Sweaty start of the date

It was finally Wednesday. The day Yana and Luka had their 'date'. Yana woke up early since she tossed and turned in bed thinking about today.

She really didn't know how to feel. It was frustrating but she also anticipated today a bit. Luka said he would pick her up at 12 noon and they go for lunch somewhere first.

So, Yana had plenty of time to calm her nerves and think about what to wear. In the first place, there wasn't anything to worry about. She's been alone with Luka many items but once the cursed wood made it out of his lips, Yana started to overthink.

Their relationship was nothing of that sort, so why would he say date? In the end, Yana concluded he was just messing with her and it was a simple joke. There was no need for her to think too much about it. In fact, Yana already knew that the way Luka acted towards her was… ambiguous but she always brushed it off as Luka having an ulterior motive.

This date must also be one, Yana was sure of it. Even if Luka was sincere, there was no way she would date him and Yana was too invested in her goal and her missions, there was no space for any love or romance. No matter who it was.

Yana cleared her thoughts by taking a shower and made herself breakfast. The rest of the time until Luka came, Yana just idled around not knowing what to do with herself. The second the doorbell rang, she hesitated before opening it. Yet the sight revealed before her was so dazzling that Yana wanted to shut the door in front of Luka.

He did a good job at making himself even more handsome than he already was. Although Yana made a light effort to look for good for the day, Luka went overboard. He was too overdressed and Yana was too embarrassed to go out with him where everyone saw them.

So to make it clear that he was looking ridiculous, Yana gave him a look in disdain and said, "Take off the jacket."

Why the fuck does that jacket look like a cape?

"I thought we'd leave the stripping for the night," Luka's playful yet hopeful smirk made Yana scowl. She crossed her arms and clearly said, "Either you change into something more casual or I refuse to go anywhere with you. Leave your royal cosplay and thoughts of becoming king in your fantasy."

Luka sulkingly looked down at his obvious way too extravagant outfit before he gently produced cringy words, "You're always my queen."

Yana wanted a comet to come and destroy earth this instant. She coldly said, "That's it," and closed the door right in front of him.

"Wait," Luka's desperate voice and small, pitiful knocks against the door, conveyed clearly that he regretted as he continued, "Wait, I'll get changed quickly!"

Yana couldn't help but smile a bit at his silliness. Was he always like this? The more Yana spent time with him and the more she gave him the cold shoulder, although it should be unrelated, the more she was surprised by the different sides of Luka.

Who knew that the cold and indifferent brat she spent a lot of time wooing for her uni project, actually had those endearing sides? Yana has noticed it since they met again at the orphanage but nowadays Luka became so obedient and even adorable, apart from his cheeky remarks at times, that Yana couldn't believe they were the same person.

It was best to figure out Luka's intentions soon because the more she thought about him, the more harmless and innocent he seemed.

"Is this better?" when Yana opened the door again, she saw Luka in a black shirt and dark trousers, making him look sleek and elegant with this simple look.

"Yes," Yana breathed a sigh of relief. Luka was already way too eyecatching, if he wore that… that absurd costume, Yana might evaporate on the spot to become molecules to disintegrate.

"Good, then let's go," anticipating Luka held his hand out. His big, round eyes that appeared out of nowhere begged Yana with the sparkle in them to take his hand.

Yana didn't want to humour him but she also didn't want to endure a sulking Luka for the rest of the day, so she compromised by taking his arm. Luka was apparently content with this as he only nodded happily and escorted Yana out.

"I have planned everything out, so just follow me," it was a bit funny to hear the excitement in Luka's deep voice.

He opened the passenger seat of his car and waited until Yana got in before he said, "Of course, if you don't like something tell me."

Just how nauseatingly considerate was this guy? Was this how it would be if they dated?

"Have I ever held back?" Yana threw this question at Luka who froze and sadly answered, "…No."

Damn. Was he now sensitive to anything? Yana gulped her disbelief down as Luka sat on the driver's seat.

Yana endured Luka growing mushrooms out of his head and quickly said, "Of course, I look forward to what you have planned, I won't reject any of it."

Wah. Look at those sparkles surrounding him. Yana instantly blurred out anything Luka said in the next few sentences in fear something cringy came out and only heard him say, "Trust me, it's going to be fun!"

Cough. Yana wasn't sure about this. Anyone who said this… had no idea what fun meant!

Wait- Yana looked with a worried look at Luka. No matter how she saw it, this guy did he even know what fun was? Back then at uni, it was Yana who dragged him anywhere to have fun together.

Now that Yana thought about it, she couldn't imagine Luka having fun nor expect him to do anything else than work and annoying her.

Oh no, Yana prayed that Luka's definition of fun wasn't reading business reports or go socialising with infuriating people or worse doing company work!

Yana's face paled. What if Luka planned to have her help him do his work as a CEO, he definitely has been neglecting all this time?

Fuck. Yana needed to get out of here. Even while Luka was driving Yana wanted to open the door only for them to be locked at the same time.


Robotically, Yana turned to look at Luka who smiled suspiciously sinister in Yana's eyes, "Where do you think you're going?"