Chapter 5

Authoress's POV

"Go away!" The other kids yelled at Alex who was close to tears. She really enjoyed playing with the other kids but today they were pushing her away.

"But we aren't done playi-"

"We don't wanna play with a river baby," this hurt Alex because in her intire life, she used to be friends with Destiny and everyone but now they seemed to have turned against her. She cried and walked to the house. Now the entire family had visited for Christmas. But still, none of the family members would okay with her. If she tried to join in the game, she would be chased away or they would stop playing. And even though she knee that her father would play any game with her, she didn't wanna seem like a spoilt brat.

Even at the age she was, she knew right from wrong, good from bad, and decent from abominable. Hence she did not disturb her parents from working.

"Daisy! Catch, outa girl!" She watched with a small smile as her uncled played with his daughter. It was family time but yet she was sitting like a loner in her own yard.

"Papa! That's cheating."

"It's not cheating if nobody saw you," Daisy smiled at her father and Alex shook her head. She knew that cheating was wrong. Wether you were seen or not.

"Family picture!" The group got to get her and everyone carried their kids as the cameraman took pictures. The ten year old walked away from her home as she did not want to feel like an outcast. And her parents thought she was with Destiny and the other so she just walked wherever her legs would take her. The lake.

The other side of the lake was beautiful. For Alex at least, everything would seem lifeless for most but for her it looks peaceful. It is where she would come when the villagers tried to get together as adults and the kids were sent to play elsewhere. She would hide from the rest and sit there watching them from up where she would see them as tiny ants. She would sometimes talk alone as if ordering them to do something for her, since the kids were all playing peacefully, it would look like they were obeying her every command.

She heard sniffing from the side of the tree and instead of running a way, age walked towards the source.

"Hello," her tiny voice said. The small biy turned around to glare at her. But composed his face when he saw that it was just a little girl. She looked young for her age, she looked like a six year old when in reality she would be turning eleven in a matter of a few weeks.

"What do you want?"

"That's not a nice way to speak to a stranger," she said sitting next to the boy. He did look handsome for his age but that would be a naughty thought for Alex.

"I don't care. Why are you here?"

"I heard you crying."

"Wh-What!? No I wasn't!!" The boy defended himself wiping his face with his hands. "See!?"

"Stop yelling. I always come here when I want to be alone."



The boy looked at the other side of the lake then where they were sitting before saying, "You come to the dead side?"

"Dead side?"

"Yes. Look at this place, there is no sense of life anywhere!"


"It's worthless. A worthless part of the lake!" For the first time in her life, Alex felt offended. She had mixture of feelings passing through her. Pain, regret, sadness, hatred and many more she couldn't describe. She turned away from the boy and started crying silently.

"Are you okay?"

She thought for a moment before saying, "No."

"What's wrong?"




"What did I do?"

"You called my lovely place dead," the boy placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her for a hug. He was giving her comfort that she also needed.

"I'm... Sorry," he said in shame. Alex pulled away and looked info his eyes.

"Who are you apologising to?"

"You?" He was confused.


"I um-"

"Apologize to the nature. Not to me," now he was confused more than ever but he obliged. He apologized to nature and asked for forgiveness from Alex too.

"Am I forgiven?"

She smiled shyly, she didn't understand why he would stay for so long around her. "Yes."

"Good," he watched as Alex looked back before turning to him.

"Sorry I have to go."

"Go where?"

"Home. It's Christmas time, family time. Bye," he smiled waving at her. He was smiling even after she had left. He was not ready to go home yet, but he had to. For the sake of his mother.

"Alex! Where have you been?"

"Why are you sad momma? I wasn't at the lake."


"Why would she be allowed to head there on her own?" The butter aunt asked with her nose scrunched up and her face high.

"She is a big girl. She can take care of herself."

"Yes! And I am a strong warrior!"

"That's my angel," she and her father did a secret handshake before they hugged for a while.

Their moment was ruined by her aunt saying, "No warrior here."


"Only people from here are accepted as warriors. But you came from no one knows and you think you will be warrior?"

"Sister plea-"

"No, tell her the truth. Who are her parents?"


"No Marian, tell the kid the truth."


"Honey I-"

"She does not belong here. Not even by piece," Alex stood up and started running away from home once more. But this time her legs didn't take her to the lake. She was taken to a foreign place. She had never been there before.

She watched as people were pushed around and being yelled at. She saw her new friend from distance. He said something but earned a slap from the huge man who was in front of him. She wanted to run to help him but she couldn't. Something pulled her back. She ran to the lake and started sobbing. All the pain she was feeling came out, her heart caught in her throat as the vision of her not being a warrior filled her head.


She raised her head and looked at the boy from earlier. She couldn't control herself and she threw herself in his hands and started sobbing km his chest.

"Let it all out," he was rubbing her back. Soon she could not cry any more. She pulled away from her friend and wiped her face.

"I am sorry."

"For what?"

"For wetting your shirt," the boy laughed and petted her head. He nodded and sat down, Alex followed.

"I don't know your name Chum."

"My name is Alex, but what is a Chum?"

"A friend."

"I am you.... chum?"

"Yes. My crying tiny Chum."

"Thank you," she couldn't contain her smile as her face shined under the sunset. He was old enough to notice that she was indeed a pretty lady. But she was younger than him. He couldn't have that districting him, or his uncle would get mad at him for days.

"Why were you crying?"

"It is nothing," Alex wiped her face neatly with the hem of her shirt. He was watching every move she made.

"Tell me Chum."

"Why am I your friend?"

"Because everyone needs a friend."

"Oh then."

"Why were you crying little one!"

"My aunt said that I can't be a warrior because I am not one of them."

"Not one of them?"

"I have too much melanin."

"That can't stop you from being a warrior."


"Yes, let's do this, I will train you everyday after Christmas."


"Stop yelling but yes, really," she hugged him once more.

"Thank you."

"But don't tell anyone."


"Let it be our secret?"

"Okay," Alex nodded eagerly at her new Chum. She hugged him and bid him goodnight before heading back home. She was happy, bit like she was not always happy but this time it's because her dreams would have been answered. Even if it was by keeping a whinny tiny secret.