The Talk

Daenerys is now in front of Raizen who she is mad at because he stopped her from killing some masters.

R: "I know that kingdoms were built from a mountain of bones. But there is such a thing as too much killing."

Dany: "Killing the masters is not too much! I decided to end slavery!"

R: "And then what? What will happen after you end slavery? What would you have them do that is different from slavery? You would let them work again but this time they will be well-fed? Where would you get the money? Do you even know how to rule properly? Just because you're a queen and have dragons that you can do everything you want?"

Dany: "What would you have me do?! Let them continue slavery?!"

R; "How about learning first why I didn't let you kill some of the masters."

Dany: "When I ordered my unsullied to kill the masters, some soldiers in what looks like dragon armor stopped them. They didn't kill my men, only knock them away."

R: "A story later. As for why I ordered my men to save them because they are the masters that are considered to be good to their slaves. Do you also want to kill those kinds of people?"

Dany: "I didn't know."

R: "I do not blame you for not knowing but if you just kill without reason. You would not be better than your father. In a few days, the other slavers cities will know of what you have done here and they will act in retaliation. I already sent men to prevent any harm to the people there. It is also to uphold my promise to them." *pointing to the men with dragon helmet*

Dany: "Who are they?"

R: "Former unsullied but now they are called 'draco exercitus'. My dragon army."

Dany: "Impossible! They throw men as if nothing. How did they get strong?"

R: "Not going to tell you. Unless you have proven your worth. I need to go back to Westeros to prepare some things. I would let you do your thing here in Essos. Though, you would need to learn how to rule. I will send someone to help you with that and I will leave behind five thousand men, which have some men who know how to lead an army, strategize for battle, smiths to repair and improve pieces of equipment, cooks, and other jobs. They will not directly help you but they can pass some of their knowledge to the people you trust. The few hundred dothraki from the khalasar that my company defeated and the draco exercitus to keep the peace. Though they only kill the vile ones and you can not order them to kill your enemies because they have different tasks to do. As for the dothraki, you can absorb them into your khalasar"

Dany: "Who would you send to help me?"

R: "Jorah and Barristan know the man of his stature. If you only listened to warriors for counsel, you will not know how to rule in times of peace. I will give you two years to learn before I come back. If I find that you are not a good ruler, not even your dragons can help you against me."

Raizen releases his bloodlust directed to Daenerys and her three dragons who were afraid of coming closer to him while they are clinging to their mother. Daenerys felt death as if staring at her and she could not breathe properly while the dragons have flown away.

Leaving her to catch her breath, he came back to the room where Davos and Shireen were staying.

R: "We will return to Westeros including my ten thousand men but they will come later after their task is done. We can talk along the way to the ship that we will be using."

Davos: "I heard that there are enormous ships near Qarth and pirates keep failing from taking them. Based on stories I have heard, those ships belong to you when you were busy hunting pirates. Are we going to use them?"

R: "No they are for the army and will directly sail to White Harbor. We are going to sail towards Weeping Town and go to Stannis."

Shireen: "I want to see father too and show him that I am healed."

Davos: "Why would you want to speak with Stannis? Are you not supporting the mother of dragons?"

R: "Daenerys has much to learn before ruling. Aegon Targaryen already knew how to rule before conquering Westeros and that is why he succeeded. Well, not entirely because of Dorne but in the end, the Targaryen united the seven kingdoms. If she does it now, she won't get the support of the north because of what her father did and only a few from the south because she lived while Rhaenerys and the baby Aegon died. The Baratheon betrayed their oaths when they rebelled. The Riverlords will follow the north because of familial connection. The Vale will also follow the north similar to the Riverlord because of Ned Stark but Pretyr Baelish need to die first. The Lannisters..."

Davos: "What about them?"

R: "Their gold mines already run dry and they don't have enough source of income. They only have power in name only because the king is their blood relative. Though they are not the real children of Robert Baratheon."

Davos: "So it is true. But they would still claim that Joffrey and the others are Robert's children."

R: "I have a way to reveal the truth. After my talk with Stannis, I would also talk to Lady Olenna to sever their ties with the Lannisters."

Davos: "How would you do that? After Sansa Stark returns to the north, Joffrey married Margaery to form their alliance but from the sides, we have in King's Landing, they still haven't conceived a child. Some think that Queen Margaery is not capable of bearing one."

R: "That is good. Then there is a chance to separate those two houses. If not, I will go with my last plan."

Davos: "And that plan is?"

R: "Nothing that you need to be concerned about for now. I would go in a relatively peaceful way but if it fails. Then you will know what that plan is."

Davos wanted to ask more but they came to some part of Astapor that is far away from other people. The place that they have a walk to is and abandon part of the port that still has a docking port big enough for common ships to stay.

Shireen: "What is that?" *pointing to a white thing floating in the waters.*

R: "That is what I call a "yacht" that I personally build."

Davos: "It is bigger than common ships, white too. Is that the ship that you were talking about? Where are the sails? How did you make it as white as snow? How does it travel on water?"

R: "Not going to tell. I want you two to experience this type of ship. If using common ships to travel from Astapor to Westeros would take a few months depending on the wind and weather. And you used my galleons to travel that took less than three weeks. This ship can even shorten that travel time by a few days. Before you say it is impossible Ser Davos, think back to all the things that you have seen."

Davos: "I'm not going to say that but just curious on how it can travel. What of the crew? Don't you think that it is too much for only three people to man the ship?"

