Are we going home?

"What took you so looong?" Prolonged Andraste Csilla with her crossed arms on her chest. "You said you will just have to talk to the new knight for just a moment. But we waited for like an hour!" She exaggerated, rolling her eyes at Commander Eldwin.

"We just had a little talk, Andraste. I apologize for making the two of you wait." Lied Commander Eldwin with a smile forming on his lips.

"A little talk? But sir Favran even came afterward. What was that about, really?" Interrogated the young mistress, with an arching eyebrow as she shot several questions towards the commander. "You also told me that you will tell me the reason why you pursued us to go out of our carriage." She pouted.

"Ah, that... I thought you'd forget about it after some time. However, it is not like I am intending not to tell the two of you."Commander Eldwin mused letting a soft chuckle as he held a hand in front of his mouth.

"So you did mean not to tell us, do you, Commander?" With her squinting eyes, Andraste once again shot another question.

"No, I did not. But perhaps you can say that I would like to delay telling the two of you the reason. It will only frighten the two of you, scare the two of you, while we are on our journey. And I, do not want that to happen." The Commander paused with a sigh as he looked down, meeting the gaze of his young master and mistress's, "My young Lord and My young Lady, I do not want to stain your genuine smiles, and be replaced with trembling and quivering lips because of the fear that the two of you will feel, nor do I want to see any one of you with gnashing and gritted teeth because of anger. "

Commander Eldwin took a deep breath, and as he exhaled he looked upwards, and as soon as he does, the insubstantial golden and pink clouds greeted his vision.

'Such a view... Does His Grace the Duke see this too?' He thought to himself.

There was a long moment of silence, as Commander Eldwin stared at the clouds, and the two children fidgeting with their hands.

"Whatever we feel, whatever our emotions will be, it is ours to decide, Commander."

Voiced out Audemar Cirillo in a low tone, as the corner of his eyes crinkled. Trying his best to hold the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Audemar..." Commander Eldwin muttered under his breath.

Audemar Cirillo looked up and stared at Commander Eldwin. The Commander cannot comprehend what it was that gleamed in the eyes of his young Lord.

"We cannot act on what we want, because Csilla and I are an offspring of royalty. We cannot say what we want to say, because our words will affect the image of the throne. We cannot tell what we feel, because they will find it as a weakness of our blood!" He yelled, catching the attention of the Knights near them that were rounding up, as Favran was about to brief them about the plan.

"We must be this! We must be that! Be a ruler, and everyone, everything, any what, will be yours! Lies! All lies! How can everything be mine? The 'me' right now is not allowed to speak my thoughts, to voice out my opinion, and say what I feel! How, Commander?

"Is it fun to see us smile, laugh, chuckle, and giggle in the midst of danger? And then be shocked and horrified of what might befall us when it is happening right in front of our eyes? What difference does it make? Would it be better if you let us be ignorant of the situation?"

Breathless after lashing out, Audemar's nose turned pink. His platinum blonde hair carefully being brushed by the wind, as the tears from his golden amber eyes fell down, rolling down on his face.

Sniff! Sniff! Sniffles... Sniffled Audemar.

"Brotheeeeer..." Andraste Csilla gripped on her brother's sleeve, "You're turning into a tomato, the knights can see youuuu. Please stop crying..." She sobbed in between.

Audemar immediately shot a glare at Andraste Csilla before yanking his sleeves, but gently at the same time, "What do you mean tomato? Shut up, Csilla, and look at your runny nose."

"Pardon my lashing out, Commander. It was disrespectful of me." Audemar added, apologizing to the Commander as he wiped his tears with the sleeve on the back of his hand, "I perhaps should go back inside the carriage, until the matter that you must resolve is done. Now then, if you'll excuse me." The young lad ended, turning his back towards the Commander of his father's knighthood.

Commander Eldwin only stared at the figure of Audemar Cirillo slowly walking away from them. As soon as Audemar took a step at the carriage, he glanced at Commander Eldwin before entering.

The Commander let out an audible deep sigh. Andraste looked up immediately at the mighty Commander with a worried look, "Brother did not mean to say those harsh words." She tried to explain, pouting.

A second sigh came out from the Commander, "I know that very well, Andraste. I know that very well..." He repeated as he did not break his stare at the carriage where the lad went in.

"The young master has been holding himself up for a very long time. Living up to the standards of our society." Commander Eldwin paused as he fixed his gaze towards Andraste Csilla. A faint smile crept up his face followed by a sigh, but a sigh of relief at this time. "But I am glad our Andraste here does not seem to be too bugged by this situation."

Andraste tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

"You are too young. You must live your life happily for you are still young, and not be too much troubled with the adults' matters. What I only meant is that, put a little trust in us. Let us guide and protect you, and live to your fullest."

Andraste became silent as if she was trying to carefully understand every word the Commander has said. She looked away and blinked several times.

