Lost in thoughts

"My lady?" Count Vaughn Hayes Read took a step forward. "Are you all right? You seem to be—" suddenly, Count Vaughn paused at the middle of his sentence as he stopped in his tracks.

A moment not long after that, he too averted my gaze as he drew his hand near his chin as if Count Vaughn Hayes Read was thinking of something. "Hah. How should I put it? Csilla, I hope you won't think badly of me. However, you seem rather flustered because of me," he speculated.

I averted his gaze quickly as I tried to gather my thoughts. "Ahem! Ah, yes— no! Moreover, I am a little baffled and perplexed by how you address me," I responded honestly.

"That? What do you mean? I'm sorry, I think I cannot follow what you are trying to say, Csilla," apologized Count Vaughn Hayes Read. And he did it yet again.