Chapter 6

Nana pov

Me and the two kids walking going to guild, i can say that this village is in a good condition. If this is a game, so there's another player here too why I can't see there level and hp. I feel that im the only one here who's came from another world. And now we're passing at the market

" Its only for 2 silver coins"

" how much this carrot ?"

" Thank you"

" Nellie lets go"

" Mom can i buy that"

" The fruits is fresh"

Many people buying, selling their products and  Trading item.

" You two.. why you're wearing a mask ?" I ask because they using mask maybe the kids here is wierd. And we stopped at the huge and big building, im assuming that this is the guild.

" Kaleel!.. Liza!!.." a lady call them maybe she's on 30's and she ran over here

" Heheheheh" they both secretly laugh

" Where did you go? Did you know that i was looking for you two in 3 hours?" She said while gasping

" Sorry Were just playing " he said pleasing and the lady just sigh. She stopped when notice me. Her presence become heavy like im her enemy,

' woahh... Easy im not an enemy'

" By the way maria this is Big sis Nana she's an adventurer" liza introduce me

" You kids you're kind of stubborn, i said don't take to stranger right?" She said camly to them and she look at me again

" But she save us from the wolf and she's my friend" kaleel said

" Wolf?!  Are you two alright? Did you get some scratches?" She said and worrying. Her heavy  presence was gone

" Thank you for saving them.. if there's anything or something do you need just come to me and sorry in my attitude " she said and give me her card address

" It's fine.. Thank you... But i have a question, why they wearing a mask?" I ask curiously

" Ahh.. its uhmm just their hubby" she answered but i know its not true by the way she answered, i can tell

" Okay.. i guess i should go ahead, bye you too" i said and turn around to them.

" Bye bye nana, its nice to meet you!" Kaleel shout

" Bye big sis we will visit you everyday! " Liza say her goodbye

I just wave to them as my goodbye. I continue walking I take a step go inside of the guild and observing people's there.

" Hey... Liya what is our next quest?"

" Go to the dungeon and kill many goblins"

" Where is vika?"

" My master is out of the town he's doing his job"

" So wanna make out?"

' I will keep my distance from them.. they so shameless as if they talk it in private'

" What did you say?!"  A tall guy with a beard and all people in there is watching

' omy this is my first time to see a kind that of beard its like a nest hahaha'

" You're a idiot" A skinny but looks healthy guy said

" What the?!!" Tall guy posture his hand ready to attack. The skinny guy took out his wand and ready to cast a spell

" Oppss... You already know the rules here right, please sir calm down yourself" a beautiful girl appear on the scene and in just a snap the tall guy and the skinny guy suddenly became a calm and obedient to the girl

" Ok, im sorry" the tall man said

" Im sorry bud" skinny said and they both hug each other

' so gay hahahha... I want to laugh but no duhh im gonna catch there attention no way'

I look again at the girl and observe her

' i bet she's a manipulator, these guild is kind of good they know strategy '

And I continue walked go to the front desk and take a registration.

" Hi Welcome to Trexion Guild..* smiled* I think your new btw, Im Rian the assign in registration form, Are you here to register?" A blue long hair  stated and i just nod

" Welcome.. adventurer can you form this application?" She ask and i smiled. She give me a paper and i sit at the chair in the front

'what the?! What kind of letters is this?! I cant read it... I read many languages and know it but this?  '

" Do you have any problem?" She ask me and i nod shyly.

"What's the problem?" She ask and sit beside me

" I can't read it" and she suddenly stop and look at me intently

" What?! " She exclaimed and many people get attention to her.

" Ehemm" i fake cough and she sit back ashamed

" Im so sorry, so you can't read this really? " she stated

" That's fine.. so.. i can't read this do you have any form?" I ask and she shake her head

" Where are you from?" She ask

" Im from phi.. * you cant tell where you from* ohhh shit uhmm im from " i look around

"From?" ..

' maybe there's a place here starting with phi.. spotted it'

" Phisophic " i said

" Ohh i didn't hear that place , Maybe you came from far far away city.. if you can't read this you can't"

' No... This can't be why? Huhuhu if i don't register i will not became a adventurer. Im dissapointed... Yes really really dissapointed '

" Sorry you can't be a adventure.. but there's a way " she said and i feel little hope

" What is it? I can do it.. tell me" I stated seriously