
  After the restaurant owner hesitated, he chose to call the police.

  The ambulance came soon, followed by the 110 police car.

  All the other students in the cram school went home, while Jing Xiaoran and Liu Xiaomei followed the police back and recorded their confessions.

  Whether in the past or in this life, this is the first time Jing Xiaoran has come to the police station.

  Fortunately, it was just a confession, Jing Xiaoran explained the cause and effect of the incident and it was over.

  "This restaurant owner has only started selling fake wine in the last two months. He usually only sells it to young, unfamiliar faces, and the quantity is small. Young people generally don't taste the difference between real wine and fake wine, so he sells it. It's been so long and hasn't been noticed."

  There was a policeman standing in front of Jing Xiaoran, about 40 years old, with a national character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a high nose. He had a temperament that was not angry or pretentious.

  "We have received reports many times that there is a gang selling fake liquor in the county, but there has been no clue. Thanks to you this time."

  Jing Xiaoran stood at the door of the police station and smiled: "Uncle Su, this is also my luck. I saw the fake wine identification video on the Internet before, so I found it."

  Su Lei patted Jing Xiaoran on the shoulder: "The young man is really good. With this clue, we can even follow the vine and take the initiative to kill this gang."

  As night fell, the streets slowly became less, and only occasionally I could see some stall owners who went out to set up their stalls to pack up and go home.

  "Classmate Jing Xiaoran, I'll take you here. I will also go to the hospital to meet up with my colleagues and see the situation of the four people in the hospital."

  Because it was getting late, Su Lei sent Jing Xiaoran to the intersection home.

  "Thank you, Uncle Su, to trouble you and your colleagues to send us home so late." Jing Xiaoran said.

  Su Lei smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's late, it's not safe for you to come back by yourself, and it's still a good way for me to go to the hospital. Goodbye! You can call me if you have anything!"

  "Goodbye, Uncle Su!"


  The next day.

  Before Jing Xiaoran opened his eyes, Jin Mian knocked on the door outside his house.

  This made him think he had overslept, and picked up the old man's machine, just half past seven.

  "If there is nothing important, I will let Liu Xiaomei dump you!"

  Jing Xiaoran opened the door and said viciously at Jin Mi.

  Jin Miao's head shrank, a smile on his face: "Don't, Xiao Ran, we are famous! I'll show you something!"

  Jin Mian took out his mobile phone and handed it to Jing Xiaoran, where a piece of news was playing.

  "Now broadcast a message. In the early hours of this morning, the police arrested a gang producing and selling fake liquor in the county town. There were 14 criminal gangs and no one escaped. According to people familiar with the matter, the news came from several senior high school students who had just finished the college entrance examination. Now see the detailed report..."

  "I don't have any impression of last night!"

  Jin Mian shook his head straight, looking like a pity.

  "What a pity are you?" Jing Xiaoran glanced at Jin Mian with contempt. "Who was it that leaned on Xiao Mei all night yesterday?"

  "Huh?" Jin Miao pointed at himself blankly, "Me? Do you have it?"

  Jing Xiaoran nodded.

  "I'll go!" Jin Mian was in pain, "I don't remember anymore!"

  "I swear! I will never drink again!"


  High school is about to be summer vacation, but because high school students are about to enter high school, they have to make up for another month.

  The high school campus is very quiet, and the occasional breeze blows away the scorching heat of summer.

  Jing Xiaoran and Jin Mian came to the office together and asked Director Liu Gang to obtain a business license.

  "Are you here again?" Su Qingfei was correcting the test papers in the office.

  "Hello, Teacher Su." Jing Xiaoran and Jin Mian shouted together.

  The female teacher in front of me was the same female teacher who was in the office when they came to Liu Gang last time. They also participated in the rescue of Li Meng.

  "How are you guys." Su Qingfei smiled.

  Today she is wearing a pink professional suit with a little pink and white high heels.