"Then how will we able to know how to stand by ourselves? What you just said Commander is one of those that father gave, as an example of living your life recklessly. 'Living like no care and letting someone else be obligated of you— Csilla, Cirillo, you must never, ever be a burden nor burden anyone and be a leader yourself.' was what father told us." Andraste mimicked how the Duke said his advice as she waved, and waved, and waved, her hands in the air as she spoke.

After the Commander heard the lesson that his Liege told to his children, he cannot help but smile fully. He was speechless.

Andraste giggled at the speechless Commander while covering her mouth, "Father is such a preacher, right Commander?"

"Perhaps? But your father— My Liege, is indeed right. I am ashamed of what I have just said to the young mistress." He said in a dropping tone of voice.

"Ashamed of what? Why?" Clueless, Andraste stared at Commander Eldwin with her puppy eyes.

"Nothing. Andraste I need you to go get your brother here as Favran explains whatever situation we are in, right now." Commander Eldwin asked Andraste a favor, but more like a task for Andraste to do.

"Aye! Aye, Captain!" She saluted enthusiastically with a wide grin plastered on her face before playfully marching off towards their carriage.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Loud knocks from the door of the carriage made the one and only passenger— Audemar snap out of his sulking. Startled, as he glanced quickly towards the door, when suddenly, Andraste peeked through the door.

"Brooother?" Andraste called as she knocked once again.

"I can see you already, you know? What is it?" Audemar Cirillo grumpily replied as he blew the strand of hair that was on the bridge of his nose.

"Well, you see, Commander told me to bring you back there, that is if you really want to know what situation we are in, he said." Explained Andraste, opening the door wider before entering the carriage, "So, are you coming with me brother? Or what?" She then raised her eyebrows in anticipation of her brother's reply.

"I'll be coming right after you—"

"Ah no, no, no! if you'll come then we will come together. Who knows if you miss out on some of the details, then I'll have to be the one to explain it to you. So, if you are coming then come with me." Andraste Csilla cut off her brother as she insisted, pulling Audemar's hands.

"Come on now, brother. Don't be shy!" She teased.

Kata-kata, Kata-kata, Kata-kata

Footsteps of the knights, marching into their positions drummed the ground.

"What's going on out there?" Audemars curiosity has peeked.

Hoooraaahhhhh!! Hooooraahh!! Haaaaaahh!!!

"Is it just me, or you too can also hear the shouting of the knights?" Audemar asked his younger sister.

Upon hearing this, the corner of Andraste's lips arched upwards, unconscious of the forming playful smirk as her eyes squinted;

"You want to know what is going on out there, don't you brother?"

Her brother glanced at her with a slight frown, "Shut up. I am not going, so leave me alone." Audemar plainly rejected, brushing Andraste off.

Andraste pouted, pretending to be disappointed at her brother as she stared at her shoes, clasping her hands together extending to the ground. Her shoulders went up as she took a deep breath in, and slouched as soon as she exhaled.

"Then... sighs... I see. I'll excuse myself now brother..." Still putting up the disappointment act, Andraste walked out.


"Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!" A high-pitched scream echoed through.

"Csilla? Csilla!" Audemar exclaimed. His eyes went wide, as he stood up straight as a pole. Pushing the door hard, it sprung open revealing the surrounding. "W-what? What just... What just happened?" Breathless he was.

Holes on the ground, turned-up soils, thick grey smoke in the air, and blood.

"Blood? Blood?!" Realizing what was happening, Audemar's breathing started to hitch as his chest heave right after. His vision starting to get blurry. "Csi-Csi-Csilla...? Csilla?" Audemar with all his courage tried to call Andraste Csilla, but it came out as a whisper.

"Where? Csilla? Csilla!!! Csilla where are you?? Csillaaaa!" He shouted as he searched.

"Brotheeer!" Screamed Andraste.

"Csilla?! Csilla where are you?!" Frantic, he ran trying to search for Andraste, until he saw a knight with a different insignia was carrying Andraste on his left shoulder.

"Brother!! Brotheeeer! Help me brother! I'm scaaaareeed! Ahhhhh!!" She continued screaming as she frantically started hitting the back of the knight who was carrying her non-stop.

"No, no, Csilla!"

Seeing the knight fleeing away with Andraste, he chased them, however;

"Haaaah!!" A man shouted, his sword hanging up in the ground.

Audemar looked up at the sword, his eyes went round in bleak.

'I... I cannot move... my feet's stuck...' He cried in his thoughts. Closing his eyes as the sword started swung downwards. Seconds have passed, nothing hits him, and slowly, he opened his eyes.

"Commander!" Audemar exclaimed, relieved that Commander Eldwin came to his rescue, throwing the dead body of the assailant, pulling his sword from him.

"Were you hurt?! Young master?" Commander Eldwin held Audemar Cirillo's arm tightly, "The mistress? Andraste? Where is she?" He asked, his eyebrows drawing together.

Audemar who was in shock stared at the hand of Commander Eldwin. Blood stained his white sleeves. He sighed, when suddenly. "They took my sister Commander! They took her."

And tears came down pouring.