No one is in...

Two days after Ichika became the class representative, the transfer student from China show herself and declare war on class one. Ichika recognize the person as her other childhood friend Rin that once stayed in Japan near the place of Ichika.

At lunch, the two of them were catching up when Houki and Cecilia went to their table and asked Ichika about his relationship with Rin. Meanwhile, there are two students watching the whole drama.

XNing: "So that would have happened to me if I continue to pursue Nie Li right?"

R: "Not that aggressive. All of you were timid on the outside and strong in the inside type of girl. It highlights Nie Li's capabilities of protecting you guys in the original."

XNing: "And they are opposite of us?" *talking about the three girls at Ichika's table*

R: "In a sense, but that is because of the change of standing in this world where females have more say due to the emergence of IS machines."

XNing: "It's kind of entertaining watching them like this."

R: "That is why I didn't tell you the story. Besides, we can already go to the next world after a major event. This kind of world doesn't give me much anything anymore other than the creation of IS, new ideas, new recipes, and other things."

XNing: "You just want to see their development as close as possible right?"

R: "Yup"

{an: If you are wondering that no one is talking to them is because Raizen decided to use the mind stone to not put emphasis on them even though he is also one of the male students of the academy. He will do it occasionally to not draw attention to the two of them}

In the afternoon, Cecilia and Houki were helping Ichika with his training and Raizen was watching them while eating popcorn.

Houki notice him eating and not practicing like Ichika so she called out to him.

Houki: "Raizen, are you not going to practice using the IS?"

R: *looking at Cecilia and Ichika* "Do you guys want me to practice with you?"

Cecilia was having a hard time making a decision if she wants to have the help of Raizen but Ichika have other ideas.

Ichika: "Why not, can you help us."

R: "Sure, but we will do it in battle style"

Houki: "A what?"

R: "It is simple. One against many. Having multiple opponents will force you to adapt faster in terms of awareness of where your enemies are. Making a plan while in battle. Conserving your energy to fight long battles and others. Why not start with me against the three of you? It sounds fair given that I'm the last one to enter training with you guys. It would be sort of a punishment for me."

Ichika: "Sure"

Two minutes later, Cecilia, Ichika, and Houki were on the floor without their IS on and currently catching their breath. Raizen already left when they started talking to each other.

Houki: "Why is he not the representative of our class?"

Cecilia: "He said he didn't want the job so he let Ichika have it. Even if he won the duel, he would still give it to Ichika."

Ichika: "Knowing that he could have defeated me easily before is a hard pill to swallow."

Cecilia: "He also said that he would have defeated you fast if you have given up after the punch that he did to you but your persistence changed his mind otherwise. Something about the quality of being a leader."

Ichika: "If someone like him approves of me then I could only do my job properly"

A week after that is the class league match. Rin still challenges Ichika to a bet about the loser doing something for the winner.

At the match between Ichika and Rin, an IS interrupted their battle and started fighting the two of them. Before the two of them could continue their battle, Raizen suddenly was there in the arena with them facing off the new IS without any suit on his body.

Rin: "Who are you?! What are you doing here without an IS?!

Ichika wanted to protect Raizen but he couldn't move from his spot while Rin wanted to fire at the ew IS but she couldn't control her IS.

R: "Don't worry guys, this will be done in a second."

He disappears in his spot and some students only notice him holding the neck of the IS pilot. Then the machine stops moving entirely. When the new IS stopped moving, Ichika and Rin were able to move again and float towards Raizen.

Rin: "Who the hell are you?!" *talking to Raizen*

Ichika: "He is one of my classmates and the other male student in the academy."

Rin: *remembers that there is a report about it* "Even so, going in a battle without IS is highly dangerous!"

Raizen knock the side of his shoulder then a silhouette of IS was seen. It was just invisible.

Ichika: "IS can do that?"

R: "No. It's my own modification. Tabane Shinono is not the only smart person in the world you know. Just because someone didn't show it doesn't mean they are not capable."

Ichika nods and changed the subject to the new IS.

Ichika: "Let us who is controlling this IS."

R: "We did not need to."

Rin: "Why not?"

Raizen stab the "person" with a sword that he manifested.

Ichika/Rin: "STOP!

They were too late and Raizen was able to pierce the body of the "person".

R: "Relax, it's not that I killed anyone, look."

Raize then withdraw his sword from the body and sparks were seen in the hole that he made.

Rin: "A machine?"

R: "I can guess that someone made it and do a test run. That person decided to do it by attacking the IS academy and seeing how it will hold up to the representatives. But because they didn't get the data they needed, they would probably try again in the future."

Rin: "If that is the case. How are you able to defeat it that fast without even damaging it?"

Raizen did not reply to her and picked up the fallen IS and take it towards one of the launching platforms to be taken by the teachers.

The matches continued the next day and teachers were able to only identify that the core of the new IS is unregistered.

A few days later, a new transfer student from France was introduced to the class. Raizen then suggested that Ichika should help the transfer student because he is the class representative. He also told Ichika that he should be the roommate of Charles to help him adapt to the school better. Miss Yamada and Orimura accepted the idea so Raizen will occupy an empty room beside their room.

When the class was done practicing with the IS, Ichika invited the others for lunch even though he was the only one that Houki asked.

Houki: "Why are they here?"

Ichika: "The more the merrier."

R: "And Charles need to have someone to guide her in school."

Rin: "But why Xiao Nng'er also included?"

R: "She is my girlfriend."

Others's: "What!"

R: "Though technically she is my sister on paper but after we graduate. It was decided that I will be disowned so that it will be legal to marry her."

Charles: "You would do that for her?"

R: *looking at Ning'er* "I do"

Ning'er hugs him and the girls find it was romantic.

