Xiaoxiao is critically ill

  Today the majority of elementary and middle school students finally have a holiday!

  Early in the morning, Jing Xiaoran, as usual, was ready to go out after washing up.

  "Xiaoxiao, I'm out. There is breakfast on the table, so remember to eat it!"

  There was no response in the room, Jing Xiaoran stopped.

  This little girl loves to sleep late, but every time she goes out by herself, she will say yes.

  Jing Xiaoran knocked on Xiaoxiao's door and shouted, "Xiaoxiao...Is my brother gone?"

  There is still no sound in the room.

  "I remember Xiaoxiao went to bed early last night..."

  Jing Xiaoran slowly opened the door and found Xiaoxiao curled up in the corner beside the bed.

  "Xiaoxiao? Little lazy pig!"

  "Eat a cone!"

  "Brother bought a cone!"

  However, Xiaoxiao still did not respond, Jing Xiaoran felt tight, and walked quickly to Xiaoxiao's bed.

  I saw Xiaoxiao's little hands clutching the blanket, her eyes closed tightly, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her lips were a little bit blue, and fine sweat leaked from her white forehead.


  She called Jing Xiaoran unconsciously in her mouth, and her thin body was shaking involuntarily under the covers.


  When Jing Xiao saw Xiaoxiao's state, he realized that the situation was not good, and Xiaoxiao might be sick!

  He remembered that Xiaoxiao in his previous life had an illness once a month after he went to university, so he paid special attention to Xiaoxiao's physical condition during this period.

  I just didn't expect it to be ignored!

  "Damn it!" Jing Xiaoran regretted that he had been busy with the cram school during this time, thus ignoring Xiaoxiao.

  He immediately put Xiao Xiaoping on the bed and checked her vital signs.

  "Heartbeat speeds up, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the lips and nail bed."

  These are the typical manifestations of an acute attack of congenital heart disease. If it lasts for a long time, severe breathing difficulties can cause hypoxia in the heart, brain, liver and kidney and other organs, causing irreversible damage.

  Jing Xiaoran quickly took out the phone and called the 120 ambulance.

  "Hello, hello, No. 120, Yishui North Road, a 7-year-old girl with an acute congenital heart attack and severe breathing difficulties. The address is..."

  After briefly describing Xiaoxiao's situation, Jing Xiaoran hung up the phone.


  Xiaoxiao was shouting unconsciously, she covered her chest with one hand, and her body was curled up tightly again.

  "Brother...I feel so uncomfortable..."

  Jing Xiaoran hurriedly lay beside Xiaoxiao, reaching out and grabbing Xiaoxiao's little hand.

  "Brother is here, don't be afraid Xiaoxiao."

  Jing Xiaoran trembled all over, he didn't know what he could do now.

  The current state of Xiaoxiao can no longer take drugs, otherwise it may cause obstruction of the respiratory tract and airway in a state of confusion.

  "what can I do!"

  "I have studied medicine for more than ten years, and in the end I couldn't save my sister!"

  Xiaoxiao's breathing became more and more rapid, foam even oozing from the corner of her mouth, and her limbs trembled more and more.

  Jing Xiaoran held Xiaoxiao's cold little hand tightly, and felt her fear and anxiety, and her heart was also cold.

  He prayed that the ambulance would come soon, and he prayed that the doctors and nurses would come with professional rescue equipment.

  Jing Xiaoran was always paying attention to Xiaoxiao's life, observing her breathing, feeling her pulse and heartbeat.

  Suddenly, Xiaoxiao's thin body stopped shaking, and her mouth and nose stopped breathing.

  Respiratory and cardiac arrest!

  Jing Xiaoran's eyes were distraught. Before he could think about anything else, he quickly put Xiaoxiao flat on the bed and knelt down beside the bed.

  First open the airway by lifting the head and lifting the chin, and then press on Xiaoxiao's chest with a single palm to start CPR. (1-8 years old cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a single palm compression method.)

  Jing Xiaoran's brain was blank. He subconsciously performed the pressing motions in his hands. Every time he pressed 30 times, he performed artificial respiration, and then observed whether Xiaoxiao's breathing and heartbeat had recovered.

  He only had cardiopulmonary resuscitation in his mind, and he didn't dare to have any other thoughts.

  One cycle, two cycles...Five cycles...

  Jing Xiaoran pressed tirelessly, and the sweat on his forehead had soaked his clothes.

  Every time he presses, Jing Xiaoran's heart feels like death. He desperately stopped his distracting thoughts, held back tears, and completed every movement carved into his bones.

  "Ding Ding Ding..."

  The phone rang countless times, and he didn't answer it, let alone time to answer it.

  The sorrow and sorrow from his hand clearly told him that he had pressed for many cycles, but Xiaoxiao's breathing and heartbeat never recovered.

  "Xiaoxiao! Hold on, my brother will buy you a lot of cones."

  After pressing again and again, the tears in Jing Xiaoran's eye sockets could no longer collapse. This was the second time he shed tears since he was reborn.

  The first time was because of Xiaoxiao, and the second time because of Xiaoxiao.

  "Xiaoxiao, my brother agreed with you that if I cry again, I will buy you a lot of cones."

  "Brother loses this time and will buy you a lot of cones."

  "You must wake up... Xiaoxiao..."

  Jing Xiaoran's tears were raining, and he looked at Xiaoxiao's pale and bloodless face, as if he had been cut by a sharp blade.


  The door of the house was pushed open, and Liu Baoche ran in wearing a nurse.

