Are we going home? (Part 3)

"Why?! Why are you doing this sir Favran! Why are we leaving them behind?!" Confused and crying out loud, Audemar asked Favran.

"I must bring My Lord to safety," Favran answered in between his breath, timidly.

"And what about my sister? Andraste? Are you not going to find her?" Audemar asked continuously.

"I am deeply sorry about this, My Lord, but with me being the only one accompanying you, I am afraid to say that I cannot go around searching for Lady Andraste." Stopping on his track, Favran gave Audemar his reason, looking both left and right, "Damn it, I should have brought a horse! So stupid Favran..." He cursed to himself.

"What are you going to do now? Are you going back?" Wondering what Favran will do, Audemar asked him, as he stared deeply at Favran.

Favran stared back at Audemar Cirillo for a brief moment. He examined Audemar's face and his expression, before putting him down to the ground.

"Yes, and wait for me to come back," Favran told Audemar in a serious tone, "I need you to stay put here. Do you understand?"

"What?! After dragging me all the way here, you are now going to leave me alone?" Unable to comprehend what was going on in Favran's head, Audemar exclaimed at him, "Besides, it's too dangerous there! You might even die!"

"Like a moment ago you do not even want to go and flee away from that place." He whispered to himself, mocking his Liege's son.

But Audemar was too close to Favran, allowing him to hear every single word he whispered to himself. His eyes beamed anger towards Favran and pouted. After a while, Favran noticed the glare that Audemar is giving him.

"What?" He said, feigning ignorance.

"This is why I do not like you at all. Douchebag!" Barked Audemar, kicking Favran's shin, hard enough for him to lose his balance.

"Arghh, f—Ahhhhh my foot! Fuuuaaagghh!" Favran grunted in pain, bending over to reach his shin that Audemar brutally kicked.

"You are overreacting." Stated Audemar, with an evident expression on his face, ridiculing Favran, "And that is not foot. That is your shin, idiot." He added, rolling his eyes.

Favran tilted his head processing just what Audemar called him. His eyebrows snapping together as one, creating a crease on his forehead. His mouth gaped and arched one-sidedly.

"W... W..."

"Www?" Audemar raised his eyebrows, "What? You forgot how to speak?" He jeered.

Favran scoffed at his young Lord's remark, "Hah! Hah! HAHAHA! Ahhh really, this little... Haaaahhh..." Favran let out a deep sighed.

'I give up on this kid already.' Thought Favran Madris to himself, caressing his shin. When he noticed that Audemar went silent. Glancing over the kid, he saw Audemar playfully kicking the pebbles on the ground.

"Look at this kid, messing around like with no care." He sighed for the second time, whispering under his breath, shaking his head. He walked a little closer towards Audemar Cirillo, "Hey kid stop that—"

Knight Favran, out of a sudden stopped in the middle of his sentence. The corner of his eyes crinkled as he focused on Audemar's face. A third sigh came out from him once again.

"What's with all the sighing about?" Questioned Audemar with a sharp intonation, before meeting Knight Favran's gaze.

"I— nothing I just thought that. You know that you can rely on me, you know?" His voice sounded calm and soothing, and as Favran stared right through Audemar Cirillo's eyes, it screamed gentleness.

"No. I do not want to. Relying on you will make me feel worse. Hatred, hatred for myself." Then Audemar's forehead creased. Both of his hands curled tightly into a fist, and slowly, tears were flooding his eyes. It gleamed and shined just like the crystals, making it be seen by Favran.

His mouth gaped upon seeing the young lad's expression, his forehead furrowed. He felt a pang in his heart and he knew already what was the reason behind the statement of Audemar Cirillo's. Knight Favran patted Audemar on his left shoulder and says;

"Hey kid, look at me."

Audemar did what exactly Favran said. He is doing great on holding back his tears.

"We will find Andraste, okay? Eventually. Trust me on this, at least." Favran tried to comfort Audemar, "I may not be my brother, the Commander that you look upon to so much. But I can, and I will do my hardest to bring our young mistress back. Shan't I?" He added as he holds Audemar tightly on his shoulder and giving him a faint smile, before walking away, giving Audemar the space he needs.

Audemar only looked away, staring down onto the ground. And as he did, tears dropped one by one. He stood there and cried silently.

Shhkk... Shhkk...

The rustling of a bush was heard not too far from them. Upon hearing this, Favran Madris was alerted, as he stood up abruptly, standing like a pole, "My Lord." He called out to Audemar as he bent. His busy eyes, carefully watching their surroundings.

"Come, My Lord. Quickly." Repeated Favran, motioning Audemar to come to him.

The nervous young lad looked around him frantically, before running towards Knight Favran. Reaching where Favran was, Audemar hid eagerly behind his back. Favran slowly drew his sword out of its scabbard as he approached where the sound came from.


He walked slowly and silently, and with each step, he draws his sword nearer his chest. With this, it will be easier for him to thrust the man in hiding, when it gets out of the bush. Nearing where the sound came from. Favran's now half-lidded eyes stared deeply at the bush, when suddenly...

