Chapter Three - The Plantation

Sometime in 1843

The plantation at Yvonne's birth was prosperous in the year of 1843, with the main crops being sugar and cattle. These were exported to other countries from the wharf in Morant Bay. Her mother was the head slave in the Great House overlooking the Roselle Bay, which was perched high above the cane fields.

Master George could overlook his 300-acre estate from the veranda of his modest house. He was not the wealthiest planter in the east, but his records to the Governor and His Majesty King George indicated that he had 195 slaves. His newest slave was born that morning. She was a bouncing baby girl with red hair and he had given her his mother's name Yvonne, but there was no way he could make his beloved wife Martha know that she was the result of his liaison with the head slave in the house. Of course, Martha had gone back to Scotland to look for her ailing father in Glasgow. He hoped that the wisp of red hair would change before his wife returned in the spring of 1844.

Emancipation had been a blow to the plantations in the east as the slaves now wanted to be treated as freed men and production had fallen off. However, George was a kind master and had treated his slaves far better than the surrounding plantations. So far since 1838, he had only lost five slaves who had run off to the hills behind the plantation.

Busha Barnes, his overseer, had been of Scottish stock too, but was a brute of a man with red hair and worked the now ex-slaves just as hard as before freedom. He thought that maybe he could say the child was Busha's instead which would account for the child's red hair. Yvonne grew up knowing that Master George was her real father, even though she grew to love Busha Barnes as her Papa. Her tanned skin got her certain privileges such as a free run of the Great House. At the age of 15 she was sent away to school in Europe. Despite the hue of her skin, Yvonne was treated almost as an equal at the Finishing School in Hampshire England and excelled in Latin and the sciences. Her favourite subject was that of the dark sciences of the occult Kumina. It was an area that fascinated her since it was in her blood through her maternal ancestry as her mother hailed from Sierra Leone.

England was always cold and dreary with grey skies which prevented her from running through the gardens after school and to smell the flowers in the summer. She missed the long, palm tree-lined driveway to Roselle House. The driveway also had purple and white periwinkles that bloomed throughout the year and attracted butterflies, especially in the summer time. They also had logwood blossoms which was home to several species of bees. By the time she returned to Jantique at age 24, the plantation had run down and Master George Hamilton had died after a bout of pneumonia in 1867. The plantation was being sold by the bank in Scotland which held the deed in trust against a mortgage that George Barnes had taken out against the sliding fortunes of the sugar industry. In order to save Roselle Estate, Yvonne was to be married to the bastard son of Colonel Clyde Belvedere from the adjoining estate. Yvonne was elegant, beautiful and out-spoken. She had caught the eye of the young Frenchman, Jean Pierre Culchard, who was the book keeper from the Stokes Hall Estate in Eastern St. Thomas.

Some of the palm trees, that she had played around as a young child, had died along the driveway leading up to Roselle house. Lands that were once filled with cane fields had become overgrown with shrubs. The once opulent Great House showed signs of neglect as wooden shingles were missing, along with rotting fret work. The wooden floors lacked their once illustrious sheen and were dull and creaked when she walked across it. A few pieces of the railing had been missing for years. It was not only the physical plant that had become dilapidated but only thirty-five of the once bountiful slave work force were still on the estate. Since emancipation, the freed blacks remaining on the estate had to be paid a token for their labour but had become fat and lazy. The Morant Bay Rebellion was still fresh in the minds of the freed slaves, as well as the masters of most of the plantations in the east and there was a tense truce that reigned between the former slaves and their masters.

"I have a surprise for you," Papa said as he walked to the back of three-bedroom stone cottage.

He showed her a black horse that he had acquired for her to ride. He was tall and handsome and Benjamin, the yard boy, had already saddled him.

"Oh, Papa can I take him out for a trot now?"

"Sure but be careful he is still not yet fully broken and just to make me feel better I will send Benjamin to lead him."

"Hello, Benjamin, it's nice seeing you again after so many years."

He was tall, dark and handsome and his shirtless body rippled with muscles as the afternoon sun bathed his body.

Papa caught her gaze and shouted to Benjamin, "Go and put on some clothes boy and take Miss Yvonne for a trot, and remember dinner is at 4 p.m., so don't be long."

"Yes Busha."

Yvonne watched Benjamin run towards his hut, his muscles rippled beneath his wet dark skin. Her loins moved as her thoughts deepened about holding him close and running her hands across the sinews of his masculine frame. She ran her hand over the horse. The horse's skin beneath her hands was smooth. It had rippling muscles underlying its shiny coat and it reminded her of Benjamin.

"Papa, I don't need the saddle I want to feel his power."

"Ok, sweet pea, I will ask Benjamin to remove it."

Even though the yard boy had slipped on a calico shirt to cover his torso, his biceps and triceps were still exposed. He eased the straps and removed the saddle.

"Hurry up and come Benjamin, let's go I need to be back here within the hour and freshen for dinner."

