After the event of Thor's banishment to Midgard. News had already spread around Asgard like an intense wildfire.
Odin had fallen into Odinsleep, because Thor's banishment seem to take a lot of magic power from him.
Sun seems to be in an argument between the friends of Thor, his eye was twitching in irritation as they seem to be torn in between blaming him for not doing enough, or blaming Loki because he is always mischievous.
"Who should be our king then till the allfather awakens?"
"Loki." Sun aswered immediately
"You...!" Sif grabbed Sun by the edges of the center his gii and brought him close. "You are a traitor o your own brother, why didn't you do anything to help Thor!"
Heimdall moved to help but Sun raised his hand to stop him.
Sun then grabbed her wrist and threw her to her friends who caught her.
"Think before you act, you love-strucked girl." Sun replied.
Sun then teleported away to Midgard rbefore they could say anything, He did not want to start an argument with them.
Sun should have checked before teleporting, because he reappeared in what looked like an Arena full of people who were watching. Sun looked up and saw that he was in a Wwe stadium.
Standing in front of him was John Cena, and Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
They looked extremely surprised to see him there,.
It seems that a random dude just appeared inside of the arena Michael." an announcer said shocked, the other one next to him was slowly analyzing him before his eyes widened in recognition and realization.
"Wait a moment!" the announcer Michael shouted, putting both of his hands on the desk and pushing himself forward getting a closer look, "Isn't that the dude that fought against the abomination and utterly dominated it!?"
The other announcer next to him squinted his eyes and his eyes became equally wide, "Oh my god. you are right Michael, but what is he doing here? Truly he doesn't want to challenge John Cena or The Rock to a match right?"
The crowd erupted in cheers at the arrival for the Asgardian Prince.
Sun looked at the two and smirked.
John and the Rock exchanged glances before they nodded, and rushed at him.
Sun raised an eyebrow at them and looked at there power levels.
They are just slightly more than the average. human, so this means that Wwe is not fake at all in this universe, this was truely impressive but not at all a match to him, not even close... and another thing...with basic human morality, how was this not shut down?
Sun dodged both of their punches and kicks before he thrusted both of his hands forward.
The pressure was so great that wind shaped like a fist formed from it, and smacked the Rock in rhe chest which then threw him across the stadium.
He managed to grab the one of the three string that surrounded the arena.
John came up from behind him.
Sun turned grabbed him by the throat and slammed him onto the ground, knocking hin unconcious.
He smiled as he heard what the announccers said
"-Damn what a slam .." Michael shouted
"The power behind the slam was felt even to here, but makes sense, Michael. " the announcer agreed, "with how he destroyed the abomination, what makes them think they stand a chance?"
The Rock glared at him in Rage. "The Rock, Will Kill you!"
Sun gave him a raised eyebrow before the Rock lunged towards him.
Sun gave him a uppercut to the chin and teleported above him, spinned before giving a brutal drop kick to the back of The Rock's neck. The Rock smashed into the ground, and became unconcious.
The crowd was stunned insilenced before a moment passed, followed by another, then the crowd erupted in roars that shook the whole stadium.
Sun looked to the crowd and gave a Wukong grin with a small wave before he put two fingers on his forehead and vanished.
News of his appearance in the wwe Spread wildly across the world.