Electrical Sympathetic Storm

  "Patient has sudden ventricular fibrillation!"

  Ventricular fibrillation, irregular heartbeat, a fatal arrhythmia. If the duration is too long, the heart cannot eject blood to the whole body, which will cause irreversible damage to the brain, liver, and kidneys.

  "Blood pressure drops!"

  "Progressive decline in blood oxygen saturation!"

  "Quick!" The young doctor wearing a hand washing suit immediately shouted: "The defibrillator is ready! Defibrillation immediately!"

  The bedside nurse trot and pushed the defibrillator: here it is!

  connect power supply!


  Apply conductive paste!

  "Everyone stay away from the bed!"



  The first defibrillation failed!

  The ECG pattern on the monitor is still the sine wave of ventricular fibrillation!

  Charge it again! Discharge!


  Defibrillation still fails!

  "Do it again!" shouted the young doctor in a hand wash suit.

  The bedside nurse nodded and immediately recharged.


  Finally succeeded, the ECG waveform of the monitor turned to normal!

  "Take blood gas immediately and pump in dopamine, magnesium sulfate, and Cordarone!"

  "The intern student should make an electrocardiogram!"

  "Notify the family that they are critically ill again! Tell the family that the patient may die at any time!"

  "Baoche, what's the situation?" At this time, the director of the ICU had arrived after hearing the news, "Isn't the situation of the 12 beds stable yesterday?"

  Liu Baoche looked serious and said quickly: "Director, the patient has a sudden ventricular fibrillation, and has been defibrillated three times and has recovered his sinus rhythm (normal heart rhythm)."

  The director looked solemn: "Considering what causes ventricular fibrillation?"

  "The patient has a history of burns, but has recovered more than half. This time, he was admitted to our department mainly because of self-harm and suicide. I think it may be due to insufficient blood volume, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the heart, so that ventricular fibrillation may occur."

  The director nodded slightly, and he looked at the monitor.

  "It's shaking again!"

  "Prepare to defibrillate again!"

  The director shouted sharply, and he personally started and picked up the defibrillator.

  Recharge! Discharge!

  No way! Again!

  "How could this happen?" Liu Baoche clenched his teeth, and continuous defibrillation didn't work.

  Defibrillator defibrillation is the most effective and fastest way of defibrillation.

  "Blood pressure and blood oxygen saturation continue to drop, and it's almost impossible to maintain it!"

  Except for the bedside nurses, most of the other nurses came to help, changing dressings, collecting blood gas, and preparing rescue items.

  If it was usual, Jing Xiaoran and Ling Xi, the two family members standing in the hospital bed, would definitely be driven away by the nurse. But everyone is busy rescuing now, and nobody cares about them both.

  "Xiao Ran..." Ling Xi's pretty face was already full of tears, "Yi Ran, she... is she going to die..."

  Jing Xiaoran didn't reply, he was staring at the rescue of the medical staff.

  "Spontaneous ventricular fibrillation occurred many times in a short time..."

  "Most of them are people with basic heart disease, but Ling Xi's girlfriend is so young, there should be no basic heart disease."

  Jing Xiaoran recalled in her heart that she had met a patient in the emergency department in her previous life.

  It is also persistent ventricular fibrillation, and it relapses soon after successful defibrillation. The last one was confirmed because of ventricular fibrillation caused by severe psychological trauma.

  "Heart electrosympathetic storm!"

  Jing Xiaoran spit out a noun at the corner of his mouth.

  Ling Xi was in grief, completely ignoring Jing Xiaoran's reaction.

  "But what if I know? Who will listen to me?" Jing Xiaoran shook his head helplessly. He was a patient's family member in the rescue ward, and it was not bad if he was not driven out.

  Although Liu Baoche is a 12-bed doctor in charge, he has nothing to do with the rescue now. The director of the department has already started it himself, and other senior doctors are nearby to help.

  "Dr. Liu, I called the patient's family a few times outside, but no one paid any attention! I couldn't communicate with the family member about the condition!"

  A nurse ran into the ward.

  "Family?" Liu Baoche's thoughts were pulled back from the rescue. "Didn't her family just come in to visit?"

  Liu Baoche looked at the door of the ward and found Jing Xiaoran and Ling Xi.

  "I saw her family, I will go to communicate."

  "Okay, Doctor Liu."

  Jing Xiaoran saw the young doctor walking away from him last night, and he suddenly had an idea.

  "Is it a 12-bed family member?" Liu Baoche asked Ling Xi, "Let's go to the interview room to communicate. As you can see, the doctors and nurses are trying their best to rescue them. We need to sign with you to know and authorize the rescue."

  Ling Xi sobbed and nodded.

  "Wait a minute." Jing Xiaoran stopped him, "I want to ask why defibrillation didn't work?"

  Liu Baoche looked at Jing Xiaoran in surprise. The boy saw at a glance that the girl might have an ectopic pregnancy yesterday.

  Now I know at a glance that their defibrillation is not effective, and they still say that they are not a doctor?

  "Maybe the ischemia is too serious?" Liu Baolan said.

  "Why can't it be an electrical sympathetic storm?" Jing Xiaoran asked rhetorically.

  Liu Baoche thought about this unfamiliar term in his mind.

  "Electrical sympathetic storm? But this is usually a basic heart disease, such as coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy or heart failure, and sympathetic storm is generated on the basis of these diseases. The 12-bed patient is so young, there should be no underlying disease."