R: "That is the beauty of this ship. We only need to stir it in the right direction then we can just sit back and relax in the journey."

Davos: "What about the pirates?"

R: "What about them? This ship will travel in water at a speed not known to man as of yet. Before they can even turn their ship around and try to catch us, we will be gone in their view. Well, we should travel now and while we're at it, I would show you the inside of the yacht"

Davos and Shireen boarded the "yacht" and they were shocked by what they see. The inside looks more grandiose than the palace they know. There are a lot of new things that they only saw for the first like the "aquarium" with different fish in it.

Davos is more concerned about how it was built. He knows of how glass is made and it is expensive but this "yacht" has many places with glass on it and in better quality. There were also cups made of glass that were either above the ceiling or behind the "bar" with wines that is in a bottle made of glass.

R: "I can only give you one bottle of wine and I assure you that they are more delicious than the wines that you have ever tasted."

Davos accepted the wine and used one of the cups made of glass. It is not that he never saw any glass cups but only the rich like Lannisters have possession of those and this man has too many of them.

Before Davos drank himself with the wine and Shireen sleeps in one of the beds. Raizen told them to come with him to the "captain's deck" on the third floor of the ship.

Raizen build this yacht using the reference of "Titiana Yacht" when he was on the earth in Familiar of Zero. He put effort into it because he wanted something to use when he wants just to travel across the seas. Instead of liquid fuel and electricity for the power source, he used a material similar to purple-veined divine crystal from Against the Gods to power the whole yacht. It might not help cultivators but it sure is convenient for other use. The power can last for a thousand-year based on continued power consumption. The best part is, the size of the rock is just small as an adult fist and Raizen came across three worlds abundant of the same material. Though it is very useful for a power supply, the ones he used to create men is slightly lower in term of power output which is the reason that they only have the strength of Houtian level cultivators.

Anyway, Davos and Shireen are now seeing the "yacht" leaving the port near Astapor. At first, they travel slowly out of Astapor but when they are far away from the land. They felt the increase in speed then it disappears completely. The two of them look outside and see that they are truly traveling fast and Davos who is mostly at sea is becoming seasick even though they don't feel the movement of the boat on the water.

Davos: "The ship is not swaying and we don't feel the water ramming in it."

R: "Let's call it magic and leave it at that. You two should probably rest first. The fastest travel would take us to Westeros in four days, seven if there is a storm."

Shireen went to her assigned room to rest and Davos, who still could not believe it even though he is living in it, went to the bar and try out the wines there.

On a side note, while coming to Astapor. Davos and Shireen were introduced to the beauty of the toilet and shower on the ship that they were in so when they came and saw that there is two in the yacht, they felt relieved. Physically and mentally. If only toilets were in every house and ship in Westeros then they would not need to just throw their shits and urine out of the window or into the ocean. They will miss these luxuries when they reach Stormlands and back to their barbaric ways and smelly towns.

Five days after leaving Astapor, the three of them reached Weeping Town. Davos wanted to ask why they didn't get noticed by the pirates or trading ships that they have come across when they slowed down. But Raizen repeats what he said before, 'it's magic'. It's either he didn't want to explain or he wants to hide it. in any case, Davos still could not believe that they were in Stormlands in just a matter of days that would normally take months of travel.

After going inland, they travel to Storms End incognito which took them a week. Before they traveled, Raizen change his attire back to what he used in the war because being in a knight's armor and clothing will get them noticed quickly. Also, instead of using a mask, he used a skin mask that he created to change faces when traveling. He only uses this mask when hiding and the mask that covers his face for the others to notice him.

He already heard from the inn that they have stayed in Weeping Town that a group of bandits was using a mask similar to him but they can not replicate it because their mask has holes in it for them to see while he doesn't. He also heard of refugees from Moonton, Whent, Wode, Stoney Sept, Piper, and Riverrun moving to the former lands of Freys to avoid conflict from the Lannisters. Though they are safe because of the knights with a big shields. They were still afraid that a war would break out. Some tried going to the north but were not able to pass Moat Cailin's new erected walls and they can's stay on the marshlands of the Neck so they just decided to stay on the north and south side of the Twins.

As for the ships that tried to cross the seas, a huge fog covers the sea up north, and any men on a ship brave enough to cross it feel like they were drowning on the sea.

Before Raizen goes to Astapor, he gave his men multiple fog generators with illusion runes in them. There are fogs that will make you feel like dying. Others feel like vomiting or sleeping. If somehow they pass the first thick fog, the next one is fatal. That is why the ships that were made from the north were very coveted by lords and pirates because only those ships can come and go beyond the fog. Some pirates and commissioned people by the lords tried to take over the ships but they either died or drowned below the ocean.

They even tried to control the trade and give higher tariffs but the products were so good as the wines, food that do not spoil quickly, perfumes, soap, bath towels, robes, and other products that even common people can afford were always sold out easily.

When Lannisport stopped accepting products from the north. The northern ship also stops coming to Reach and King's Landing and the people there even went to Dorne or Stormlands just to buy the products. The three place's income drop significantly because other traders were following the trend of products coming from the north.

The Stormlands, Dorne, Vale, and Riverlands lessen their purchase of food from the Reach that which significantly affected the position of the Tyrells. Not only that the price from the north cheaper, but they can also produce more crops better than the Reach which also lowers the prices of some crops.

These all happened in two and a half months' time after the war ended for the north.