Perfect pet

"Behold! My quasar golem, my perfect pet!"

Faraia told with grandeur and evil intent in her voice.

As the sudden earthquake had ceased, Thelamia could see the humongous contraption shadowing their path. In front of them was a bulk of a fully armored knight that had the height of a giant, while it had the senses of a robot.

When it brandished its sword made of glistening platinum, everything trembled. Genocide could feel that the cave was about to collapse,

"That's one strong adversary."

Not much soon, its hand that had the malicious powers of a vacuum, siphoned all of the magical particles around the air. When its hand had a huge ball of a star, it burst out a beam of destructive at Thelamia and Genocide.

In the nick of time, both of them dodged the lethal blast of annihilation. Although, Thelamia turned white as she saw that the sky had a hole of no return thanks to the blast,


Genocide was also awestruck,

"Holy shit! That thing is dangerous!"

Faraia just laughed as she was a crazily aroused queen of bloodlust,

"Fuahahahahah! I know! I love dangerous things!" Anywho, please do have fun with my pet."

For a while, Genocide and Thelamia had a hard time fighting Faraia's perfect creation of destruction. Genocide tried to crush it with his downward strike, yet he had only hit air as his opponent's reflexes were inhumane,

"That thing is too fast as well!"

Thelamia tried to swing her dagger from afar, but the hunk of metal was already in front of her,

"Oh no."

In an instant, it kicked Thelamia as she was just merely a stray animal.


There after, she smacked into the invisible wall, as its steel-clad kick was too strong.

Thankfully, Thelamia was able to cast out a defensive barrier using her magic. Thereon, she only took minor damage, yet she still felt the indirect impact


Then, she was irritated inside her head,

"Darn! I forgot to ask our people to pray for me! If only they prayed for me, I'd be stronger now!"

And you only thought of it just now.

She noticed that the the soulless knight covered her vision once more and it was ready to smack her once more,

"N-not again!"

The only thing she could do was to cower behind her shielding weapon and close her eyes.

Genocide called out on the servant of destruction,


Using his shadow-like feet, he emerged at the backside of the armored menace. In an instant, Genocide tried to smack the cyborg knight's shoulder pad. Sadly, he didn't even make a dent,

"It's rock-solid as well?! What kind of creation is this."

Genocide caught the soulless servant's attention, turning it to fight him instead.

Thelamia was filled with sudden relief and stood up. She observed that Genocide was sweating hard as he continued to parry the medieval golem's furies. There after, she was absorbed in her crucial thoughts,

"There must be a way to stop this thing!"

She looked above and tried to wish for a miracle, although she noticed something strange,

"Huh? Why is that tower blinking?"

There, her eyes laid witness that an inverse belltower was blinking with the same crimson eyes of their opponent made of hard steel.

She nodded and tried to holler at the occupied Genocide,


Genocide just continued to dodge and parry the attacks of the lerfect golem,


Thelamia touched her puffy lips,

"Do you have some kind of magic that can hit for a very long distance?"

Genocide was a tad bit annoyed and blocked another attack of his opponent,

"I don't have strong magic remember? The only thing I could create is steam."

The quasar golem tried to hit the thinking Thelamia, thankfully she dodged it, even if she was busy inside her thoughts,

Thelamia nodded as she landed on the ground,

"But your weapon bursts out fire right?"

Then, the knight of chaos rushed at Genocide and dished out lethal strikes. Though, Genocide just took one step behind and dodged its onslaught just in time,

"Well, yeah!"

Then, Thelamia asked him a favor,

"Could you shoot flames at that tall tower on top of us?"

Genocide tipped his hat,

"I'll try."

When his foe swung its sword at his neck, Genocide rolled over instantaneously.

Then, he aimed his weapon's nozzle at the clocktower above and pulled the trigger. Thereon, searing flames of hell burst out from his weapon. Sadly, the flames didn't even reach the tip of the tower. Instead, the flames showered at Thelamia from a short distance.

Thereupon, Thelamia panicked and danced around like an ungraceful pixie in order to dodge the falling flames,

"What the hells Geno?!"

While the utterly annoyed Goddess was distracted, their opponent of steel shot out another laser at Thelamia. Suddenly, she tripped over and lost her balance. Thereon, her divine skin was saved from the accident.

Although, she was just irritated as her bum felt the stinging pain,

"Geez! I've been tripping over a lot!"

Genocide appeared at her side and lifted her up,

"Its range is too short Thamy. Any ideas?"

