Attending Doctor Li Qiuyu

  The bald man's words are rough and not rough.

  The scalper ticket dealer is so unscrupulous, the forces behind it must be complicated.

  "In addition to the expert's number, what about the other heart surgeons' numbers?" Jing Xiaoran asked.

  "Two thousand yuan for the director level, one thousand for the deputy director!" said the bald man.

  "no yet?"

  The bald man looked at Jing Xiaoran in surprise, and said, "No, you should call the attending doctor?"

  Jing Xiaoran smiled, and said nothing.

  He would definitely not hang up Huang Xiaobin's account, even the director's account.

  It's not because of how expensive their registration fee is, but as a professional doctor in his previous life, he knows who are clinically skilled, especially in the field of surgery.

  The chief surgeons are often the attending doctors or deputy chief physicians. They are the first-line doctors who spend most of their time on the operating table every day.

  And those experts, or director-level doctors, they might be really good when they were young.

  But with the increase of age and the rise of positions, their clinical skills have not improved, or it can be said that they are regressing. They are slowly developing in the direction of academic theory, or developing new surgical methods.

  After all, it is impossible for a surgeon to perform surgery for a lifetime. He will slowly move away from the operating table and pursue rights or academic status.

  "The number of the attending doctor, this..." said the bald man, "None of us would snatch this number, but if you want, I can ask a friend to get one for you."

  "how much is it?"

  "Eight hundred." The bald-headed man touched the bald head that had illuminated himself, "This is a friendship price for you."

  "Eight hundred? Forget it!"

  Jing Xiaoran is not a fool, although he is not short of the 800 yuan, but he will not send the wronged money.

  The registration fee for normal attending is only three yuan, which actually costs eight hundred yuan.

  "The price is good, if you really want it, we can talk about it."

  Jing Xiaoran waved his hand: "I'll just line up and try it myself."

  Seeing Jing Xiaoran's decisive state, the bald man said, "Well, let's take Brother Zhang's business card. If you can't register, please come to me at any time."

  Jing Xiaoran took the bald man's business card, saying that the business card was actually a simple piece of paper with a simple text and a phone number written on it.

  "Undertake the business of major hospitals, register, arrange beds, review...Tel: 152####."

  It turned out to be a one-stop service...

  Jing Xiaoran accepted the business card and continued to wait for the registration window to open.

  At 7:50 in the morning, the registration window was officially opened.


  The original quiet registration hall instantly became as noisy as a vegetable market. These people spoke accents from different regions, and their clothes were different. The direction of that person was the registered window.

  Many people wanted to jump in, but the security guards next to them drove away.

  "Don't jump in line!"

  "I found the person who jumped the queue directly out of the registration hall!"

  A long line had formed behind Jing Xiaoran, and the line was almost out of the registration hall.

  After about half an hour, it was finally Jing Xiaoran's turn.

  "Little brother, I'm going to register first, I hope you can register." The bald head smiled, and as he spoke, he took out a large number of data sheets from his pocket.

  "This is..." This is the first time Jing Xiaoran has seen such a registration.

  "Is there any expert account, or director or deputy director?" the bald man asked the staff at the window.

  "Sorry, no more." The staff replied, he didn't even look at the computer.

  "Is there still in my heart?"

  "Not anymore?" The staff became impatient, and the two most popular departments outside and inside were long gone.

  "What about rheumatism?"


  "What about the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department?"

  "Wait, I'll take a look." The window worker checked the computer, "There is also a director number."

  "Hang up this director number, thank you."

  The bald man looked in his bag for a long time, "Yes, this is it."

  He took out a copy of the household registration book, "This kid, hang a head of the Pediatric Rehabilitation Department."

  Children who do not have ID cards can only register with the user book. And the bald man's satchel is full of copies of various household registration books.

  Jing Xiaoran opened his eyes. It turned out that the scalpers were registered like this.

  The window staff quickly issued a registered ticket.

  "Okay, little brother, I'm all right, goodbye by chance! Remember to call." The bald man picked up the registered ticket and left.

  Seeing his excitement on his face, he might be able to make a fortune again.

  It was Jing Xiaoran's turn.

  "Does the cardio surgery doctor Li Qiuyu still have the number?"