  "Come to see Director Liu? He hasn't finished class yet." Su Qingfei raised her wrist and looked at the table below, "There are still ten minutes to finish class. You can just sit and wait for a while."

  "Thank you, teacher."

  Jing Xiaoran and Jin Mian found two chairs and sat down.

  "Hey, Xiao Ran." Jin Mian whispered, "Have you seen Teacher Su before in school? How do I feel like I have never seen it before."

  Jing Xiaoran shook his head. Of course he didn't know. After he was reborn, he had no impression of the high school teachers.

  "Because I only came last month." Su Qingfei smiled back, "I'm still in the internship period! Not a formal teacher."

  Jin Miao's eyes widened: "Xiao Ran, Teacher Su can hear us!"

  "Of course I can hear it!" Su Qingfei rolled her eyes, "I'm not deaf!"

  "Then you heard what we said last time?" Jin Mian said.

  "Last time?"

  "I was in the office last time."

  Su Qingfei smiled upon hearing the words: "Student Jin, do you think I heard it? Or what do you think I heard?"

  Jin Mian touched his head awkwardly: "Mr. Su, no...nothing, you continue to be busy, you are busy."

  During the conversation, Liu Gang came back.

  "Xiao Ran, you are here."

  Liu Gang wore glasses with a textbook under his arm, and walked into the office with a smile.

  "Hello, Teacher Liu."

  "You wait." Liu Gang put down the textbook in his hand and took out a portfolio from his locked box.

  "Xiao Ran, you must keep the things you want." Liu Gang handed the portfolio to Jing Xiaoran, "I can't make up for it if I lost it."

  "Don't worry, Teacher Liu." Jing Xiaoran didn't open it, and put the portfolio directly into the bag.

  Su Qingfei glanced at the portfolio curiously, then retracted her gaze.

  Liu Gang moved the stool and sat in front of Jing Xiaoran.

  "Li Meng's situation is stable and ready to be discharged." Liu Gang sighed, "His father wanted her to transfer school, but Li Meng refused. He planned to rest at home for a month or two before returning to class."

  "Very good." Jing Xiaoran glanced at Liu Gang in confusion, "Ms. Liu, why do you look unhappy?"

  "I must be happy. After all, Li Meng is a seedling of Tsinghua Peking University. But the boy is also there. I am afraid that something will happen to them." Liu Gang looked sad, his tone a little tired.

  As a teaching director, he must have spent a lot of thought on these things.

  "And I also heard about it." Liu Gang's voice fell a bit low, "A girl in the key high school of the city is pregnant! It seems that she has just finished the college entrance examination! I heard that there are still many problems, and she is still living in the intensive care unit! "

  "..." Jing Xiaoran was speechless, really good things didn't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles away.

  Things about Jing Hui were reported here, and it took only a few days.

  "It's better to block it!" Jing Xiaoran thought for a while, "Speaking frankly and clearly, maybe it's better than forcing them to break up."

  "Oh, let's talk about this." Liu Gang said, "I have another thing to ask you today."

  "Teacher, if you can help, it is indispensable."

  That's how it was said, but Jing Xiaoran was a little strange, what can a school dean need his own help.

  "Haha, don't worry! You can definitely help." Liu Gang smiled, "This matter is also related to Li Meng."

  "While Li Meng was resting at home, his father wanted to hire a tutor for him to help her with homework during this time. Not going to class for a month or two will have a big impact on learning.


  Jin Mian immediately interjected: "Teacher Liu, you just said that Li Meng is a seedling of Tsinghua University and Peking University. Who can tutor her?"

  Liu Gang glanced at Jin Meng, and then said: "I know you have a summer cram school. I wonder if you can find a student who has just finished the college entrance examination and has excellent grades to help Li Meng tutor. Of course, it's better to be a girl!"

  With that said, Jing Xiaoran had a candidate in his mind, Lin Xuantong!

  Girls, with excellent grades, are the county college entrance examination champions, except for introverted personality, all other conditions are met.

