
  The sixth floor of the inpatient department of the county hospital, ICU (Intensive Care Unit).

  There are not many family members outside the ICU today. Some people lay on the floor and sleep on the floor, and some are lying on the benches.

   ICU patients are given daily necessities and food by their family members. Of course, this is for some patients who can eat. Many critically ill patients in ICU cannot eat and can only rely on intravenous nutrition.

  Chen Yanfang was carrying the insulated lunch box to the interview room of the ICU.

  In addition to the interview room where the patient and family members explain their condition, when the meal is usually reached, the family members will send the meal they prepared here, and then the ICU nurse will send it to the bedside nurse.

  "Hello, this is the breakfast of Jing Hui, a patient in bed 6," Chen Yanfang handed the lunch box in her hand to the nurse in the interview room.

  "It is best for patients to eat liquid food in the morning, and remember not to deliver stew next time."

  "thank you, I know now."

  Jing Xiaoran walked slowly to the sixth floor, and as soon as he came up, he saw Chen Yanfang who had just come out of the interview room.

  She has fluffy hair, no makeup on her face, slippers on her feet, and home clothes that look different from before.

  "Xiao Ran?" Chen Yanfang waved to Jing Xiao Ran and said in surprise, "I came to see Jing Hui again? Or is it your friend?"

  Didn't this kid just come last week? Why are you here again?

  Jing Xiaoran shook his head, walked to Chen Yanfang's side, and said, "Mother, can we talk?"

  "Of course." Chen Yanfang nodded.

  The two came to the corridor next to the elevator to get fat, looking at the guardrail, through the glass you could see the turntable in the center of the hospital, and there were many vehicles passing by.

  "Why hasn't Jing Hui come out of the ICU yet?" Jing Xiaoran asked.

  He went to the ICU to see Jinghui once before. At that time, her condition was stable and she should be able to transfer to the general ward in a few days.

  Chen Yanfang said helplessly: "I originally planned to transfer out of the ICU today, but I suddenly had a fever last night. The doctor in charge said to observe for a few more days, and then go out after the fever has subsided, for fear of secondary infection."

  The postoperative infection affects the recovery of the wound. If the second infection is not treated in time, it may leave sequelae.

  "Well, it's okay to observe for a few days. That's..." Jing Xiaoran said, his next sentence has not been finished, but the ICU fee is a bit expensive, and the starting price may be 10,000 yuan a day.

  But thinking of their wealthy family, these twenty thousand are really not in their eyes.

  "Huh?" Chen Yanfang looked at Jing Xiaoran.

  This child always talks half way, which is very different from the upright Jing Xiaoran before.

  "It's nothing." Jing Xiaoran shook his head, "Actually, Xiaoxiao got sick this time, so she came to the hospital. She lives in the emergency department."

  Chen Yanfang looked startled and said, "Is it serious?"

  She knew that for Jing Xiaoran's family, Xiaoxiao was their heart and soul, and also their weakness.

  Their family has suffered a lot, and a relatively well-off family originally lived frugally just to save enough for the operation cost.

  "It has stabilized."

  Jing Xiaoran sighed and said, "But...the time for the operation can't wait until she is eight years old. The more you delay, the more the danger will increase. Otherwise, even if the operation is performed, the effect will not be good." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Mother... can you..."

  Jing Xiaoran gritted his teeth, the expression on his face was unpredictable, he thought he would never say these things to them again.

  Just thinking of Xiaoxiao's current state, his eyes became firm.

  "Auntie, can you borrow 400,000 yuan?" Jing Xiaoran turned to look at Chen Yanfang, "I will definitely make money back to you, give you an IOU, and I can also give you interest."

  Chen Yanfang stared at Jing Xiaoran, this boy, who promised a few days ago that she would not borrow money from her.

  It was this boy who ran to the emergency room with his daughter and made a correct judgment.

  It was this boy who borrowed money from himself again with a pleasing eyebrow for his sister.

  Chen Yanfang smiled and nodded, and said, "Okay, I will lend it to you."

  Jing Xiaoran was stunned: "This..."

  Is this the aunt in my memory?

  Although all his memories are like uncle Jing Weiguo's unscrupulous appearance, his subconscious Chen Yanfang should also be like this.

  "Are you surprised?" Chen Yanfang smiled, "Although I lent you, but you have to pay the IOU and pay me interest!"

  She leaned on the guardrail, her figure without any curves was a bit blessed, it should be the life of a long and wide wife that made her figure look different.

  "These are all fine!"

  Jing Xiaoran smiled. This is the first time Xiaoxiao has smiled from his heart since Xiaoxiao became ill.

  "Remember when the relationship between our two families became so bad?" Chen Yanfang continued to ask.

  "Yeah." Jing Xiaoran nodded. Although he had forgotten many things when he came back from rebirth, he will always remember these things in his heart.

  Jing Xiaoran's memory returned to that summer.

  In fact, in the early years, Jing Xiaoran's family had a very good relationship with his uncle. When he was young, he went to sea to do business. At that time, Jing Hui was still very young and could not work for many years. This was not conducive to studying and studying, so Jing Hui was fostered by her uncle in Jing. Xiao Ran's house.

