Education Bureau is here (final chapter of this volume)

  In the classrooms of the old campus of the County Experimental Primary School, the first lesson of the cram school started immediately.

  The tuition class is divided into two classrooms, and students are roughly divided into elementary school students and junior high school students.

  Zhou Zukun and Liu Xiaomei were the first teachers in the two classrooms respectively, and both of them were fully prepared.

  The students walked into the classroom one after another. Because today was the first class, all the parents came to watch the class, and many parents sat at the back of the classroom with stools.

  "Jin Mian, Jing Xiaoran... isn't he coming today?" Lin Xuantong stood outside the classroom, looking at the entrance of the school gate. This first class has started, and Jing Xiaoran hasn't come yet.

  Jin Miao nodded, his expression a little ugly: "I just called and he picked it up. He may not be able to come today."

  "Did something happen?" Lin Xuantong said nervously.

  "His younger sister is sick and in the hospital." Jin Mian did not hide it, because Jing Xiaoran was often late for class in high school. Many students in the class knew about his younger sister.

  "Huh? Is it serious?"

  Lin Xuantong unconsciously pinched the corners of her clothes with her hands, frowning her pretty eyebrows.

  "Her sister is in the emergency department, I don't know the specifics." Jin Mian said, "Let's go to the hospital together after the afternoon."

  "Yeah." Lin Xuantong said.


  "Today we will talk about the first lesson of composition writing."

  Liu Xiaomei was wearing a white shirt today, her black long hair curled up, she was slightly pinkish, and she was wearing tight jeans.

  She talked freely on the podium, leaving behind the college entrance examination results, she should be the best teacher here.

  "Students, first listen to the teacher's description. This is a character in a very famous movie. Let's guess who is described here."

  It turned out that the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet, and these children with an average age of ten all looked at Liu Xiaomei on the podium, showing curious eyes.

  "His eyebrows are dark and thick, and his eyes are big and piercing. There is a pair of glasses on the high bridge of the nose. The lenses are round and they look very learned. His lips are very thin, as if Magical spells will be chanted at any time."

  Liu Xiaomei finished reading this description with a smile, and then asked: "Which classmate knows whose description it is?"

  As soon as the voice fell, the classmates in the classroom said in unison: "Harry Potter!"

  "It's so smart, congratulations everyone got the answer right." Liu Xiaomei extended her thumb in praise, "but who knows what description is used in it?"

  The classmates who had just responded actively in the classroom were a little silent. Everyone looked at each other, and no one raised their hands.

  "Everyone just say, we can discuss together."

  Faced with this situation, Liu Xiaomei didn't panic, but smiled faintly, and said: "Come on, this classmate sitting in the first row, can you answer."

  The little boy sitting in the first row stood up awkwardly and accidentally knocked down the book on the table. He lowered his head and whispered, "I...I don't know."

  "Then you just guessed that this is Harry Potter?" Xiao Mei walked to the little boy, squatted halfway, and picked up the book that had fallen on the ground.

  "Um...I guessed it." The little boy whispered.

  Liu Xiaomei patiently said, "How did you guess it?"

  The little boy hesitated for a moment, and said: "Round glasses and spells, I think of Harry Potter."

  Xiao Mei smiled and stroked the little boy's head: "That's right! You can say it, but you don't dare to say it. Be brave."

  Hearing Liu Xiaomei's praise, the little boy felt embarrassed and touched the back of his head, blushing, and sat back in his seat.

  "Classmates, what this classmate said just now is right!" Xiaomei continued, "round glasses, and spells, these are the characteristics of Harry Potter."

  "We describe a thing, one of which is very important, is to grasp its characteristics to describe..."

  Under the stage, the parents nodded one after another. Liu Xiaomei's lectures are interesting and not boring. The key is to encourage students.

  These are all very important qualities to be a teacher.

  The students' enthusiasm for learning has also become higher and higher, and they have begun to take the initiative to answer Liu Xiaomei's questions.

  "Xiaomei is really amazing." Lin Xuantong said outside the classroom, "Everyone is so active."

  Jin Miao kept nodding his head up and down, with a proud look on his face, as if the person on the stage was himself.

  "I think Xiaomei is more appropriate to go to Li Meng's private tutoring." Lin Xuantong pursed her lips and whispered.

  "Huh?" Jin Mian turned his head, his movements stopped, "You mean Li Meng's private tutoring?"

  Lin Xuantong blinked: "Don't you know? It's Li Meng who is looking for a one-on-one tutor."

  "Of course I know." Jin Mian frowned. He glanced at Liu Xiaomei on the classroom stage. "You said Xiao Ran is going to let you go?"

  Lin Xuantong nodded: "Well, I refuse..."

  Just about to continue, Lin Xuantong saw a group of people walking at the entrance of the school gate. They were wearing uniform work uniforms. There were five people in total. The middle-aged man who took the lead was bloated, with most of his hair bald. Floating around.

  "Jin Mian, who do you think those people are?"

  Looking in the direction of Lin Xuantong's fingers, Jin Mian felt that the system these people were wearing was familiar, like people from the Education Bureau.