  "Okay, Teacher Liu, leave this to me." Jing Xiaoran said.

  Liu Gang stood up and said, "That's good, but I will contact you in time."

  "Well, Teacher Liu, let's go! Bye bye Teacher Su."


  After Jing Xiaoran and Jin Mian said goodbye, they left.

  In the office.

  "Director Liu, the two of them are really interesting. I have never seen such a student before." Su Qingfei smiled.

  "Yes." Liu Gang shrugged the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "I haven't noticed that they were in school before. One has a puppy love and goes to the Internet cafe every day. They are totally two problem teenagers.

  Su Qingfei was a little surprised: "You are talking about the two of them? Puppy love? Playing in the Internet cafe?"

  "Yeah." Liu Gang seemed to have thought of something, with a smile on his lips, "Yes, I was really anxious for them at that time, and I called them to the office to talk every other day, and they didn't listen very much."

  Su Qingfei smiled: "It's not easy now. Teacher Liu, do you know the big news in the county this morning."

  "The fake liquor case that the County Public Security Bureau cracked?"


  "As soon as I went out in the morning, I listened to others talking about this. Don't tell me, I actually bought fake wine several times. I heard today's report that industrial alcohol is mixed with alcohol. Drinking it may cause death..."

  Liu Gang is an old drunkard. When it comes to wine, the chat box opens.

  "Then do you know? This case is a clue that Jing Xiaoran and the others provided to the police." Su Qingfei said.

  "Ah? Is it them? I heard that it was a group of senior high school students who provided the clues, but I didn't expect it to be them. How did you know Xiaosu?"

  Su Qingfei pursed her lips and chuckled: "A classmate of one of my police station told me that it was a student from our school at the time. After asking more, I knew it was Jing Xiaoran and the others."

  Liu Gang nodded. He looked in the direction where Jing Xiaoran was leaving, and a strange thought came into his heart.

  "Perhaps, these two humble students in school will surprise everyone in the future."

  There are still two weeks before the holidays of major primary and secondary schools, and the recruitment of summer cram schools has officially started.

  In addition to cooperating with KFC, Jing Xiaoran has arranged for manual placement of leaflets in major restaurants, shopping malls and supermarkets in the county.

  Because of the last trial meeting, the summer cram school has gained a certain popularity, and many parents come to consult.

  There is an endless stream of people who come to the classrooms of the old campus for consultation every day.

  "A total of 32 people came to the consultation or telephone consultation today, 5 of them signed up, paid a deposit in advance, and paid the rest after the formal start of the course."

  "As of today, a total of 14 people have signed up."

  "As of today, a total of 25 people have signed up, and Aunt Zhou Cui'e has helped us bring in 3 students, so her fees are free."

  "As of today, a total of 27 people have signed up."

  "As of today, a total of 29 people have signed up."

  Today is only a week away from the start of class.

  At this time, very few people came to consult in the classrooms of the old campus.

  "Golden, have you noticed that you have come for consultation two days ago, or that fewer parents have signed up?"

  "Maybe the market is saturated?" Jin Mian said.

  Jing Xiaoran shook his head, flipping the form of the week in his hand.

  "Look at Kaneko, the number of people has dropped sharply since yesterday. The number of people in the previous few days was very average. It doesn't make sense that there are so many people in one day. There are still a few parents who came to refund the fee."

  "Moreover, the number of people participating in our trial seminar is far more than these. It is impossible that the market is saturated, there must be other reasons!

  Jin Miao turned the pen in his hand, constantly searching for various possibilities in his mind.


  The bell of Jing Xiaoran's old machine rang.

  "Auntie Zhou Cui'e? What can she do if she asks me?" Jing Xiaoran answered the phone suspiciously.

  "Hello, Xiao Ran?" Zhou Cui's voice came from the microphone.

  "Yes, Aunt Zhou, what are you looking for with me."

  "Sorry, my... the three friends I referred before want a refund!"

  "What? Refund?"

  Jing Xiaoran was stunned.