Winds of offering

"Yay! All these delectable fruits and meat!"

Thelamia's eyes glistened. She jumped with immense joy when she saw the lined up feast for the Gods around the room,


There were an abundance of high quality chicken, fish, and smoked meat from various animals on top of the huge table.

Though, when she looked at the epicenter, she was estranged. Her keen eyes perceived that there was a giant golden statue the same, as the beautiful miniature idols she had seen recently. There after, she had a frown on her face,

"But these food aren't offered to me or Julie."

The Goddess touched her lips and looked above, as she had puzzled thoughts,

"I wonder who's this Goddess though."

Her ears fumed and steamed,

"Geez! It's so hard to depict someone when the statue is more beautiful than the Goddess herself!"

She made a silly grin, when she took a closer look of the statue that was carved out of the transcendent beauty of the heavens,

"While it's nice that they see us as beautiful creatures but...I MEAN IS THIS HOW THEY SEE US GODDESSES?!"

Then, she went on and on upon talking to her frustrated self as she was a funny and crazy gal,

"The statues and paintings they make do not really depict any of our actual looks!"

Who knows.

Suddenly, her stomach growled and echoed such as a whale's cry had reverberated around the offertory place. She looked around and witnessed that nobody was there. Thereupon, this Goddess had decided,

"Since those are offered to a Goddess and I'm a Goddess, I'm sure the people offered it to"

As expected, the sneaky Goddess plucked one piece of grape from the bunch of grapes without any shame at all.

"Mmmmhhh...I'm sure they offered it to me, so I'm just gonna take what they offered."

There after, she took more and ate to uer heart's content. Not much soon, she heard laughing men were getting near by the door to her right. Sadly, this Goddess of gluttony just continued to gorge upon the bountiful offerings like no tomorrow. The door opened. There, they saw the hooded Thelamia eating the offertory food such as she was a pauper.

There was silence in the air when they looked at esch other.

Thelamia gulped, while her eyes were widely opened,

"Uhhh ummm..."

She grew tense of the middle-aged men and the preacher before were staring at her.

In an instant, she pounced and dove down the ground. Then, she knelt for utter forgiveness,

"I-I'm sorry I was just l-lost and hugnry! Please don't be mad at me!"

Though, inside her mind she was smiling with eagerness,

"Oh Gods! Now I'm going to get punished and humiliated by thesr men!"

Though, she questioned herself in the head afterwards,

"What the?! Why am I thinking of indecent thoughts?!"

You tell me.

The preacher and the men didn't respond. Instead, the preacher was about to grab her head. Suddenly, the man just caressed her head as she was a poor kitten and gave her a look of pity,

"Oh you poor little girl...Don't worry, we won't be angry nor do anything bad to you."

Then the others joined in on the circle of pitying Thelamia,

"Rather, our Golden Goddess told us to respect all creatures."

"So you can eat more if you want."

"Our Golden Goddess is a generous being who cares for the miserable and tortured."

Thelamia was just shookt inside her head,

"Eh? So the Goddess that they worship is good? I thought the Goddess here would be evil, since she stole my influence?"

Soon, Thelamia had stopkneeling down with her forehead and just gabe them a smile of the brightest sun,


The men just smiled back sincerely.

There after, Thelamia almost munched on all of the offerings.

Somehow, the men just had the face of glee as they didn't have any ill will whatsoever.

When Thelamia was done with her cravings, she was escorted back oitside the chapel in a kind manner. Then, one of the men told her to go to the nearest watchtower and ask dirrctions from the guard.

Thereon, Thelamia thanked their generosity.. The Goddess frolicked along the streets with a happy tummy,

"Now that's a feast!"

Sooner or later, she stumbled upon a scene. There, she saw a crying and injured commoner child who had elven ears was being taken care of a concerned crimson knight.

Thelamia was in her puzzling thoughts afterwards,

"Those people are so kind, even if they don't believe in me. I just wonder why Geno and the others see 'em as evil."

She remembered her moments with Genocide and his husky words,

"To us Vampians, we see Revelanians as the villains in the story. Yet for the people of Revelas, they see themselves as the heroes. Same as the case for Revelanians when they us, Vampians."

Suddenly, a hand from the unknown from the spectral darkness snatched her into the shadows of the damned.

She struggled from the kidnapping darkness. When she suddenly got free, she heard the baritone voice of Zero,

"Thamy, it's me, Zero."

Thelamia was irritated and stomped her foot,

"What the hell Zero! I thought I was getting kidnapped!"

Zero just sighed,

"Nevermind, come with me."

He grabbed her hand tight and they returned back to the room at the designated inn from before.

When Zero locked the door, Thelamia's eyes noticed something amiss around the room,

"Where are all the lights?"

There, she observed that no light could penetrate through the closed windows. Not even the light bulb was on. Though, when she looked straight at the bed, she saw the petite Goddess Nearis,

"Huh? Goddess senior Nearis? What are you doing here?"

She also noticed that there was the daring Ruvias beside the little Goddess,

"And the one beside you is—"

Ruvias crossed her legs and touched her chest,

"I go by the name of Ruvias, the queen of Revelas."

Ruvias grinned as she was the Goddess of demons,

"Also, Goddess Thelamia? Why don't we KILL the king of Revelas and destroy his land?"

Zero crossed his arms and nodded with a poker face.

Thelamia was just shocked,