  "Xuan Tong, it may be from the Education Bureau, I'll go up and ask." Jin Miao's expression changed slightly, and he handed Lin Xuantong the file in his hand.

  This group of five people walked very fast, or with a clear goal, rushed to the cram school classroom, and quickly walked into the classroom corridor.

  "Hello, who are you looking for?" Jin Miao stepped forward.

  "We belong to the county education bureau. I heard that there is a summer cram school here." said the middle-aged man who took the lead. "Do you know where the head of this cram school is?"

  "I am, are you okay?" Jin Miao bowed and smiled.

  "You?" The middle-aged man who took the lead stopped, and looked up and down Jin Mian, with some suspicion in his eyes, "You don't seem to be seventeen or eighteen years old."

  The four men behind him all stopped, and everyone looked at Jin Mian.

  Jin Miao smiled bitterly in his heart, and could only explain: "I did it with a friend, so I'm one of the partners."

  "Then you know that public schools can't run private cram schools?" The middle-aged man taking the lead lowered his face with a serious expression.

  "Of course I know, but we are a private summer cram school. We just borrow the school's classrooms, and the school has already moved." Jin Mian secretly swallowed.

  It was the first time for Jin Mian to face this situation. Jing Xiaoran was not there yet, and he felt pressure.


"The middle-aged man who took the lead glanced at Jin Miao and snorted coldly, "Private people are even worse!" Do you have a business license? "  "Do you know how many people you have? In case of any accident, do you have the ability to handle it?"

  Jin Mian hurriedly laughed and said, "Brother, we are a formal cram school with a business license, but it's not the kind of sneaky cram school."

  When the middle-aged man who took the lead heard Jin Mian say that he had a business license, his pupils shrank, and then he returned to nature in an instant.

  "Where's the business license? Show it to me!"

  "Then wait, sit outside the classroom for a while, I'll take it out for you right away." Jin Mian said

  Many parents have also noticed the situation on Jin Mian's side. The key is that the uniforms worn by this group of people are too eye-catching.


  Emergency department of county hospital.

  The doctor's early rounds have ended, and Xiaoxiao's current situation is not suitable for immediate surgery. After communicating with Dr. Cai, Jing Xiaoran decided to let Xiaoxiao observe in the emergency department bed for a week, and then go directly to the upper level hospital.

  "Xiaoxiao, are you hungry?" Jing Xiaoran sat beside the bed, always paying attention to the monitor, "Is there anything you want to eat? Brother will buy it for you."

  Xiaoxiao's non-invasive ventilator has been removed, and now except for her face a little pale, all other vital signs have been stabilized.

  "Brother..." Xiaoxiao's face kept smiling, as if all the pain and illness had nothing to do with her, "I want to eat a cone..."

  Jing Xiaoran really wanted to rub Xiaoxiao's small round face, but after thinking about it, she held it back.

  "Not now. When you leave the hospital, you can eat as much as you want!"

  Xiaoxiao lay on the bed and sighed: "Oh..."

  "What's the matter?" Jing Xiaoran was afraid that Xiaoxiao's mood was wrong. The little guy had been happy, and suddenly came such a sigh.

  "Brother, you said you can't eat cones, so what do I want to eat! This is too much brainstorming..." Xiaoxiao blinked and looked at Jing Xiaoran and smiled again.

  "You stinky girl!" Jing Xiaoran scolded with a smile, "Dare to lie to me..."

  "hehe..." Xiaoxiao lay on the bed, smiling like an elf.

  "Ding Ding Ding..."

  The phone rang, Jing Xiaoran took out the phone, it was Jin Mian.

  "Mom, I'll go outside to answer the phone."

  Jing's father went home, while Jing's mother stayed with Xiaoxiao in the emergency department.

  "Well, you go, I see Xiaoxiao is fine."

  Jing's mother beckoned to Jing Xiaoran.

  Go out of the ward and get on the phone.

  "Hey, Jin Jin, what's the matter?" Jing Xiaoran asked.

  "Xiao Ran, just now five people from the Education Bureau came and said that they wanted to check our business license." Jin Miao's voice was hurried, and the other end of the phone was very noisy.

  "Just show them the business license." Jing Xiaoran frowned, thinking about the causes and consequences of this incident.

  These people actually came to check on the first day of class. Is this accidental?

  Or is someone deliberately behind it?

  "Xiao Ran, I always feel that they are not good at coming." Jin Mian said, "Maybe they won't give up easily."

  Could it be Lu Zirui and the others?

  But can they invite people from the Education Bureau to come and block the cram schools?

  "Jin Mian, please hold them steady first. I will take care of Xiaoxiao's affairs, and I will rush over immediately." Jing Xiaoran said.

  "Forget it, you accompany Xiaoxiao, I just tell you this." Jin Mian said.

  "It's okay, I'll come out to buy Xiaoxiao food by the way."

  Jing Xiaoran hung up the phone and returned to the emergency ward.

  "Mom, you accompany Xiaoxiao first, I'll go out for a while and buy something for Xiaoxiao by the way."

  "Yeah." Jing Mu said, "Don't buy a cone!"

  Jing Xiaoran nodded, while Xiaoxiao was bitter on the hospital bed.