  "Wait...Li Qiuyu, there's more." The staff said.

  "I'll put the number of Doctor Li Qiuyu." Jing Xiaoran looked surprised, but he didn't expect Li Qiuyu's number to be there.

  "Li Qiuyu, the attending doctor, the registration fee is 3 yuan, plus the cost of the medical card, a total of 69 yuan."

  "Okay thank you."

  Jing Xiaoran was excited when he got the registered ticket. This was Li Qiuyu's number.

  In his previous life, as soon as Jing Xiaoran came out to work, Li Qiuyu's fame had already resonated throughout the country.

  As a leading figure in China's cardiovascular surgery, Li Qiuyu has published dozens of medical papers in top international journals such as Nature and Science, creating a journey of minimally invasive cardiac surgery, improving and inventing a series of advanced surgical procedures, The success rate of surgery for children with sexual heart disease has increased by ten percentage points!

  Such a powerful figure, who has just returned from studying abroad, is just an attending physician and has no reputation in China.

  This does not mean that Li Qiuyu's current level is not good. On the contrary, because of his excellence, he can perform a cardiac surgery during the period of the attending physician, which is extremely difficult in the field of cardiac surgery.

  To know,

Heart surgery is completely different from ordinary surgery. In foreign countries, a surgeon is only qualified to receive training in heart surgery after 4-6 years of general surgery.  The doctors who can really perform heart surgery are at least the deputy chief physician and above.

  In the next ten years, Li Qiuyu's talent in the field of pediatric cardiac surgery will undoubtedly be revealed, even surpassing Huang Xiaobin, becoming the brightest star in the history of pediatric cardiac surgery in China at that time.

  "The attending doctor..." The bald-headed man went back and forth, "Are you really calling the attending doctor?"

  "Why are you back?" Jing Xiaoran asked in confusion.

  "Haha, the order has been done just now, and the living expenses these days have been!" The bald man touched his iconic bald head, and as his laugh bloomed, the scar beside his ear didn't look so hideous.

  "Whose number are you?"

  Jing Xiaoran said, "Li Qiuyu!"

  "I haven't heard of it! Seriously, do you want Huang Xiaobin's account? I can help you get it." The bald man dragged Jing Xiaoran to a corner of the hospital, "This is in short supply!"

  "No, I think Li Qiuyu's number is very good!" Jing Xiaoran smiled faintly, said hello to the bald man, and left.

  The bald man stood on the spot, the sun shone on his bald head, slightly reflecting light, and he was thoughtful.

  "Li Qiuyu? It seems I have to do my homework and get to know this doctor."

  Jing Xiaoran immediately called his father and asked him to bring Xiaoxiao to the hospital. He himself immediately went to the waiting room of the cardiac surgery.

  All levels of cardiac surgery clinics are together, whether it is at the expert level or the attending doctor level.

  "Number 32." Jing Xiaoran looked at the registered ticket in his hand, "Can you see Number 32 in the morning?"

  "It's nine o'clock, and it takes two and a half hours for a patient to watch for five minutes, that is, until half past eleven."

  "It's kind of difficult."

  After more than twenty minutes, Jing Fu came with Xiaoxiao.

  "Brother, there are so many people here!"

  The waiting room was already full of people, all parents and children.

  Xiaoxiao is a curious baby, wearing a pink dress, with big eyes wandering around.

  "Dad, we are on the 32nd, we may have to wait a few hours." Jing Xiaoran said.

  Jingfu nodded: "Well, wait. I thought you couldn't get the number. I heard the hotel owner say that the cardiology number is very difficult to get. Many people buy the number from the scalper."

  "Come early, good luck." Jing Xiaoran smiled.

  Xiaoxiao is a little girl who can't be idle, surrounded by mostly four to eight-year-old peers. She is lively by nature and soon chatted with a few new friends.

  Unknowingly, an hour has passed.


  Suddenly, there was a sound of tables and chairs falling to the ground in the consulting room.

  A boy's voice roared from the consulting room!

  "I bought an account number for four thousand yuan. The doctor told me to go to another hospital in less than five minutes?"

  "Fuck, the doctor's conscience was eaten by dogs?"