The Start Of A Nightmare

-• Tia's POV •-

Ring, Ring! The bell rang. "Finally, we're done. I hate math." "You're not alone" Michael responds as he finishes packing his stuff. "Let's go, I'm hungry." We left the classroom and proceeded to the cafeteria. We sat down and started to talk.

"Have you guys heard about the rumors?" Lia asked. "What rumors?" We all move closer to Lia and she whispers. "They said multiple dead bodies were found near the school."

"What?" "Yeah, and that their bodies were dismembered."

"And? You believe that?" "I agree, it's a bit too particular." "Well I didn't say i believed it, Okay?" She rolled her eyes and kept eating

Soon lunch was finished and we headed back to our classes.

(During English Class)

"Goodmorning class, please take out your books and turn to page 76." We all studied for a while when suddenly, Liam, the high school jock, decides to ask the professor a question.

"Professor, are the rumors true?" His eyes widen as he looks at Liam. "I am not going to answer your question so please stop talking and be quiet." He went back to what he was reading but after a while he suddenly stands up, walks in front of the class and starts mumbling something.

"What is he doing?" Angela raised an eyebrow. "Probably being weird cause that's what he is." "James shut up." "Guys settle down, we know the professor never acts like this so I'm a bit confused." "Then why not go over there and see for yourself--"

James then got interrupted when the classroom door opened and a student from another class barged in. "Wait, what are you doing here?" "What is happening to the teachers?" "You mean your guys' teacher is also acting like this?" "Obviously, I mean look at him."

The professor slams his hand on the table and starts to walk out of the classroom. As we were confused and curious, we followed him and saw the other students following their teachers into the gym as well.


Everyone entered the gym and we all sat down on the floor as the teachers and staffs gathered beside the stage. "What the hell is happening?" Michael asked as he just came back from the bathroom. "I don't know, we followed the teachers and they led us here."

Once we all sat down the science teacher approached the stage and started talking. "Good morning everyone. you might be wondering why we gathered you all here today and our answer for that is to warn you of a danger coming soon."

Confused, everyone starts to come up with answers with each other. "Warn us? Warn us about what?" "Just listen." We all stopped talking and listened to what the teacher had to say next.

"We have informed your parents that you all will be staying here overnight to help prepare for our sports day, so they will not be picking you up." Many people groaned, visibly annoyed at what the teacher had just said.

"And you all might be wondering why, simply because of this." The gym was covered with silence but soon after got cut off

The teachers and staffs all gathered on the stage and started to form a circle. "What are they doing?" "Maybe they're going perform something?" "That is not something to stay overnight for." "Then I don't know." "Let's just keep watching."

We look back and saw the teachers walking around in a circle as they spoke in a language we couldn't understand, but soon, they came to a stop and looked back at us.


They all fell to the floor, and dark spirits started escaping from their bodies and it soon turned into monsters. "What the fuck?!" Everyone started running but some got caught by the spirits and got killed. "Everybody run!" Michael grabbed my hand and brought me inside the bathroom.


"What the hell is going on?!" "Be quiet..!" He tightens his grip. "Ow! I won't run so let go of me!" He let's go. "What about the others?" I asked. "They'll be fine." "But-" "Shhh don't worry I'm here..." We sit down on the floor.

"I don't think we should stay in here."

"We'll be safer here, trust me." We sat still for a while until we heared a girl scream.

"AHHH!!!" "What the hell was that?" I stood up and was about to turn to the next corner when Michael yanked me. "What?" "It's dangerous out there." "I'll be quiet." He nods and lets go of my hand. I turn to the next corner and saw a monster choking someone.

"Oh my God..!" *Cracking noise*

The monster cracks the girl's neck and started to eat her. *Gasp* Thug!* Michael pulled me as fast as he can. "What the hell happened?" "I...I...The monster it..." "Just don't mind whatever it was and try to forget it."

"I...don't think I can..." My hands started shaking, while tears dripped down my face "Hey, hey, don't cry..." Michael pulls me in for a hug. "don't cry..." Time passed by and we soon fell into a slumber


I wake up and Michael was still asleep.

"Michael." I shaked him a bit, even pinching him but he wouldn't wake up. "Michael we should go find the others---" *Metal object falls* I gasped, evidently startled from the noise.

"What the hell..?" I slowly crawled around the corner to peek and I see..."Anna?" Anna turned around and runs to me. "Oh my God Tia..!" "I thought you died." "It won't be that easy to get rid of me." She sees Michael and asks me. "He fell asleep? In this kind of situation?"

She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow.

"Can you blame him though?" "I, but people are getting killed in every corner and I wouldn't want to sleep even if I wanted to."

"We should wake him up and find the others."

"I agree, it won't be long until those monsters find us." We start to shake Michael and this time he opens his eyes. "Did I doze off..?" "Yeah."

He walked towards the sink to wash his face but when he turned the handle of the faucet, blood came out instead of water "Oh my God..!" "Does this mean there's no more clean water?" "Maybe, we haven't checked the other sinks, but how did this happen?"

"Someone must've died in the water tank."

"How could they have gotten there? It's on the roof and to get there you'll have to walk up a lot of stairs, not to mention you'll have to climb the water tank." "It's no doubt the monsters that did this." *Metal object falling*

"It's that sound again." "We should take our leave now." Michael took the lead and we followed him out the bathroom. A loud thud, sounding like footsteps all caught our attention

"What the hell is that sound..?!" "Back off you two." We started to back off and a figure starts to walk towards us soon it became visible.

Thud! Thud! *Groaning* A humongous monster then approached us, scared, we all start to back off faster. "We should run, like, right now." The monster's breathing pattern gets faster and more heavily, then, it starts run towards us. "RUN!!!"