Mother Fang

"Hello hello hello my dear child,"

the fabulous woman grinned.

Ruri took a close look of the woman in front of her.

She looked up as the woman was a tad bit taller covered in a glittery furcoat of a wolf's skin. Ruri saw the long two braids of the lady in the colors of dead autumn. Ruri's innocent eyes didn't feel any compassion from the woman's fanged smile, even though she looked tempting and gorgeous to boot. In fact, Ruri was looking at a likely celebrity who had wolf ears and tail.

The woman felt estranged and tried to touch Ruri,

"What's wrong Ruri? I'm Ruvias! Your real mother!"

Though, Ruri just looked into the abyss and shoved away the caressing hand of her mother.

Lord Raves was even mystified by the behavior of his daughter to her mother from a short distance as well.

Ruvias witnessed that her own child cried out a sacred fragment from her pearl-like eyes.

Thereafter, Ruri took a step back and bared her wolf fangs,

"You are not mama!"

Ruvias wasn't happy when she heard those words,

"You ungrateful child!"

In a snap, her hand slapped Ruri's left cheek with an anvil-like smack.

Thereupon, Ruri smacked into the wall hard that shook the place as well. When Ruri tried to get up, she felt her head,

"It hurts..."

As she saw her own crimson blood dripping from her hand, here eyes poured more fragments of sadness,

"Mama Sachi wouldn't hurt me like this..."

Raves was filled with shock when he saw the cruelty of his wife had dealt to their own daughter,

"Ru-Ruvias I think—."

Ruvias just interrupted him and flapped her furcoat,

"Raves, tell our daughter to respect me. As I am clearly her mother."

He tried rush-in to save his own daughter, yet his feet were anchored somehow.

Though, Ruvias, gave him an alluring smile of a temptress instead. Then, she nodded at him to tell him not to interfere.

Raze had second thoughts. Not much soon, he just looked down with disappointment,

"Please, just don't hurt Ruri again."

Ruvias just scoffed,

"Well she was disrespectful to me. I could see that those vampian fiends didn't teach her well."

She combed her hair in a twisted fashion,

"Nevermind, I'm sure my king shall educate her into his liking."

Raves just didn't react, but he was just struck with sorrow in his very look.

As she was about to snap her fingers high up, she remembered something,

"I almost forgot, a deal's a deal."

She grinned with her vicious fangs and snapped her fingers intensely. The click emitted by her hand echoed throughout the walls of the mansion.

Raves felt the crow's black gales surging throughout his place. He just gulped and just shut his eyes into the pitch darkness.

Suddenly, men in full plated crimson and azure armors crashed in from the windows and broke into the mansion. They grabbed the severely injured Ruri and pulled her away.

"Waaaahh! It hurts! Papa! Save me papa!"

Lord Raves just shifted away, but his heart was being wrapped in thorns as he was hearing Ruri's pleading cries for mercy,

"I'm sorry my dear Ruri."

Soon, Raves heard the doors shut tight and he can no longer hear Ruri's pitiful voice crying for help. His eyes started to weep out tears of guilt and clenched his fists.

Ruvias witnessed that Raves was feeling the vibes of sorrowful abyss. Thereon, she thought of something. She approached him slowly, while her tail was whipping left and right,

"Oh don't worry my dear. Atleast you have me now."

She let him feel the touch of a soft hearted maiden that he would yearn for on his cheek,

"If you want, I can give you a better daughter than that wretched and uncouth girl."

He felt a glimpse of hope when he heard those intense words from the hot Ruvias. He brushed off his tears and made a wishful smile,

"I-I see. D-Does that mean?"

Ruvias nodded and made a grin of a perfect courtesan.

Filled with rising hope, he tried to caress the teasing Ruvias.

Ruvias took a step back and to let him feel air instead.

Thereupon, he was filled with doubts,

"What's wrong Ruvias?"

The atmosphere was filled with chilling vibes all of a sudden.

He saw Ruvias's gorgoeus smile started to become even more terrifying as her sharp fangs were wholly shown. He even witnessed firsthand that Ruvias's eyes had the maskara of a psychotic and broken woman,


Ruvias seeped out an aura of malevolence and just laughed with insanity,


Ruvias stopped laughing and looked down on him,

"You'd think I'd go back to you and to your backwaters piehole?!"

Raves was starting to get worried,

"What do you mean?"

Ruvias pointed at him, using her devil's hand,

"Here's the thing my useless former husband."