While Genocide was shielding her from the attacks of the iron-clad automaton, Thelamia was deciding in her thoughts,

"The range is too short...hmmm...I hope I can use that now."

She took a deep breathe and leapt to the far away corner,

"Geno? Could you stall the gole for now? I'm gonna cast a strong magic, but it'll take some time."

Genocide was a little infuriated, while he was holding down the downward strike of the soulless destroyer,

"I'm already doing that! Just make it quick, I'm feeling weary now ya know."

For a while, Genoide acted as a decoy. Both his blade and the malicious knight's sword of demise were clashing intensely. Sparks of hellfire were blazing at the arena of destruction, while Thelama was chanting graciously,

"Anth rei zweiss zhar iska lei everith nein von schwarz."

When the menacing servant turned its attention to the entranced mystical Thelamia, Genocide taunted it as he was the world's dirtiest trash-talker,

"Oi! Where do ya think you're looking at! You hunk of trash!"

Thereupon, the servant of chaos averted its eyes at Thelamia and continued his onslaught with Genocide.

Even though Thelamia looked-like she was a Goddess who was about to unleash a powerful spell, she was acting such as an irritated girl inside,

"Honestly, why do ancient magic need long chants!"

Genocide dodged another full-body swing of the soulless fighter, although it was merely a close shave. Not much soon, his opponent changed its routine.

It started to use its thrusters beneath its feet and floated in mid-air.

Genocide noticed that it stretched its metal arm as it was about launch a devestating beam at them,

"Ummm Thamy?"

Sadly, she was still chanting.

Genocide grinded his teeth as he was seeing that the golem's energy charge was bright as a blinding star. Thereon, it was about to reach its maximum output.

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,

"Thamy, we're gonna get obliterated soon."

Thelamia's eyes opened wide and raised her treasured dagger up high,


In an instant, Genocide laid witness that his flamebreaker was glowing with the searing aura of a solar phoenix.

Thereon, he was astunned,

"Now this is something."

Thelamia pointed above as she was a petite commander,

"Now Geno! Shoot at that tall tower!"

He tipped his hat with a grin of confidence and flipped his blazing weapon as he was an expert shooter. He aimed at the inverse clocktower and pulled the trigger.

A lethal blast of a solar flare was released from his weapon's nozzle. To Thelamia's eyes, she was seeing a beam of fire with the force of a burning missile. As the hellfire missile had made the clocktower explode into shmithereens, the golem knight's eyes had stopped responding. Then, it fell down on the ground as its system had shut down completely.

The threat was averted and the atmosphere calmed down.

Genocide and Thelamia sheathed their weapons and their tensions had vanished. Genocide rushed to her ad gave her a pat on her head, such as she was an adorable kitten,

"Good thinking Thamy! Who knew you could use your smarts, for once."

Thelamia's cheeks went red as a beet, although she was irritated as well,

"What's that supposed to mean!"

There after, they heard Faraia's words of surprise echoing from the walls,

"I can't believe you two were able to destroy that pet of mine. Alright, you two can go now, since I just got a divine call."

The next moment, a golden stairway leading to the bright surface emerged in front of them. Then, Faraia continued,

"Oh and take these stairs to escape this labyrinth city of mine. Even I get lost her most of the time."

Thelamia clenched her fists and made a tantrum,

"After that, you're just gonna let us leave like that?! Where's the real climax?!

Faraia made a long winding sigh,

"I still need to make more plans okay? Sheesh! And I need my glorious sleep too."

Though, Thelamia wasn't fazed,

"I'm not convinced."

Genocide just sighed and grabbed Thelamia's hand,

"Let's just go Thamy."

Later on, Thelamia and Genocide took the radiant stairs. Faraia wasn't kidding as both of them were back at the entrance of the glowing ruins. They hitched on the unscathed motorbike and drove through the barren wasteland.

Though, Thelamia didn't look pleased, as she had a pout on her face,

"What is senior even thinking? Letting us out for whatever reason."

Genocide just scratched the back of his head and sighed,


Soon, both of them arrived at Azuria. One of the royal officers saluted at them and escorted them to the audience hall. When Thelamia and Genocide entered the said destination, all of their allies and gorgoeus friends were there to welcome them. Spheera pounced into its master's breasts,


As for Julieth, she embraced her son as she was a concerned and heartfelt mother,

"I'm glad you two came back in one piece. Also, why isn't Destruct with you? Even Fae."