Shhkk Shhkk Shhkkkk

Favran quickly raised his sword, swinging it up high, ready to slice through the flesh of the man hiding behind the bush.

"Hiiyaaaaah!" Favran yelled out, exerting force.

"Hello— Ahhhhh!!" Screamed the man from behind the bush as he swiftly raises both of his arms to block the sword that stopped in the mid-air. Completely frightened, and was caught off guard.

"Huh?" The confused Favran unconsciously raised his eyebrow towards the man. The man peeked slowly between the gap of his arms that were still hung up in the air.

"S-s-sir? Sir Favran?" Asked the man.

"What are you doing here Stephan?" Interrogated Favran Madris, still confused, he drew back his sword.

"The Commander ordered me to follow you and bring these horses with us." Explained Knight Stephan pulling the reign he had been holding since earlier, "The Commander also told me to relay his message to you."

Intrigued by what his brother wanted to tell him, he walked closer towards Knight Stephan, "What is it? What did my brother tell you?" Favran ended, kneeling in front of the young knight.

Knight Stephan gulped hardly twice as if there was a big lump stuck in his throat, "I apologize. But, I think it is not— no, I mean, it would be better for the Knight 1st class not to know."

"Now, it's all the more reason for me to know. After all, it was a message my brother wanted you to relay for me, wasn't it? Spill it now, Stephan." Knight Favran Madris quipped, satisfied with his remark, a scrupulous smile crept up to his face.

Knight Stephan sighed. His head gawking downward, "Whatever you hear is not my fault Sir Favran." Said Stephan, as he made eye contact with Favran. Favran only nodded as a response.

"You are such a fool. An idiotic stupid person for not bringing a horse when you run away. I sent Stephan to bring you a horse. Use your brain, my dear brother, that is if you want to live at least until the age of forty." Stephan paused, feeling guilty for his superior— Favran, with his mouth gaped. Dazed and insulted with what he just heard.

His breath was held, processing every word Stephan said, "W-was that all he said? That was all he said, right?" He prompted.

Knight Stephan gritted his teeth, "Uhmmm... 'Who knows, you might die because of the stupidity of yours.' That was the last thing the Commander said. Then he laughed, before joining the others to fight back against the assailants." Ended Knight Stephan.

Favran Madris glanced at the two brown horses that Knight Stephan brought with him. He makes his way towards the horses, then he scoffed. As soon as he reached the horses, he rubbed the nose of the horse with a white exaggerated blaze on its face.

"That old man. Tsk." Favran clicked his tongue, "But, hell. This horse's got a nice facial marking. He yours?" He asked Knight Stephan informally.

"No sir. His owner was Rodelle." Answered Knight Stephan in a low sad tone.

"Was?" Puzzled, Favran asked back.

"He was shot on his back. Penetrating his lungs, and he... He bled out so badly." Paused Knight Stephan, "Sir Rodelle fought bravely, and served His Grace the Duke well."

Stephan ended, looking up to meet Favran's gaze before shifting his attention to the young Audemar, sitting quietly on the ground. And at the time that their eyes met, Knight Stephan gave him a faint smile.

"We will protect you, My Lord, no matter what happens. We are under our oath, and we take pride in our oath."

Were the most hurtful words that came out from Knight Stephan. It may not be offensive, but for Audemar, it was as if their lives were mere tools for them. To give them recognition. To keep them safe, to keep them on living.

Audemar Cirillo's face turned grim, his lips quivering, and broke away from the stare.

'This is so wrong. Why does this have to be like this!' Mad, he thought to himself clutching his hands tightly into a fist.

There was a long moment of silence after Knight Stephan spoke. Not until when Favran Madris took the reigns of the two brown horses from Knight Stephan. He looked heavenwards and stared at the lustrous numbers of the diamonds among the dark blue evening sky.

"Let us all keep going. Time does not wait for us. Which basically means that you, and you, must stand up now already." Knight Favran Madris instructed as he pointed at the two, "Come on now. Get up! Get up, boys!" He cheered. Especially to Audemar.

However, Audemar seemed not to move. It was as if he pretended not to hear Favran Madris.

"Audemar?" Called out Favran.

"Yes, yes. I heard you, but please give me a moment to take everything all in." Demanded Audemar while playing with his sleeves. His sleeves were as white, as the coat of a sheep. But now is stained with the blood of whoever those unlucky men that were perished by Commander Eldwin Madris.

Favran sighed, and when he was about to talk...

"Sire?" In a whispering manner, Knight Stephan called out to him. Favran immediately glances over his shoulder, having a good look at Stephan who was evaluating the surroundings.

"What is it?" He replied.

Knight Stephan's head tilted a little, "I think I just heard a screaming?"

"A screaming?" Repeated Favran.

"Yes, Sire. A screaming that would be highly likely to a young lass. About the age of the young Lady— Andraste." Knight Stephan stated without hesitations, with a straight expression plastered on his face.

"Do not go around goofing like that, Stephan! Shame on you!" With a puckered forehead, Knight Favran Madris told Stephan.

"But Sire! I am not— "