As she removed her cloak, Raves felt horrified beyond words. There, Raves took witness that Ruvias was wrapped by a lingerie of roses and crystals of darkness. More so, he also observed that she was binded by thick strips of leather, as she was perfect bdsm slave. He felt the chilling darkness, as she modeled in front of him shamelessly. Thereon, her bountiful private parts were nearly exposed that could even turn the purest men into carnivorous animals.

Raves tried to reason out with her, but he was stuttering,

"Ru-Ruvias? What happened to-to you?"

Ruvias grabbed his cheek and stared at him as she was a corrupted raven,

"It's just, I've grown fond of being an intimate toy to the current king!"

She removed her left glove and revealed her slim hands accesorized by glitters of gold and jewelries,

"In exchange, he gave me lots of jewelries and expensive clothes lately. More than you were the so called thrift king!"

Though, Raves just steeled her nerves and tried to reason out more with aided gestures,

"But what about the deal? The deal I send Ruri to him, while you return back?!"

Ruvias twisted her body and exposed her smoothly crafted ass cheeks made by the Gods,

"Oh that well..."

She sighed,

"I did come back..."

She tilted her head sidewards and revealed her smile of thorny roses,

"But that doesn't mean I'll sleep with you again."

Raves fell to his knees when he heard those cocky words of betrayal from his own wife,

" everything I did was worthless and now my only about to be..."

Ruvias nodded with a grin,

"Yes, she'll be turned into a passionate slave like her own mother."

The only thing he could dow was to wallow in despair and smack the floor,

"Tell me Ruvias why'd you become like this?!"

He stared at her directly, while his tears were pouring out,

"You were the purest woman I know!"

She grabbed his pitiful chin and gave him a pleasing smile,

"Well, I wanted power and luxury. That you just threw it all away because you turned tails from the Vampian king."

She combed her hair once more,

"To be really really really honest, I'm already sick of being a goody two-shoes woman."

She walked around,

"Zero might be more powerful and handsome than the current king of Revelas...yet. Zero dislike concubbinage or having other affairs."

Raves just continued to weep more and more as he lost his own wife he loved and adorned.

Somehow, Ruvias didn't feel any pity for her own wallowing husband, instead she came to a decision,

"Oh don't worry my dear EX husband. I'm here to make you feel better."

She brought out a rapier out of thin air using her silverine magic and pulsars of darkness. Her eyes focused on the tip in which it was dripping with deadly poison in its tip,

In a split second, she lunged her rapier unto Raves who was down on the ground defenseless,

"Sweet dreams, my former husband."

The next moment, Julieth emerged and deflected Ruvias's stab, thus saving Raves's hopeless flesh.


Ruvias was quite pissed when she saw the elegant queen Julieth holding an onyx rapier in front of her. She took a step back afterwards to widen the distance.

Julieth stared at Ruvias from top to bottom. She facepalmed not much soon,

"So the purest woman turned into the most vile thing everyone had ever seen...truly disappointing."

Ruvias flipped her weapon and aimed it at Julieth,

""Well well well, if it isn't the blood queen herself. You do realize that this is Revelas territory?"

She made a sarcastic grin and looked at the distressed Raves,

"Unless ofcourse, you're here to visit your WORTHLESS LOVER here."

Julieth's eyebrow twitched and pointed her rapier in return,

"Get this straight Ruvias."

In a blink of an eye, she appeared in front of Ruvias and let out swift strikes of dark spears at Ruvias,

"One, he isn't my lover."

Ruvias was getting overwhelmed by the neverending furies of Julieth, so Ruvias took another step back.

Though, Julieth let out another wave of attacks, by summoning abyss darts from above out of thin air,

"Two, me and my loving Zero knew this'd happen."

Ruvias chanted out a barrier of malevolence and absorbed the darts of chaos created by Julieth. As she snapped her fingers, the black bubble vanished.

There after, two of the most gorgeous ladies let out quick strikes at each other.

Raves noticed that his life was spared and stopped burrowing himself. As he took witness of the onslaught going on, he was speechless. There, he saw Ruvias and Julieth were moving around at the speed of light. Their blades were clashing as they were performing a dance of swords against each other.

"Queen Julieth,"

he spoke softly.

While Julieth was fighting, she still continued to converse and throw back her responses,

"Three, I knew my son would be truly gullible about this abnormal situation."

Ruvias appeared from the shadows and tried to stab her from behind. Thankfully, Julieth pounced high using her draconic wings of nightmare, dodging the nefarious strike.

Julieth sighed and gave a look of concern for her said enemy,

Lastly, I know I'm quite a ruthless mother to my son. But you, what kind of mother are you?"

Ruvias got more and more furiois over Julieth's statements. Instead of showing her rage, she laughed as the craziest woman known to mankind,

"Ahahahahahahahahah! Haaah!"

