Where the heart lies

Later that evening, due to the events of Thor's awakening, Large celebrations occurred, for the defeat of the frost giants and for the return of the God of Thunder. Odin himself has awakened from Odinsleep and congratulated two of them.

Sun stayed behind after Thor went off with his friends.

When Sif had awakened, she was too busy to give Sun a stink eye in the entire celebration, even when the warrior three told her what happened, trying to calm her mood, it only made things worse. It didn't help the fact when she found out Thor was in love with mortal women.

In all honesty, Sun didn't care, he never cared, he did however have regrets, regrets, of taking her with them to Asgard, he should have just left her there, let her find her own way. have just let her back on Midgard.

Better yet, he shouldnt have knocked her out at all, let her die in battle.

"Father, I will be heading back to Midgard, and continue my adventures there..."

Odin frowned, "But why not Asgard, that is your home it is your foundation, here you who were once feared are now accepted," why now do you decide to leave here, do you not like it"

"Now father you know that is not true." Sun responded, "You know that Asgard always holds a special place to my heart. But why must I be here always? My soul is not meant to be locked into one place, it is meant to be out there."

Sun pointed to the space and the stars above us. "when out their adventure lies, waiting in my grasp, here I am limited, but out there the entire universe is in my grasp, just waiting for me to enter explore, to challenge..."

Odin and Frigga exchanged glances before Frigga put a hand onto Sun's shoulder and squeezed it gently for support.

"I understand," Frigga said softly, "just don't forget us in your travels dear, and always try to come back when you get the chance."

"Never, and I will." Sun smiled before he gave her a hug and let go.

Odin nodded his head towards him, "Very well," he said, "know that I am proud of you my son, never forget where you came from. You are my Son, My First-born prince of Asgard."

Yeah, that was a lie, but they agreed to never speak of Hela, in front of the others, Still, Sun told him that if Thor somehow found out on his own he will tell him everything. Father didn't seem too happy about that but it didn't matter to him.

Odin's problem was hiding the information, Sun had no problems, He could tell Thor about it right now, but decided against it, why. he needs to find out for himself. Everything does not need to be handed to him.

Sun nodded, before he vanished, once he reappeared it seemed like it was a small island, He raised his hands up and placed a barrier around it. Similar to the one Wakanda uses. Afterwards, he looked at the island again, and smiled,

With a quick work of Ki sterilization, he managed to build himself a nice home in a couple of seconds, this home was a Regular modern, had the colors of the forest so it would be able to blend in with the forest, The walls, the floors, and the ceiling are so durable, that even the smallest and the most durable of creatures could not dig its way inside.

The House was as tall as the trees, but the trees were bent in a way where the ceiling was completely covered, once he noticed everything was finished, he smiled, "this is perfect, where I will live, during my stay on Midgard."

Like it?

Hate it?

Tell me why?

So I can improve.

If you hate it without cause?

You can kiss my ass!

and get the hell out!


Have a good day