Chapter 8

Nana Pov

" Nana wake up..." I heard someone tryin to wake me up

' No i feel so exhausted'

" Don't disturb me... I want to sleep" i said

" Heyy... You really need to wake up how about your adventures id?" She said

' huhuhu can i take just like a 5 minutes.. im badly need sleep because of that picking choices'

" Give me 5 minutes" i said in warning tone and glared at her

(✿^‿^)- rian

ಠωಠ- me

' she didn't even scared at me '

" Okay fine... Shu shu im gonna take a bath" ive said without opened my eyes

" Open your eyes or you'll get gob in your head" she warned

" Dont worry i can sense it" i said and continue my doing

" Btw your clothes is in the bathroom so don't bother" she added and i open my eyes i saw a bubbly tub and shower if you go inside

" I'll take a shower sorry hot tub i need to hurry" i Stated

*After 12345 minutes*

I open the cabinet and I saw a pair of

" Uniforms!?" I exclaimed

* Fast forward*

I cross my arms and my legs while looking intently at Rian. I put up the uniform like she said

" So what now?" I ask her

" You said you want to become a adventurer, so this is the only way" she said

" You're kidding me, Can i just hired person to teach me?" I said disagree

" You can't because they where in the academy" she said in serious tone

" No way...."

Impossible in my other World i keep escaping school and now? Here too.. Is that really needed

" Yes no way" she said and smile

Huhuhu i don't like school/ Academy or what ever its still the same huhuhu

" If i don't" i said serious

" You can't, I already enrolled " she said and stood up take her bag with her


* At the gate*

The dry leaves go with the air flow, I can hear the silence of this academy. A huge gate opens suddenly,  In the Right side if you go inside there's a huge fountain with a statue with in it. In the left side is i think that way is in the garden. I posture my body and stand up properly * breathe in* Breathe out* okayyy... I took out my little mirror in my bag and look at my Clothes

" My hoodie is really suit to me and my circle eyeglasses too" i mumbled

" So let's go?" She ask

" Do i have a choice?" I said to her

" Of course you don't" she said and posture her self

We start walking and  suddenly I see  many students at the bench doing their things. I heard some whisper and shout in my surroundings

" She's really gorgeous"

" Idol"

" My dream"

" Can you be mine?"

" Rian... Do you have a spare time?"

Don't tell me.. Omy she's that kind of famous. I take a look at here,. She's smiling Why i drag my self into this I know what next will happened

" Who is the girl beside her?"

" Who is that nerdy girl?"

" A transferee?"

" Why she's so close at our President"

" A leech..?"

Yown... Told you so, Why she didn't say that she's the President. Why? Why? I just want to be a normal student here. Im a just a nerd student girl. Ive notice that rian stopped and walk back

" Where are you going?" I ask and she doesn't even notice me

" What did you say?" She said at the girl who said im a leech

' No way'

I look at her and sign her ' No' and she juist smiled

" You better watch your mouth, I'll leave this once but next time you'll get what you want" She said seriously and smiled

" Ohhhhhh " everyone in the hall

" That's my Pres"

" Yuhhhooo our president is so kind"

" Wenacy don't have a courage to Challenge Our pres. "

She start to walk again forward and i just follow her. I'm at her back

" You didn't said that you're a President" i rolled my eyes

" If i say that, do you want to be with me?" She ask

" Of course" i said directly

" Really?" She said

" Of course not i don't like people's attention" i said

" Ohh" she said in sad tone

" Just kidding" i added

" Btw why you put that jacket and glasses on? Your uniform really fits you.. you're beautiful than me" she commented

" Nahh im better with this" i said and we stopped at the huge door i bet this is the principal office

" I'll got to go, sorry i have many classes to attended too bye bye cya later" she said her goodbye

' So, what? What im going to do?'

Suddenly someone opens the door and it was the girl who's with the kids i met yesterday

" Hi are you the new student?" She ask

" I think so, " i answered

" Btw come in" she said and she pull me inside

" Why are you here?" I ask

" I was principal  secretary" she said

"Oohhh Where is the principal Ms.?" I ask her

" Sorry i didn't tell my name yesterday Im Viel Nelux Just call me Vil about principal she's not here going somewhere, but i can  help you" she said

" Ohh really thanks" I thank her

" Btw this is your key, watch, and about your things they we're on your room. Good luck " She said and give the the watch and the key

" Uhmm why there's a watch?" I ask her why? Of course im curious and reciev it

" Ohh sorry i forgot to tell you, always wear this watch, this have an tracker to know us if you're in danger " she explained

" Okay, " i said and stand up


" You better hurry or else you'll be late" she said and i just nodded