Blinding white light charged towards me , the light took the shape of a room. I opened my eyes which were closed because of the bright light. I was standing in a room , no sound , no people , nobody except me was present here.
Slowly the brightness of the room adjusted automatically to level where my eyes weren't strained. I closed my eyes to adjust my pupil's to this adjustment. Opening my eyes the first thing that I saw was a small message in front saying ,
「 Welcome To Greed ∞
Do you wish to start the tutorial?
I clicked on 'No' as Rin had told me every single thing about the O.S - the Operating System of Greed. There was My Profile at the top left corner ,
'Hmm , I.G. really didn't slack on the design and details. The home screen looks so futuristic and realistic too. Not to mention the transparency is just perfect , that you could see through option and not get blocked by them. And this option is good too.'
I thought clicking on that option. Suddenly all the information infront of disappeared and a clear screen could be seen. It was the
This option's importance couldn't be seen in the early stages of game but later on a lot of user used this option in their gameplay.
'Thinking about gameplay I forgot to add Rin as friend.'
Rin gave me his I.G. Code. I.G. Code is a alphanumeric code ( combination of number's and alphabet's) which is assigned to every account created on I.G. Company's any VR Set Series.
Typing in the code I added Rin and without wasting time Greed quickly added Rin to my Friend's List.
I opened my Friend's List and tapped on Rin's Profile. I gave Greed some permissions like for using microphone , allowed to record , etc. I sent him a team up request in Greed's home screen.
I.G.'s VR had various features which set them on next level than any other VR set's. One of them was this Team-Up feature in which you could add your friend's in a team outside the game and could talk through voice chat option.
With Greed's core the internet stability was very good.
Adding him before even saying anything he said ,
"Yooooo" for straight 20 seconds.
After shouting out loud Rin continued ,
"Finally , I can finally play with you. I've explained you how to install the game , so let's just start installing it. It'll take up few minutes , till then we can talk about the game Infinite's basics and world."
"Oh , sure. Wait a minute let me just add this on VR. And stop that shouting next time onwards it's annoying and your voice adds more annoyance."
"Sure , sure."
I started syncing my mail sent by I.G. bot with Greed and added Infinite. It started installation and showed E.T.A. 4 mins 50 seconds.
While installation was starting in the background Rin told me about this Infinite's world.
"So Rin tell me about the basic stuff about the game. I think it would be easy to understand hearing from you so that I can skip the tutorial."
I was wrong it was a mistake , in future when the global version was released I chose tutorial and it was very easy to understand than what Rin had told me.
"Sure , Excess"
For some reason he was putting some kind of pressure while saying my IGN.
'Is it that cringy!?' I thought.
"So the reason I chose Infinite was because of the new leveling up system. Like any other game where you get experience points from completing quest , defeating monster and bosses in that aspect this game was same too But Infinite added some few new changes to this system where you could only choose 'One Species and One Class' and can't have second class this had a big impact cause lot of game were unbalanced because of the second class introduction also there was not max level you could improve until you're at the top."
"Other than that the introduction of multiple world's was a big thing cause a Normal RPG game there was always a time where everything was discovered with hardcore gamers like me it didn't took us a lot of time to discover everything , but this game went past it and it's system always kept adding new thing's to this Infinite Universe."
"Also quest weren't fixed which meant unlocking new quests which weren't even predicted by system was possible. Truly infinite possibilities , undiscovered kingdom's , multiple world's , etc. makes me look forward to the future of this game. You'll be in black space for the first few mins of the game where you'll choose your class and species. Also the game uses face sync since VR has helmet your face will scanned and your body proportions would be predicted based on that. We will meet again in beginners town of Xerus Kingdom. See you then."
Saying that he left the team and I could see his status it showed
After installation I entered the game , the blinding white light again charged towards taking me to a black room. Silence , nothing but silence. I was levitating in the room and couldn't move from the place even if I tried swinging my arms and legs like I was swimming.
Few seconds later a silhouette of two ladies appeared , one of the two ladies had black hair till her back and wore a black gown with a beautiful face the aura around her was dark which colour? I didn't even care as I was enticed by her beauty. It felt like as if she's a existence that is not in the realm of human. Her eyes full of loneliness ,
' Thump Thump Thump'
I could feel my heart beating fast , somehow I felt pain in my heart seeing those eyes and somehow a sense of familiarity. At the bottom of the screen near her legs was written ,
[Demon Lord Pandora]
To her right was the other god-like existence with shiny white hairs with a white gown which looked so pure as if created in heaven. Saying her a lady was insult as she was no less than Demon Lord Pandora who was on her left.
But her eyes too caught my attention. Seeing that she was opposite of Demon Lord she must've been a 'Goddess'
'But why do those eyes carry such pain , the colour of their eyes why is it like that. Faded iris colour , as if they didn't want to see this world. What was their past like , I want to find.'
After few seconds they spoke in unison , in their perfect yet painful voice they said ,
"Choose child , With whom do you wish to move forwards?"
'Huh!? Wasn't this class and species selection?.'