Chapter 76

Sarah saw a woman come out of Leonard's room. She asked Dera. "Who is she?"

"Employee candidate."

"Has Mr Leo decided to accept her to work in this office??"

"Not yet."

"Looks beautiful and smart. The plan Mr Leo put that woman in what division?"

"I don't know. Mr Leo didn't tell me."

"As a staff, Mr Leo. You should know everything about your division."

"For employee candidates, this time is special. I don't even know the application documents. It seems he is still a close relative of Mr Leo."

"How many people were interviewed today?"

"One person."

"That means Mr Leo's schedule is empty, right?"

Dera nodded.

Sarah immediately walked into Leonard's room. However, Dera stopped her. "Wait, Mrs Sarah."

Sarah spun around. "Yes."

"Let me contact Mr Leo first."

"Yes, do."

Dera contacted Leonard informed him that Sarah wanted to meet.

"Bring Mrs Sarah enters."