Chapter 72

Before departure for Jakarta, Calvino took the time to stop by the hospital to meet his parents, and currently, the three of them are in a restaurant.

"Shouldn't you meet your young sister first? Calista keeps about you. Mom suggests that you meet him."

"Your mom is right. Better, meet your young sister first."

His eyes narrowed, his face depicted a deep sadness. "Sorry, I'm already late." In his heart, he said sorry for lying to his parents. He doesn't want to meet his young sister because he doesn't want his younger sister to talk about the thing he hates the most, namely Leonard.

"Your young sister must be sad because you went to Jakarta and didn't get to meet her first."

"I'm sure she can understand."

After talking with his son, Bramantara suggested that Dreena immediately to the hospital. Even though Kenan and his men looked after his daughter, he still couldn't feel calm.