  In the first few years, the relationship between the two families was still very good. Jing Hui lived well at Jing Xiaoran's house. The relationship between Jing Xiaoran and Jing Hui was like real brothers and sisters. The two people were about the same age. Jing Xiaoran was only better than Jing Hui. A few months old.

  The two studied at the same school, and were even placed in the same class, eating and living together every day.

  It can be said that if it hadn't happened, the relationship between Jing Xiaoran's family and the uncle's family would never be the way it is now.

  Jing Hui was fostered at Jing Xiaoran's house. Every six months, her uncle Jing Weiguo would pay a sum of money as Jinghui's living expenses until an accident happened.

  According to the usual agreement, the six months of life should be mailed over, but Jing's father has not received it for a long time. After repeated confirmations, Jing Weiguo indicated that he had sent the money, but Jing's father never received the money.

  At that time, Xiaoxiao had just been diagnosed with congenital heart disease. Except for the usual check-up fees and the cost of medicines, this was a huge sum of money, so Jing Weiguo suspected that Jing's father and Jing's mother had swallowed this money privately. money.

  The two quarreled over the phone. Although the two reconciled afterwards, it was like a lump in everyone's heart that could not be completely erased.

  Later, the uncle Jing Weiguo's career gradually improved. After returning home to start his own business, the business began to flourish, Jing Hui was also taken home, and the relationship between the two families became less and less.

  Father Jing borrowed money from his uncle Jing Weiguo many times, but he was prevaricated by him for various reasons, and once even threw a handful of money on the face of Father Jing.

  "In fact, I later discovered that it was Jing Weiguo who wrote your dad's name incorrectly.

This was not mailed, and the money was returned a week later. "Chen Yanfang recalled, "But Jing Weiguo felt that he was a big man, and he didn't have the face to apologize, so he just stopped. "  "Although your dad has shown good wishes many times, but Jing Weiguo has not accepted it, so the relationship between our two families has become more and more rigid."

  "As for the operation fee, I don't really care about these things. I like Xiaoxiao's child very much. I have offered to lend you money several times, but Jing Weiguo refused."

  Chen Yanfang laughed as she spoke: "He also said that some business needs to be developed, and he can't borrow money casually, and he is afraid that your family will never be able to pay it back."

  "Hehe, now it seems that the money he spent on women may be more than Xiaoxiao's treatment fees."

  It was also the first time Jing Xiaoran heard these things. Behind these old and bad things between the two families that year, he did not expect that there was so much hidden behind.

  "Then, you are going to..." Jing Xiaoran paused, glanced at Chen Yanfang, and asked cautiously.

  "Divorce!" Chen Yanfang seemed to disagree.

  Based on previous life experience, Jing Xiaoran already knew the answer, but was still impressed by Chen Yanfang's decisiveness.

  How many people, how many women should be, can have this kind of courage? Divorced her husband when the child was this old?

  The abiding and submissive aspects of Chinese women's bones all advocate tolerance, and perhaps forbearance will pass.

  "I have personally investigated these days and asked others to do it. Jing Weiguo's lover outside is not one or two." Chen Yanfang laughed at herself, and she looked down at her figure. Not on those little fairies."

  "Originally, the ugliness of the family should not be publicized, but Xiao Ran, you are not considered an outsider. I also want to thank you for telling me these nasty things about Jing Weiguo and saving Xiaohui..."

  Jing Xiaoran admired her aunt a little, and her husband could still tease herself if he cheated on her, and her mentality was determined and open-minded.

  This is Chen Yanfang, whom he has never known before.

  "Mother, thank you!" Jing Xiaoran said, "Don't mind what I said to you the other day."

  "I don't mind." Chen Yanfang stretched lazily and yawned, "Of course I don't mind."

  "I'm just curious, Jing Xiaoran, are you still you?"

  Chen Yanfang stared at Jing Xiaoran, her eyes full of curiosity and doubt.

  Jing Xiaoran's heart tightened, haha: "Auntie, you are joking, I am Jing Xiaoran, I live at No. 120 Yishui North Road, and I have a younger sister named Jing Xiaoxiao."

  "Hehe." Chen Yanfang shook his head and smiled. "The more you explain, the more it seems that there is no silver in this place."

  Jing Xiaoran: "..."

  "What about you." Chen Yanfang smiled, "Don't be so nervous, of course I know you are Jing Xiaoran, I mean you have changed too much."

  Can you not be nervous? Jing Xiaoran smiled on the surface, but inside...

  In theory, he is still Jing Xiaoran, but in fact he is the "Jing Xiaoran" more than ten years later. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is not alone.

  "Everyone will change. I have changed, but Jing Hui has not changed. She used to listen to me the most, and she may not want to see me now." Jing Xiaoran said.

  Chen Yanfang disagrees: "But you have become too fast, do you remember the time you went to my house a few months ago?"

  "Huh?" Jing Xiaoran was puzzled. He had just returned from rebirth for less than a month, and of course he didn't remember.

  "You were an introverted little boy who didn't dare to speak. After sitting in my house for a long time, you didn't dare to move your chair."

  Chen Yanfang stood up and hammered her shoulder.

  Jing Xiaoran said: "People change slowly, but there are exceptions. Sudden changes in the home may be one of the reasons."

  "It makes sense." Chen Yanfang smiled.