+69 The Noble Meet ⁹

'Is he drunk?'

"Didn't you hear what I said just now? Remove that mask , that's an order."

Even if Excess didn't wanted to remove the mask he knew of Garius's power which was why he didn't object and removed his mask.

"See it was that easy."

Garius stood up from the couch and went to his table , he bent down and searched for something. After few seconds he stood straight with another bottle of wine.

"Here come and drink with me."

'Hah , if I don't drink he's going to forcefully make me drink anyways.'

Without wasting another second Excess went and grabbed the bottle of his hand , chugging quarter of the bottle down he felt all of his stress going away. His shoulder dropped down as he sat besides Garius on the couch.

"Teacher why the hell did you called me here? I was having such a great timing with Princess."

"Is that so."

"She was telling me about the dragon story and the 9 Noble Families , why the f*ck did you ruin it."