Ichika: "As long as you know your responsibility man. Anyway let's start eating because I am starving."

XNing: "We also brought our food if you guys don't mind."

When they were done tasting the food of Cecilia, Rin and Houki. They tried the food from Raizen and Xiao Ning'er.

Rin: "What is this?! It so delicious. Even more so than my sour pork."

Houki: "I agree."

Cecilia: "You made this didn't you, Raizen?"

R: "Nope, it was made by Ning'er."

XNing: "Thank you everyone for the praise."

Fast forward to next day, miss Yamada introduced Laura Bodewig. She then introduced herself to the class. Suddenly, she walked towards Ichika and slapped him telling the guy that she do not approve of her as the brother of Orimura. The class continue with the tension on the air.

It was surprising to say that Laura became the roommate of Raizen but they didn't talk to each other. Laura wanted to talk to him but Riazen just made her fall asleep rather than be angry of her if the conversation continued. The next day, Laura wakes up but Raizen was already gone.

Later that day, Charles was teaching Ichika about his IS which made the other three jealous. While the two of them were practicing, Laura shows up and tried to challenge Ichika but was stopped by one of the faculty members. When the two of them finished practicing, Charles went off towards their room to shower there instead of using the showers in the near the lockers.

Just like in the original story, Ichika found out that Charles was a girl and helped her realize that she still have three years to come up with a solution to get out of her situation.

Before the class start, Raizen wanted to talk to Ichika and they went to the rooftop of the building.

R: "How does it feel to know that Charles is not a guy."

Ichika: *surprise* "You knew?"

R: "The first time she introduced herself. Her voice as a man is clearly fake but you really need a good hearing and practice to notice that. I would say she sound "forced"."

Ichika: "Well I did found it out when-"

R: "When you saw her naked and had a good look of her body."

Ichika: "How did you-"

R: "That would be the only reason that you would know. She was so good at acting to be a man that even the other girls were fooled. She probably fast at changing her uniform to his combat suit, right? So the most logical reason would be for you to see her naked. Probably something about forgetting to refill the shampoo in the shower room right? It was almost empty when I left there."

Ichika: "Oh man, are you Sherlock? That is exactly what happened."

R: "And you decided to keep her secret safe because she is still portraying as a man when I saw her."

Ichika: "Yeah, I told her that she still have three years to came up with a solution."

R: "I can help you with that."

Ichika: "Really? How?"

R: "You know that I'm adopted right? Well let's just say that the person who adopt me and Xiao Ning'er can pull some strings to help her with her situation. So while she is here, she can enjoy being a student. But it would be her decision if she wants to tell the truth to the others or not."

Ichika: "Thank you Raizen"

R: "No worries man."

Raizen then called someone to slowly undermine the Dunois Corporation and swallow their company.

Fast forward to after class...

Cecilia and Rin was going to practice using their IS when Laura showed up taunt them. The two equipt their IS and started fighting Laura who has an advantage because her IS has the ability to cancel inertia. When Cecilia and Rin failed to fight Laura and now were on the ground, they wanted to continue to fight but suddenly the IS of three of them disappears which made them confused.

R: "I think that is far enough."

The three of then looked at Raizen with only wings floating behind him from his personal IS.

Laura: "How did you do that to my IS?! And why are you interrupting our fight?!"

R: "First of all, what I did is one of the abilities of my IS after my modification. Second, if you continue the fight, your mentor will be disappointed in you."

Rin: "Why did you help?! We had her!"

R: "Clearly. But if you had continue then you two won't be able to participate to the upcoming tournament in less than three weeks. If I didn't stop you, teacher Orimura will." *pointing to Orimura on the platform for IS*

The three concede to that and left the arena. Ichika and the others were relief that the situation did not escalate further.

Three months later

The annual tournament begins and people around the world were watching the matches. The match continued similarly until Laura can't control her emotions.

R: 'I'm going to fckin' nuke that research facility' *looking at Laura*

Raizen then ordered his newer model of Reaper Knights to go to Germany and wreak havoc to the facility that made Laura.

Ichika fought Laura and helped her get out of the IS. Raizen facepalmed because of Ichika's stupidity and to the instructors not stopping him.

The next day, Charlotte told the class that she really was a girl. Rin came in unexpectedly and tried to hit Ichika with her weapon but Laura saved him and kiss him after. This made every body surprise and Laura told him that he will be her bride.

Out of nowhere, Raizen punched Ichika on the face that made him unconscious.

Yamada: "Why would you do that for?"

R: "I just feel like punching him. Wouldn't you know? He did a stupid thing in the arena by trying to fight Laura in her current state even though the instructors were already there. Not only that, they didn't even stop him and in the end of all that he got to spend time with Charlotte in the bath last night naked. Now he even got a kiss from the person that almost killed him. WTF! How lucky can he be?!"

Charlotte: "When you put it like that, it does sound that came from a romantic-comedy story"

R: "I know right?"

Houki: "Why punch him though."

R: "That punch came from the single guys around the world who is jealous of his situation being one of the male student in the IS academy surrounded by girls. Even though I have Ning'er. It really pissess me of that Ichika just get the girl that simple while everybody else work hard for it. *looks Houki* You, Cecilia, Rin, Charlotte and now Laura have budding feelings for him and don't bother denying it because everybody in the school knows how close the four of you were with Ichika and Laura will be aggressive about it."

The whole girls in class were in shocked on what they heard and the bell for first period already ring. Raizen left the room while they were still comprehending what had happened and Ichika regain consciousness. Even Orimura can't fathom what happened so she didn't react much.

Ichika: "What happened?" *touching his face*

The others didn't answer him but went back to their seats and Rin left the room as if nothing happened. This left Ichika confused the whole time.