It was wednesday morning when the clock's hand pointed on a certain number as it suddenly rang loudly.

=" 6:00 Am

Dduu~~ Dduu~~ Dduuu~~ Dduuu~~ Ring~~ Ri~~ng~~ Ri~~ng~~

(A/N: DU~~ sounds like Dooot, basically its my nonsensical way of saying its vibrating and ringing 💁)

"Mmmm..gah! haahaahaa.." i inhaled and exhaled continuously as i feel my breath coming back just like i was being choked for awhile before i got released.

It was an awful feeling when my heart feels numb and it quiet hurt so i did it for awhile before i stabilized my breath after i took a long inspiration as expiration followed, Its when my eyes run through the whole place not remembering where she is nor the room she's staying right now.

Then a sudden excruciating pain took over her mind and an influx of memories like a video, playing on a breakneck speed as her mind swallowed every knowledge it could take.

When the pain was getting unbearable, she shouted like her body depended on it but the pain never lessen as it added even more pain.

"AHHHH~~! AHHAAHHH~~!" Tears streamed down her face one after another as she held her head and keep it banging on the bed foolishly thinking it could help it lessen the pain she felt.

When the last stroke of memory came, her vision darkened, her mind stopped responding as her conciousnes blanked out.


7:30 Pm


Blue Water Private Resort

Inside the darkened, grey colored room the young girl sleeping on her bed suddenly moved as she slowly woke up and looked up the ceiling in trance for awhile before her mind fully functioned.

She looked around the room in deep thought and slowly stood up as she moved her new body meanwhile making her slowly adapt to the body on which she would use from now on.

The young girl stretched her body and arms and did some basic exercises before she headed inside the bathroom while thinking.

"I'm really back.. and 17... again.."



Done bathing, she head out of the bathroom and lead her way on the big mirror, naked.

She or the owner of the body lives on a private resort island alone with three smart robots who manages the entire resort tho the owner of the body joined the cleaning after some reading or studying.

Apparently the owner of the body was born and raised here and has never been on the outside world before, her father was killed on one of his business trip while her mother died out of sickness a year ago. The resort was the only property left for her to manage and those smart robots as well as a million in cash and a few hundred millions on her bank account due to some properties and a company they owned back then that her mother sold later on before she passed away, enough for her daughter to stay relax and live in luxury.

Knowing this, her mind relaxed. Its better this way, she will never have a problem on what to eat because of the lack of money like what she faced on her last life.

Speaking of last life, she remembered her foolishness that made her embarrassed on just remembering it.

She gave up easily and killed herself out of despair. although her name back then was the same as now and remembering that this is a parallel world of earth, she could say that her life here is opposite of what she was on her past life the only thing that could be noted is that the host of this body doesn't have any friends and has been alone after her mother.. in which, was the only person she talked too in her entire life while she does have a friend back on her past life she perfectly new that they only want her cuz they needed something she doesn't even know, from her, so she could say that she was alone back then and now she would never be afraid of being alone again.

What's the use if they'll just use me?

Specially now that i had too much money on me, i'm sure they'll just use me or if not i'll just make sure that they're geniune on what they feel on me. I'm just being cautious, I don't want to be betrayed and be used again.

Back then she was a engineering graduate and has just started to work on a big techno company. A little proud of what she reached after too much hardships on her childhood. anyway, She was timid and has always know that she was weak nevertheless she never tried to be strong why? she's a weak willed kind of woman, always thinking that she couldn't do it so she spend her decades of life of being alone tho some interactions happened, she believes that she's not an introvert as she indeed likes to talk, the only thing is that.. no one wants to talk to her.. tho some will but only when they needed something or if they feel a pity or conscience on me for being always alone--..

'why the hell am i digging up the past now? the important thing that i have to face is that i'm different and was given another chance to live again! i should change and stop being gloomy and face the reality and hardships! Yes! i should do that!'

She stopped thinking about her past and gave herself some motivations as she started to get her laptop to research on this worlds history and recent events to plan on what her next step is.

Just as she was about to type somethings on her laptop, she noticed that her left wrist glowed and saw something she never expected as her body's owner doesn't have the memory that she had a tattoo on her wrist, It has a galaxy colored moon wrapped on a galaxy colored rose thorns as the rose layed on top of it presenting itself like a crown and its tip has a drop of water that seems like a blood, The tattoo was small enough to be seen though.

(A/N: Its color was like this. so same but not.==")

She didn't think twice to touch it only when she suddenly felt a familiar feeling, The feeling when she was swallowed by a crack when she was undergoing reincarnation.

"W-w-what the FU---" without having the chance to finish her words she got swallowed instantly.