I am the duke you are looking for

"Father? Brother? What took you so long?" Andraste pouted.

"Father just had to talk to your brother, that it took quite a while." Duke Arvendon excused. Not that it was a lie. "Now, now. Are all of your things that you wanted to bring with you are already there?"

The Duke inquired to his daughter with such a soothing and gentle look on his face.

Andraste made a sad expression. She crossed her arms, "Yes, father. And also, I know that you two are hiding something from me. Hmph."

The duke let out a muffled laugh as he covered his mouth, "The travel to our dukedom will take a very long time. It would be good for you if you sleep on our journey." He said, trying to look serious, as he held his laughter.

"But I'm not sleepy, father. Nor do I feel tired." The little Andraste responded to her father.

"I know, but I am only telling you that you should rest if you feel tired, during our long journey." Duke Arvendon then patted and brushed his daughter's hair, softly.

"I understand, father." She only smiled brightly.

"If that so, then we should keep going now." The duke smiled as he closed the door of Andraste's carriage.

"Csilla is very, very, excited!" Andraste exclaimed. Her eyes smiled along her lips.

"And so is your brother." Duke Arvendon added.

And so, they started to depart. The healthy and refreshing green scenery of the field enchanted the sight of Andraste Arvendon. The tall and mighty trees that stood up straight on the fields have shone their leaves.

"How wonderful this sight is!" She chimed. Then she looked up at the blue sky.

Birds dancing along with the cold and gentle breath of wind. Evening came soon after, and the party of the duke has decided to make their stop. They build a tent for them to stay, and as time goes by, the stars twinkled in the night sky above.


The crackling sound of the bonfire made echoed along the crickets' sound makes.

Duke Arvendon went to the largest tent among the crowd. He drew the curtain of the tent to the side.

"Father? Is that you?" Andraste asked in a sleepy tone.

"Yes. It is, I." The duke replied as she entered the tent. He walked towards Andraste, "You weren't able to sleep comfortably, were you?" He asked in a soothing voice.

Andraste rubbed her right eye, and then she blinked multiple times, "Yes, father. It was too noisy outside. The sound of the crickets made makes it hard for me to sleep."

"Was that the only reason?" Duke asked, trying to make sure if anything bothers the lass.

"Uhmmm… The mosquitos too. Their bites are so itchy." Andraste answered shyly. Still half-awake.

"I see." He replied as he shoved his hand into his coat pocket.

He pulled out a gold circular metal container, then the duke opened its lid, "This ointment should lessen the itchiness."

Duke Arvendon said as he applied the ointment gently onto his daughter's itching wrist.

"Does that can really ease the itchiness, father?" Andraste asked as she slowly opens her sleepy eyes and rubbed them.

The duke's lips curved into a smile, "Yes, yes. Of course, father is quite sure, that this ointment will help relieve the itchiness. Can you feel the cold sensation brought by the ointment?" He asked, still smiling.

Andraste, with her drooping eyelids, stared at her wrist where the ointment was applied. She pouted for a moment before smiling, "I can feel something cold, father!" She exclaimed.

Duke Arvendon chuckled in amusement, seeing his daughter be so happy about the effect of the ointment, "It is indeed." He then patted her head, "You should go back now to your sleep, my child."

The duke tucked Andraste, back inside her blanket. Andraste stared at his father with wondering eyes, "How about, father?"

"Oh, me? Father has some things to do before going to sleep." Duke Arvendon crooned as he caressed Andraste's fluffy cheeks, "Worry not, my dear. I will follow you and your brother to sleep."

The sleepy young lady in her blanket just nodded. "Good night then, father." She yawned.

"Yes, good night, my dear daughter." He smiled.

Not long after, as the duke watched Andraste, she began drifting back into her slumber.


A rapid, but cautious footsteps, was heard from outside the tent. The duke immediately went out of the tent.

"What is it?" The duke denoted as soon as he came out of the tent.

"The route has been cleared, my liege." The knight with a chestnut hair color knelt on one knee.

"I see. I leave you the assignment with the knights on patrol for tonight, Eldwin." The duke tapped the left shoulder of the knight.

Eldwin looked up at the duke. His eyes were a grey steal, that suited his handsome face. Eldwin is still youthful and is about in his 20's.

"Yes, my liege." He bowed once again, before proceeding to what has been ordered to him.

Soon, the sun started to bid his greetings to the world, as he shone warmly from up above.

"1, 2, 3, Now lift! Together!"

"Heave, ho!"

It was the knights packing all of the tents and stuff that were used from the camping last night.

"Again! 1, 2, 3, Together!" Counted the one on the lead.

"Heave, ho!" Followed the other knights, as they all lifted up the large tent.

The duke watched his knights, the Order of the house of Arvendor, as they worked nonstop. Packing their things to move out and continue their journey, to the dukedom.

Meanwhile, a smoke of dust was rustling along with the wind, not too far from them, caught one of the knight's attention.

"Someone is coming! An unknown knight marshal in red armor is incoming!" A knight was alerted.

"What? A knight marshal? Who sent a knight marshal?" Duke Arvendon repeated, as puzzled as he could be.

Everyone in the company, rushed together as the House of Arvendon's knights circled them.

"Where's Cirillo, and Csilla?" The duke's worry was reflected in his waving golden amber eyes.

"That, my liege… They must be—" The knight unable to finish his sentence, duke Arvendon rushed to his daughter and son as he has an idea where they might be.

The duke strived after strive. His phasing increasing as now he is running. Until he saw two little children standing in the middle of the crown. Two children with platinum blonde hair, as they holding each other's hands. Looking scared and confused about what was happening.

The duke panted but was relieved seeing that his children were protected in the crowd.


"Where is the His Grace, the Duke of Arvendon?" The said unknown marshal in his shining silver-plated armor started.

Duke Conan Bray Arvendon took a step ahead. He was about to present himself to the knight marshal, but then, his knight named Eldwin stopped him. Blocking his way with his right arm.

"We are not sure of his purpose here, my liege." The cautiousness was evident in Eldwin's tone.

"No, it is alright, Eldwin. Look closely, that badge of templar that he and his horse has." The duke paused, "Isn't that quite familiar?"He quizzed.

Eldwin stared at the templar badge of the knight marshal. His eyes widened with a sudden realization. He retreated his right arm, "I apologize for my rudeness, my liege."

"I hope this does not have to happen again." Duke Conan Arvendon only smiled.

"Yes, my liege." He bowed.

"Now, now. What is the commander of the Royal Order of De'Loughrey, is doing here?" The duke stepped in. Presenting himself.

"Who might you be?" Apparently, the said knight marshal is a commander.

"I am the duke you are looking for. Duke Conan Bray Arvendor is the name." He ended with a smile.