She mounted the horse and sat astride him. She felt the heat of the horse through her trousers and it warmed her flower until it felt like blooming. With each step the muscles of the beast between her legs enticed her to want it to trot faster and she urged Benjamin to move faster and faster. Her hips and breasts were from her mother and she was full figured with a wide hip and each bounce of her ample breasts caused the fabric of her blouse to caress her nipples. The sensations from her movements added to the heat of the beast that flexed between her thighs which rendered her quivering in pleasure as her clitoris was massaged by the black, shiny beast that she was riding.

As they passed through the coconut grove she called, "Benjamin I need to stop for while can you take me off please."

"Miss Yvonne we are at a desolate place, it may be dangerous for you and me to be here alone."

"Benjamin, come and take me off this horse now," she said as a wave of excitement washed her from her flower and her voice cracked.

"Ok, Miss Yvonne."

Benjamin was obedient and placed his huge arms around her rib cage and eased her off the horse.

"Oh my, Miss Yvonne."

She had purposely pressed her body against him and felt the sinews of his body stiffen against her.

"What's wrong Benjamin, is it the first time you've held a woman this close?"

"Yes Miss Yvonne," he replied shyly.

Yvonne laughed softly. "So Benjamin you are a virgin?"

"Why are you asking me Miss Yvonne?"

"Answer me boy!" she shouted.

"Yes Miss Yvonne. Yes Miss Yvonne I is."

"Hitch the horse and come with me."

Reluctantly, Benjamin did as he was requested, but was slow and lethargic in his movement.

"Miss Yvonne we need to go back soon where are we going Miss Yvonne?"

"Benjamin, I need your help with something, riding the horse without a saddle was your doing, now I am feeling so sore and need to walk it off a little."

She took his hand, led him off the track and found a clearing beneath a coconut tree that was hidden from the view of the track.

"Come, Benjamin, sit down and rest a little you must be tired and take off that hot shirt."

She smiled as he complied with her request.

"Use the shirt as a mat and lie back Benjamin," she said as she sat beside him.

The sweat glistened from his body as Yvonne licked her thin pink lips. A shudder went through her body at the sight of his rippled stomach and thin line of hair that led from his navel downwards into his trousers.

As he lay looking up at the coconuts, Yvonne stood over him, he could see beneath her blouse and the tanned grape fruits filled his eyes.

"What are you looking at boy?"

"Nothing mam."

"I could have you flogged and hanged for looking at me like that Benjamin."

"I am sorry Miss Yvonne. I am Sorry."

"Make it up to me Benjamin and I won't say a thing."

"Anything about what Ms Yvonne?"

"Take off your trousers!" she commanded.

Benjamin complied, and his inches of manhood with the red tip engorged with blood stood like the trunk of a tree spouting from the fertile soil at the base.

She sat beside Benjamin and caressed his chest, her hands gripped his shaft and tried to wrap her fingers around the pulsating member.

"Relax, Benjamin, I want you to quench my fire with this and take me like how a buck would take a dam and do not be gentle."

Her hands removed her trousers and she kneeled before him revealing the pink lips of her snatch that was carpeted with red, wispy hair. The field slave obliged and positioned the 8-inch-long red tipped rod and drove home deep between the pink lips.

The quiet country side was disturbed by the sounds of moist skin vigorously impacting each other and the wet, hot, slippery glove that tried to contain Benjamin's thrusts. Even though it was his first time, he had dreamed about this day for almost nine years when he would be able to embrace Yvonne in private. She had allowed him deep inside her most private parts and the natural urge to release his passion was only countered by the moans of pleasure that came from her mouth each time he withdrew. Each withdrawal was followed by dip and a twist of his hips while he drove into the glove-like cove that tried to pull his own pleasure from inside his back.

The blue sky above contrasted against the black and ebony bodies grunting and moaning. He felt her stomach quiver and the convulsions in her muscles. She gripped and released his shaft in quick succession before bathing his hot rod with the warmth of her juices.

Her hips got more urgent as she begged him to increase the tempo with each twist and dip of her own circular motion. Her intense movements caused her toes to make a cracking sound and her thighs began to shake. It was as if she was about to explode in ecstasy as lightning shot from her wet, hot centre all over her body. She urged him on with her words as Benjamin straightened his back and the clenched muscles in his buttocks, stomach and back clenched as he drove hard and fast into Yvonne. As if he was incensed by the sensations of Yvonne's creamy ejaculation, seemingly multiplied the raw power within Benjamin's hips and it brought Yvonne to an earth-shattering climax.

He paused to allow her to recover her breath. As she felt Benjamin's swelling passion building inside her wet, slippery, love canal and with his grunts and gasps increased as the sugary sensation erupted from the tip of his organ and spread throughout his body. The two young lovers joined each other in unison as the first seeds of Benjamin's manhood pierced Yvonne like a hot, wet arrow.

They collapsed on the calico shirt, entwined in each other's juices and locked in an embrace of sweaty arms and legs. Spent and breathing heavily, they fell asleep under the clear blue sky.