  Jing Xiaoran smiled: "But you said that in most cases, a small number of people don't have organic heart disease. It is possible that serious mental stimulation and psychological problems may occur!"

  "Are you a doctor?" Liu Baoche stared at Jing Xiaoran, "How do you know this?"

  Jing Xiaoran said quickly: "Hurry up, stop talking, use metoprolol, esmolol, and other beta-blockers, coupled with a defibrillator, maybe ventricular fibrillation can be stopped!"

  "Otherwise, continuous ventricular fibrillation, even if a person is alive, her major organs are ischemia, hypoxia, and functional failure, what is the point?"

  Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Liu Baoche turned around and ran to the 12th bed without hesitation.

  Maybe it's not an electrosympathetic storm, but what if it is?

  "Get out! The rescue is underway here, and family members are not allowed to watch!"

  At this time, the nurse next to them found Jing Xiaoran and Ling Xi and began to urge them to go out.

  The two were driven out of the ICU gate by the nurse.

  "Xiao Ran, what is the sympathetic storm you just mentioned?" Ling Xi whimpered with tears, "If you use the kind of medicine you said, can Yi Ran save her life?"

  "It's hard to explain too professional terms to you." Jing Xiaoran said, "I just put forward a possibility. It's up to the doctors and nurses in the ICU to save life."

  Jing Xiaoran comforted him and patted Ling Xi on the shoulder: "No matter what happens, I hope you can be stronger."

  Ling Xi shook her head bitterly: "She is my only friend. We grew up in an orphanage together,

It can be said that she is my relative. "

  "Yi Ran's boyfriend has already left, the day after she was hospitalized. She has no parents either, she only has me."

  Jing Xiaoran didn't expect this relationship to exist, and he didn't know where to go if he wanted to be comforted. He only hoped that the ICU would succeed in the rescue.


  "Xiao Ran, did you go in to see Xiaohui?"

  Seeing Jing Xiaoran coming out, Chen Yanfang hesitated for a while or stepped forward to ask.

  "Yeah." Jing Xiaoran nodded, "It's no big problem. I should be able to return to the general ward in a few days."

  "Really?" Chen Yanfang smiled, "The doctor in charge said?"

  "That's right." Jing Xiaoran thought for a while.

  Chen Yanfang said gratefully: "Thank you. As for Xiaoxiao, I will go back and think of a solution."

  Jing Xiaoran laughed mockingly: "Think of a way? Take another thousand yuan and throw it on the ground? On my dad's face?"

  "Xiaoxiao is 7 years old this year. Since she was 2 years old when she was diagnosed with congenital heart disease, how many times have my parents been to your house? How many times have I knelt down?"

  "Auntie, I remember the uncle said a word, why do you want to help my family with the money you make by your own ability?"

  "Hehe, to you, our family is just a poor relative."

  Jing Xiaoran stood up with a calm face: "But I helped Jing Hui only because...she is my sister."

  Chen Yanfang was startled.

  Jing Xiaoran, he... is he really Jing Xiaoran?


   Inside the ICU.

  "Director, do you think this is like a heart electrical sympathetic storm?" Liu Baoche shouted at the ICU director who was being rescued.

  "Sympathetic storm?"

  The director is holding the defibrillator, and he is looking at the sine waveform of the monitor's electrocardiogram.

  I have defibrillated four times and my ventricular fibrillation rhythm has not recovered.

  "As far as I know, sympathetic storms occur more frequently in patients with organic heart disease!" said a doctor next to him.

  "But there are exceptions. This patient suffered severe psychological trauma before!" Liu Baoche said.

  "But in case of heart failure, the use of metoprolol is contraindicated."

   The ICU director's eyes flickered, and 12 bed patient still suffers from ventricular fibrillation!

  "Bauchai, what do you think?"

  "Give Metoprolol!"

  "Push half of Metoprolol." The director immediately shouted to the nurse beside him, "Push slowly!"

  "Roger that!"

  The white liquid is slowly pushed in through the venous access.

  The patient's heart rhythm did not change at all.


  The syringe in the nurse's hand tightened, speeding up the injection of the medicine.

  "Heart rate has slowed down!"

  I don't know who shouted.

  The director shouted: "Cooperate with defibrillation, try again!"

  Liu Baoche looked nervously at the ECG pattern of the monitor.

  Recharge! Discharge...

  It's a success! The sinusoidal waveform has become a normal sinus rhythm!

  "Ding..." the broadcast outside the ICU door sounded.

  "Please come to the ICU interview room for the family of Meng Yiran!"

   The door of the ICU opened.

  Ling Xi heard the words, wiped away tears, and ran into the ICU.

  "How is she?" Ling Xi grabbed Liu Baoche's white coat.

  "The situation is stable, and my life is temporarily out of danger." Liu Bao said, "Where is your friend?"

  "He?" Ling Xi glanced outside the door, Jing Xiaoran was no longer there, "Isn't he here?"


  The hospital is a place where hope and despair are gathered. There are life and death, human affection and warmth, and there are joys and sorrows to leave.

  Jing Xiaoran stood at the gate of the hospital with his hands behind his back.

  He looked back, as if he had seen the meeting point of the past and the present.

  "That's..." Jing Xiaoran saw a figure.

  The familiar figure flashed past, like a glimpse in his life.