Then, she touched her chest tightly. She stared at Julieth as Ruvias was an honest and desperate broken slut,

"Yes I admit it! I'm an evil mother and the best bitch in town! I'd even walk around our palace naked! I even wanted my own daughter to get the same treatment! Just to please my king who is awaiting for a mother and daughter session of love!"

Raves just looked down and accepted the true reality. He turned to his left and saw a cracked blade nearby,

"I guess I must take matter into my own hands."

Julieth just faceplamed and made a negative remark,

"You'e truly fargone now Ruvias."

She gritted her teeth and released all of her frustrations and disgust at Ruvias,

"ME AND THAMY EVEN GRANTED YOU OIR DIVINE BLESSINGS! For being the purest mortal we knew!"

Raves was shookt when he heard those words,

"Divine blessings?"

Ruvias swung her poisonous rapier gracefully,

"Like I said before. I am sick of tired being a good priestess all the time...heck! I even wanted to sleep with Zero!"

She sighed and gave Julieth an evil stare,

"Oh and thanks for reminding me. Since, I still have these divine blessings to crush both of you!"

Ruvias raised her hand to grasp all of the energies surrounding the place,

"Netherious Tranvia."

The air went stagnant as Ruvias was siphoning all of the magical particles around the whole area.

Julieth took witness that Ruvias's hand was forming and condensing up a humungous ball of chaotic pulsars. Thereon, Julieth bent her knees and used her rapier as a wall, bracing for impact.

As Ruvias was staring at Julieth straight on, Ruvias turned to her left and threw the sphere of destruction at her husband instead.

Thereon, Julieth rushed to Raves faster than the speed of light. That moment, they all heard the voice of Zero,


In a split second, Raves and Julieth vanished into black cosmic particles.

Suddenly, the ball of chaos burst out its destructive energy in mid-air. Flashes of lights and horrifying darkness seeped through out the whole area. The series of impending doom was finished. Ruvias could only witness a mark of a burnt hole into the carpet.

She didn't look happy since her prey got away,

"Tsk! Those cowards!"

Her hand struck the rapier down the floor.

Soon, she heard a vile voice of a demon behind,

"That'd be enough to scare them my Ruvias."

She looked behind excitedly. There, she perceived the hooded guy that was similar from the painting was leaning behind the wall.

Ruvias's heart of darkness pounded very fast, as she was a lovestruck maiden,

"Oh my king! I never knew you were watching us!"

The hooded man of death vanished emerged in front of her.

Without any second thought, Ruvias pushed herself unto his solid cold body. Then, she drew hearts of cupid upon his chest,

"So, did you loved how I expressed to them my love to you?"

The man with a maniacal executive's look and reaper's aura nodded,

"Yes truly.

Then, he acted as a conqueror of true generosity to his evil maiden,

For that, you can have this whole place now. I'm sure those fools won't step in here anymore."

Ruvias was struck with joy when her sugar daddy offered her a blessing,

"Oh I really really really appreciate your great generosity my king!"

Though, she walked away afterwards,

"Yet, this place has the weak scent of my worthless former husband."

Suddenly, she was shocked as she was pushed down to the floor. The devious hooded king grinned and shackled her down with his chilling hands,

"Then, why don't we taint this place with our scent our blood instead, my Ruvias."

Ruvias's eyes went lovey-dovey and she had a smile reaching of peak of happiness,

"That'd be wonderful, my king!"

Soon, he revealed his wings of azure hellfire, such as he was a revenant who has devoured souls of the dead. He caressed her whole form vigorously such as he was a passionate yet lover of hardcore intimacy.

Even by just his diabolic fondling, Ruvias was already about to burst into depraved pleasure already. As they delved in each others desires of lust, black and crimson petals wooshed through th air of chaos.

Meanwhile, Raves and Julieth arrived at Zero's humble home at Vampia.

In an instant, the thankful Julieth embraced Zero tight, as he was her knight in shining armor,

"Thanks for that Zero. I'm already about to puke from conversing with that toxic and broken woman."

Zero felt her crowning glory and soothed her tensions,

"It's alright, you're safe now, my Goddess."

Raves was surprised once more,


Zero looked at Raves, while he was caressing the restless Goddess in his arms,

"It's been a while Raves. I apologize for bringing you here against your will."

Though, Raves didn't return the greeting. Instead, he fell to his knees and begged w/o any hint of pride to the Goddess Julieth,

"Tell me queen Julieth...if you're truly a Goddess. Please, Can you save Ruvias? I beg of you..."