CHAPTER 030: The Ohio Asylum arc- FLASHBACK, pt. 1

With an old book propped up on her side, and a gigantic mortar and pestle in front of her, Sandra began her exorcist work.

"A good power AND you can do magic? Who taught you," the John inquired.

"Oh, my mother was a spiritualist in the 60s. She was the only one in the commune who didn't go yuppie, so I spent my childhood learning from her and traveling the country... Now, somebody spread this paste on her forehead and neck."

Once all the preparations had been made, they woke Juniper with a bucket of water.

"UGH! What happened? Why am I tied up?"

"You got possessed Juniper, don't you remember?"

"Ah yeah... Is there any chance I can keep him?"


The veteran hero and teenagers alike stared at her with dumbfounded expressions.

"What? Sandra gets pets, but I can't have one? You know how much I've wanted a different power, now is my chance to make 'analytical mind' worth something!"

"But he's dangerous! He made you point a gun at us," Dusty exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, he did... Well, he says he has an excuse. How do I let him speak?"

"The goop on you prevents him taking control by force. If you want to give him temporary control, just imagine giving him a single piece of your body."

Juniper proved her intelligence, getting the complex technique described by Sandra successful on the first try.

"Ask the hero with you! He knows my record! Have I ever killed anyone?"

"No. Despite being an assassin's dream power, Lead-foot's life goal was to be a getaway driver. He only ever used bullet bounces to escape pursuits and shoot out tires."

"This could be good, Sandra," mister Whiskers commented. "Now you don't have to argue over the new pet."

"What," Juniper asked, immediately taking back control of her mouth. "You got another pet? How many times have I told you we can't afford another one."

"Oh look," Sandra said, changing the subject, "I found a ritual in my Mom's journal that'd be perfect for you!"

"Really? How does it work? Spill the beans!"

"Well, according to this, ghosts can be used as a type of familiar. All you have to do is form a soul contract with it."

"What's that," the ghost and teenager asked simultaneously.

"According to what my mom wrote, you agree to help him solve his lingering regrets. In exchange, when he ascends to an afterlife realm, the ghost leaves behind a small chunk of soul. If he leaves the part that handles his power, you then get to keep bullet bounce!"

They set up the ritual fairly quickly. Juniper was untied, and in front of her were placed a knife and a sheet of vellum. With a prick of her finger, Juniper began writing as instructed.

"I, Juniper Jones, swear to support my familiar. His regrets in life are mine, his dreams are mine, and his fears are mine..."

Lead-foot was then given control to finish the contract.

"I, Hugo 'Lead-Foot' Clifton, swear to support my master. Her enemies are mine, her goals are mine, and her fears are mine..."

They each signed their name in blood and, upon completion, the contract burned into a pile of ash.

"Good; now, according to my mom's journal, you just eat the ash and the ritual is complete."

Juniper spooned the pile into her mouth. It was like eating sand, and both girl and ghost found themselves nauseous. But, upon eating the last bit of it, a profound connection formed between the two entities.

"We are one," they both declared unconsciously, the words causing massive vibrations on the bus's interior. The John, seeing all this, was shocked.

"Her mother even knew this? Was she a student of third London?"

He didn't voice those questions, however, instead asking around them.

"Did your mother ever travel abroad? Did she act weird in certain types of weather?"

Sandra put the book down, and stared at the action cameras pointed her direction.

"Not that I know of. As for the second question, she did warn me not to explore in foggy weather. Why do you ask?"

"I'm a hero, remember. I have connections everywhere, so I was just wondering If I ever met your mother on another occasion."

At this moment, having just experienced the others' memories, Juniper couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's you! It's really you!"

"Ugh... Can I talk with Juniper alone, sans cameras?"

The other teenagers looked at them with confusion.

"It's about my identity. She knows..."

"Oh, now I get it. Are you sure you don't want to reveal it for the whole audience?"

"God, no!"

He dragged Juniper to the back of the bus, where a secret conversation began.

"What'll it take for you to not squeal?"

"Hrm... What do you think, Clifton?"

"You mean aside from not revealing me? Why don't you do with that one idea?"

"Oooo, what idea," Sandra asked, butting into their conversation.

"Why are you here?"

"Don't mind me. I am just here to represent the interests of our audience at home. I got no cameras on me, so don't worry."

"Fine," the John said, growing increasingly irritated. "State your request."

"... I want to interview you about 'that' spar."

"I knew it," he said with a sigh.

"I can't have anyone link me to this investigation; I'm supposed to be training my sidekick, right now."

Sandra, butting in yet again, offered some advice to her friend.

"We can do that! Don't we still have the green screen from that show in Chicago?"

"You are right! Let's get to it!"

With the help of the other teenagers, they quickly set up an interview space.

"Hey folks; it's your favorite bassist, Juniper, here! And would you believe our luck? Not but a few miles away from that spooky prison, we stumbled upon a major hero. He loved our music, and agreed to a sit down with us. Please meet S-class hero and member of the All-Star League, the John!"

The midnight parrots squawked, before imitating the sound of applause. The John, wearing one of Dusty's spare suits, gave a greeting.

"Hello. I am just happy to be here, interacting with fans."

"And we appreciate you taking time out of your busy day for us. I'll only ask one question, in deference to that. It's one the fans have been dying to see answered for years, so don't grumble in the comments! Please, tell us about how you defeated Captain Cosmonaut!"

Dmitri really didn't want to tell this story, but the memories were already flooding his mind.