Not much soon, Genocide and Thelamia spilt the beans of the fate that Destruct had incurred.

Julieth made a face of a disheartened mother,

"I see, so Destruct has been killed by his own lover."

The fairy queen Marla rolled her eyes,

"Who knew that this Fae is actually the ancient Goddess of an old civilization."

Thelamia looked down,


Sylvia flapped her wings,

"Not only that, she was also the one who triggered the king to create this crysalis war."

Genocide agreed to their words,

"Most likely."

Syvil joined in the conversation with her brave look,

"So, what do you think we should do now?"

The valkyrie queen struck her weapon's tip to the floor,

"The best course of action is to prepare for what she'll have in plan. I'm sure she'll attack the allies and neighboring of Azuria first. Since those are the most vulnerable ones."

Sylvia brought out her fan and turned her focus at the composed Zero,

"King Zero? May we suggest that we representatives should go back to our domains? In order to tell and prepare for this upcoming threat within our supervision?"

Zero nodded surely,

"Yes, I agree. Rest assured that the capital shall support upon bolstering your defenses. As this threat must be contained."

There after, the representatives of various leaders of each nation left. When Zero glanced around, he saw that his son, the Goddesses, and his beloved wife were the only ones left.

One of the sassy Goddesses opened up a more casual conversation than before,

"So Faraia herself wanted to reclaim Athlus again hm?"

"Guess she was able to slip up from the OATH OF BESTOWING WORLDS using those loopholes."

Thelamia rubbed Spheera's shiny head, while she uad a frown of a little girl,

"Yea, and I can't believe that this simple tampered ticket she gave me would causea huge ruckus."

Julieth patted Thelamia's weakened shoulder,

"It's not your fault Thamy, you just trusted her too much."

Then, Spheera tried to boost her hopes up as well,

"Yeah master! You were just an idiot that's all."

Somehow, Thelamia wasn't pleased,

"That doesn't really make me feel good Spheera."

Julieth crossed her slim arms,

"So? Should we tell this to the divine council of Celestia Heavens? I'm sure once we tell the truth about Faraia's scheme, they'll be the ones who will stop her."

She shut her eyes,

"Since we're clearly at a disadvantage. Since me and Thamy haven't regained much faitg from our people yet."

Suddenly, a divine glyph of the brightest and bluest starlight appeared at the center. Thereon, all of their attention was caught by the sudden appearance of that strange ball of radiance.

Not one second, they heard a voice of a compassionate maiden of the highest divine honor from the blue star,

"Are you there Goddess Julieth and Goddess Thelamaia of Athlus?"

In an instant, Genocide perceived that the Goddesses around him were just frozen in immense fear, even his father sweated bullets. Thereon, he scratched the back of his head, while he was puzzled in his thoughts,

"Why are they trembling?"

Thelamia took one step near the sphere of illuminating ethereal light of energy,

"Wha-what is it Supreme Goddess Queen Weissia? P-please I didn't do anything wrong now!"

Weissia who was communicating through the star, just made a complacent sigh,

"No-no. It's not about your clumsy minor blunders. Rather, it's about the claim of Athlus."

Thelamia gulped hard.

Then, Weissia continued to let her words flow,

"I know this won't be pleasing to your ears, but us, the divine council came to a decision."

Afterwards, the Goddess Queen of all Goddesses took a deep breath and released the laws of judgement,

"Junior Goddesses Thelamia and Julieth shall fight against senior Goddesses Faraia and Nearis, as they shall have a divinr duel for the claim of Athlus."

When the anchor was brought down, Thelamia collapsed as she was a second-rate actress,


Genocide tried to slap her consciousness,

"Oi Thamy! Wake up."

Her Goddess friends just gave her looks of pity,

"She's a goner."

"Even my inventions to help her will be worthless there."

Genocide remembered something, turning him to he dumbstruck,

"Divine duel? What's that?"

Julieth facepalmed with severed depression,

"It's an exclusive duel between deities. No mortal or any third-party can interfere. It's also a fight that utilizes divine capabilities and faith."

Genocide just scratched the back of his head,

"Oh yep, we're doomed."

Spheera tried to slap Thelamia's cheeks non&stop,

"Snap out of it master!"

While for the pathetic Goddess and childish Goddess, she was swimming in her doubtful and hopeless thoughts,

"Does the Celestia Goddess Queen has a huge geudge over me? I guess I should've invited her to the beach too, even with my tampered ticket."