Of course I was just kidding (Part 2)

As time passes by, Audemar gazes around him, familiarizing the sight in front of him while he chews onto the frog's bone. "I'm still hungry. Sir Favran was right, one frog for me won't be enough."

Audemar Cirillo looked heavenwards as he waited for Favran to come back.

'It's so cold.' thought the young lad, taking in the sight of the starry sky, when suddenly he felt something damp and soft that touched his skin.

"AHH!" He screamed and flinched, startled by what it was that he felt, and as he looked down there he saw a dog, "You scared the wits out of me!" Then he sighed.

Audemar stared at the dog who is staring back at him. The dog seemed to like it wants something from Audemar. 

"What are you looking at?! I am not a dog person, so back off! Shoo! Shoo! Go away!" Audemar shouted as he shooed away the stray dog.