Chapter 33

'Should I be honest about my real status? But will he accept me?' Calista muttered in her heart.


Leonard's fingers reached out to cover Calista's cheeks with tenderness.

"What's wrong, baby? Why is your face turning gloomy? What's bothering you? Tell me!"

Calista shook her head.

"Please don't hide anything from me. I want us to open up to each other."

Calista immediately smiled. The smile that Leonard had always missed. However, this time it was different.

'What other secret are you trying to hide from me, baby?' Leonard thought.

Finding Leonard's handsome face full of questions, Calista's tiny fingers stretched out to rub his strong jaw.

Calista's gentle touch this time couldn't distract him from questions that were now raging in his mind.

"Trust me, I'm fine. If there's anything I want to share with you, then I'll be happy to share it before you even ask." Calista explained.

"Then why don't you share it with me this time?"

"I don't mean I'm not willing to. It's just that..."


'What should I say?' Calista thought.

Calista tried hard to divert the conversation because, at this moment, she wasn't ready to reveal the facts. Her gaze was fixed on the shards of glass that were sinking deeper. She used this to distract Leonard.

"Just take it out, baby!"

"We should go to the hospital. I don't want your hands to get infected."

"No need. If you're scared, just let me."

Calista then started to pull out the broken glass, and of course, it made her immediately close her eyes. Leonard glanced at her occasionally with an amused smile.

"Hey, open your eyes, baby!"

Calista shook her head.

"How can you treat my wounds when you close your eyes?"

"I can't bear to see it," Calista replied with her eyes closed.

"You've seen worse than this. Come on, open your eyes! Don't be like a child!"

The grey-eyed woman didn't open her eyes either. Leonard then launched a threat.

"Open your eyes, or I will mercilessly kiss you?"

The grey eyes silhouette slowly opened. Seeing fresh blood dripping again to wet the floor, Calista immediately covered her mouth.

'For Casandra's sake, why are you hurting yourself like this, Leo? Are you still unable to forgive her? Does it mean in your deepest heart you still love her? So what does our relationship mean? Why start a new relationship with me if you can't forget your past?' Calista was lost in her thoughts, wondering.

Suddenly, Calista's eyes heated up, and the tears couldn't be held back any longer, dripping down onto Leonard's hands.

"Why are you shedding these stupid tears, baby? You know I don't like seeing it."

'I don't want to be the reason you cry.' Leonard continued in his heart.

"Does it hurt?" Calista asked with trembling lips when she started dripping the medicine.

"I asked why you shed these stupid tears?" Leonard asked while wiping the tears that kept falling down her cheeks.

"Sorry, I can't hide my sadness."

"Sad? What for, baby?" Leonard asked in a soft voice.

"Seeing you hurt yourself."

Her sadness was actually because of Casandra. It was undeniable that she was burning with jealousy, anger and sadness. But, she tried to hide it in her face with a smile.

"Promise me that next time you won't hurt yourself."

"Sometimes I can't control myself, baby."

"Not again! I don't like it."

"You also have to promise me one thing."


"Don't you ever shed these stupid tears, especially in front of me?"

Calista nodded.

After dropping the medicine and putting on a bandage, Calista immediately decided to leave the apartment, but Leonard stopped her for various reasons.

"I'm starving, so can we have dinner first?"

"But I'm not hungry, and I'm not used to eating dinner either."

"But I'm hungry, baby. Can I ask..."

"What?" Calista interrupted.

"Please make me instant noodles. I'm starving." Leonard sulked.

"Instant noodles are not good for your health. Do you have meat stock or something?"

Leonard shook his head slowly as he spoke. "There's only instant noodles, baby."

"Oh my God, you're too much, honey. How can you neglect your health?"

"You're watching me now," Leonard said while leaning his chin on Calista's shoulder, busy boiling instant noodles.

Calista immediately turned around and showered Leonard with a sharp glare full of warning.

"Don't bother me! Wait over there!" The corner of her eye went to the aisle chair.

"But I'm starving, and I just wanted to wait for you here."

"Then stop bothering me!"

"Do you mean this distraction..." Leonard paused for a moment.

"This." He then kissed her soft lips.

Leonard's sturdy fingers reached out to turn off the stove and then lifted Calista's body onto the pantry, making her lulled into a very intoxicating kiss.

When the kiss broke, she immediately inhaled as much air as possible to fill her lungs which seemed to burst. She even accidentally caught the stove that had been turned off.

The sharp grey eyes silhouette made Leonard tremble. For some reason, it felt like a thousand needles were stabbing into his eyes when she stared at him that way.

Calista was mad, so she violently pushed Leonard's broad chest.

"So you're trying to trick me, huh?

One thing that was embedded in Calista's mind was that all men were the same, only prioritising their lust.

"Baby, wait! Where are you going?" Leonard asked when he found Calista reaching for her bag.

"Go home," Calista replied cynically.

When her tiny fingers stretched out to press the door handle, she was stopped by the warm embrace of a pair of strong hands that possessively wrapped her stomach.

"Let me go, Leonard!"

However, the hug was getting tighter. Now, Leonard put his jaw neatly on Calista's shoulder while whispering words that could pierce the heart.

"Stay here with me, baby."

The anger Calista had been trying to suppress for a long time finally exploded. Her gaze grew sharper. There was anger, fear, and disappointment.

"You know very well what you have to do with it, Leonard."

Refused by Calista firmly, Leonard kept on swearing.

'Shit, it's so hard to lull her. Is this really how virgins act? But I'm sure once hit, she will be addicted and want me, again and again. We'll see how far your defence goes, my dear Calista.' Leonard thought as he carved a sly grin. Not long after that, the smile faded when his heart began to curse at his stupidity.

'Remember Leo, Calista is different. If you sincerely love her, you should protect her honour, not destroy her!' Leonard thought, warning himself.


Next chapter ...