the one he had seen from the heart of the ruins.

Thereon, he was filled with intrigue inside his mind,

"The same statue I see."

Though, his mind was also floating elsewhere,

"Also, I wonder what my cousin Genocide is doing now? I heard they're doing something ridiculous again.