+3 Enrolled

New day began , as always I was back to my normal lazy , unmotivated self. Somehow I moved my lazy body from my bed brushed , bathed and got ready for my university test.

It was 7:45, I was walking towards my university which was approximately 1 km from my apartment. Rails university the one of the most popular university in our Order#16 but not for a good reason. The university was well known for it's number of failed student's.

That's right not just anybody can get into rails university you've to get low scores on your OGT (Order Graduate Test) without failing the test. It was hard for me to get in this university, I'd to be calculative to get in this Rails. Why did I struggle so hard to get in this university? Well that's a story for other time.

Let me explain how the world works. In this world their are 9 continents. The system works like this :-

Each Continent have Order's , for our Continent Zex the number of Order is 17. The Order's rank from 1 to 17. Order#1 being the best economically as well as most important for the Continent. Order's further have Sector's. I am living in Order#16:Sector#7 of Continent Zex for our Order number of Sector's are 7 , ranking from 1 to 7 with Sector#1 being the best and Order#7 being the worst.

Continent's didn't have ranking , the reason? It was easy cause of possibility of war. Every Continent wants themselves to be ranked number 1 and this could possibly lead to violence. Their was even a new Order formed to maintain peace , this Order was different while other's thought how they could increase their ranks this Order's main objective was to maintain peace.

Other speciality of this Order was that it had a name and that was "Peacetime " further ahead this order also gained popularity.

So how do Continent's measured themselves? The answer was 'Intercontinental Competition' choosing the best they could from the Order's they participated in this competition there were various events but the most popular and deciding event was 'Gaming' specifically VR Gaming was in trend for over 5 years now.

Gaming was know as Continental Sport meaning that every single Continent thought Gaming as important field and acknowledged it by making it a Continental Sport and showing how they gave Gamers the best treatment. Gamer were one of the most paid job in this age.

That's how it worked in this world. Gaming dominated this world's economy. I.G. Group was leading company in the Gaming world. It was said that I.G. had the best team there is in their company , some people also said I.G. was the who changed the gaming scene by introducing VR system.

It was 7:54 , I reached my university gates. Sighing my way to my class I went to the study table assigned to me . I was almost going to sleep. But then Rin came up to me woke me up with his hand slamming on the table.

He said "Yoo Axel , you sleeping right now? There's like 5 minutes left till test at least act like you care about the test"

Said the one who always somehow managed to not fail I was too lazy to reply but then I thought

'This dumbass is going to bother me even more if I don't reply '

Sighing I replied , "someone's confident look like you finally are going to cross 50 today"

The test conducted were 100 marks for Rin crossing 50 is no less than reaching nirvana. He replied ,

"Well I was going to ask about your preparation but I guess you've done enough to care about my score"

We were talking until the supervisor came and instructed us about the exam.

4 hours later , after giving our test I headed to my apartment , Rin with his blabbering mouth was talking about games nonstop. Rin and I lived in same apartment just different floor's , so we walked our way home together.

'Beep Beep'

'Beep Beep'

Suddenly both got a notification thinking it was just a coincidence We both opened our phone. It was a mail for me , thinking for some time I was going to open my mail but suddenly Rin jumped and shouted ,

"Yeah , that's what I'm talking about , I got in. I got in"

Ignoring him I opened the mail , it was from I.G. Group it stated

[ From : iggroup

To : axel69

Subject : Application Form for the Early Access of Infinite

This mail is regarding the Application Form for the Early Access of Infinite that Mr. Axel submitted. Congratulations you're accepted in our beta testing program. We've attached some files to this mail with a video on how to Install and connect to our special beta testing server. We will like to inform you that leaking the files is not possible as we've designed it for this specific mail address. You're 25th beta user out of 45 beta user.

To play this game I.G.Group's VR set are recommended but you can play it on any other VR set too. The bets testing period is 1 year , after 1 year your beta testing ID cannot be used in the global version. We will ask you to report us any kind of bugs , glitches , problems faced during beta testing in your monthly report. You can mail us this report in the ingame mail option. This mail is bot generated mail. We look forward to your feedback and report's.

Thank you for applying for the Early Access. ]