  They rushed into the door and saw Jing Xiaoran who was undergoing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

  Liu Baoche took a close look at the person in front of him. It was actually him?

  The boy who reminded himself twice in the hospital, once in the emergency department and once in the ICU.

  "Breathing airbag! Get the breathing airbag!"

  Jing Xiaoran roared, he didn't care that the doctor in front of him had seen him before.

  Liu Baoche handed over the breathing airbag subconsciously.

  "I didn't ask you to give me the breathing airbag!"

  "I asked you to pinch the airbag for my sister!"

  "Hurry up!"

  Jing Xiaoran's voice was hoarse, and tears had already covered his face.

  "Let me press, you pinch the airbag!"

  Liu Baoche will push away at Jing Xiaoran and quickly take his place.

  Jing Xiaoran didn't insist. In this case, it is most important to ensure effective compression. He immediately put the breathing balloon on Xiaoxiao's nose and mouth.

  After 30 compressions each time, Jing Xiaoran quickly squeezed the breathing airbag, but did not follow the 30:2 rule.

  Liu Baoche glanced at it and shouted to the nurse on the side: "Quickly push an adrenaline! Open the venous access!"

  The nurse immediately started the action on her hand.




  The faint beating sound came from the stethoscope, which seemed out of reach, but to Jing Xiaoran, it was tantamount to nature!

  "Heartbeat is restored!" Jing Xiaoran shouted excitedly, letting tears raging on his face.

  "No need to press, continue to ventilate!

"  Jing Xiaoran continued to squeeze the airbag, Liu Baoche and the nurse set up the stretcher, and slowly transferred Xiaoxiao onto the stretcher and sent him to the ambulance.

  The arrival of the ambulance has already alarmed the neighbors. The uncle Wang next door called Jing's father and Jing's mother. They were on their way to the hospital.

  The ambulances in the county are not equipped with ventilators, only simple rescue medicines and breathing airbags.

  After getting in the car, the nurse took over Jing Xiaoran and continued to pinch the breathing airbag.

  Xiaoxiao lay on a stretcher with a monitor attached to her body. Although her breathing and heartbeat were weak, she had all recovered, but her consciousness had not yet been awakened.

  Jing Xiaoran stared at Xiaoxiao, his tight heart relaxed, but he felt a little anxious when he thought of Xiaoxiao's current state.

  Xiaoxiao's illness is so serious this time, if he doesn't perform the operation in time, the more it is delayed, the more dangerous it will be. Even the operation will be ineffective.

  "Your sister?" Liu Baoche said after checking Xiaoxiao, sitting beside Jing Xiaoran.


  Jing Xiaoran discovered that this doctor was the one he met in the emergency department and ICU.

  "We are quite destined. We met three times. Thank you for the last time I was in the ICU." Liu Bao said, "My name is Liu Baoche."

  "Jing Xiaoran, no thanks." Jing Xiaoran leaned against the car window, "Thank you this time. You came in time."

  "You just made a mistake. The standard for compression and ventilation is 30:2! You pinched the airbag too fast." Liu Baolan said.

  It seems that the young man in front of him doesn't know everything. The ratio of compression to breathing is 30:2, which means that there are 30 compressions and 2 ventilations. This is common sense in medicine.

  "That's written in the book. How many people have you saved according to this standard? In a critical moment, rapid ventilation is the most important thing!" Jing Xiaoran said. Of course he knew this 30:2 standard.

  But when he used this standard for the first time in clinical rescue, he was taught a lesson by the professor who taught him at the time when he used the standard of 30:2 to help a patient squeeze air.

  The professor who taught him personally started, using a very non-standard method in the textbook, quickly pinched the breathing airbag, and finally the patient's spontaneous breathing gradually recovered, and told him that if the 30:2 standard stated in the book is followed, the patient may be I can't live anymore.

  "Listening to you, did you use this non-standard method to save a lot of people? " Liu Baoche asked with a smile.

  Jing Xiaoran glanced at Liu Baoche and ignored him.

  "Ding Ding Ding..."

  The phone rang again, Jing Xiaoran took out the old man's phone, and the caller ID was Jing's father.

  "Hey, Xiao Ran, how is Xiaoxiao's situation?" Jingfu's eager voice came from the phone.

  "Dad, don't worry, Xiaoxiao's condition is stable, she is in the ambulance, and she will go to the emergency department of the county hospital immediately."

  "Okay, your mother and I are on the way to the hospital, please feel free to contact me if necessary!"


  As soon as Jing's father hung up, Jin Mian called.

  "Xiao Ran, the class has already started, why haven't you come? I made several calls, but you didn't answer them. Did something happen?"

  When I answered the phone, I heard a series of inquiries from Jin Mian.

  "Golden, something happened to Xiaoxiao, I'm on my way to the hospital."

  "Ah? Something happened to Xiaoxiao?" Jin Mian was obviously taken aback.

  "Well, it's stable now, but I may not be able to go to cram school recently." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Don't worry, there is me here. I went to the hospital to see Xiaoxiao after class in the evening."

  "Okay, so let's hang up."

  After hanging up the phone, Jing Xiaoran continued to stare at the monitor beside Xiaoxiao. Fortunately, various indicators such as breathing and heartbeat stabilized.

  "Your sister has a congenital heart disease?" Liu Baoche asked suddenly.


  "Why don't you have surgery? You will pass the optimal age soon, and the disease will become more frequent in the future."

  "No money."

  Liu Baoche sighed, he glanced at Xiaoxiao on the stretcher, such a cute little girl, what a pity.