Chapter Six - A new reality

"Villain! Yvonne, I rescued you and you begged me to restore your honour by becoming your husband and this is how you would repay me by not obeying my command." Pierre shouted at the top of his voice.

"Command? I never knew that my husband would have been my Master and Lord, I always thought we would respect and love each other."

"Yes, Yvonne, as long as you are under my roof, you are just a shade above the former slave and worse you are black. We will have time to grow in love but you must show me respect, after all it is I that have made you an honourable woman."

"I will have you know Pierre that I am an educated woman and I attended one of the finest finishing schools in Europe. My father left me money in Trust and I am the heiress to the Roselle Plantation."

"Hah! Your father was a drunken fool who gambled away his money and property, as for your so-called stepfather…"

"So why did you rescue me from a disaster only to rub it in my face the first chance you get Pierre?"

Yvonne's red face had now turned a pale grey as a result of the onslaught of Pierre's words. The timber floor below her should have opened up and swallow her whole. She thought about her next sentence carefully.

"Why do you have me as your wife then Pierre?"

"I am the bookkeeper at this plantation, I too have ambitions of being landed gentry in this country and sending my fortune back to England someday, I saw an opportunity and I took it. "

"So are you saying that I am just a means to an end Mr. Culchard?" Yvonne's tone fell as did her eyes

"No, Yvonne, you are much more than that, let's put aside this silly argument and have some breakfast. There are some things in this world that a woman will never understand and frankly speaking I do not have enough time to explain it right now," Pierre replied sassily.

"Why don't you try Pierre? After all I am your wife and until death do us part, I am so unsure about a lot of things right now. The things you have just told me are making me second guess everything I've known about myself."

Pierre took a long deep breath and Yvonne could hear the wind whistling through his long narrow nostrils.

"Yvonne, all you have to do right now is to trust me with your mind body and soul and we will be fine. I know I was a bit harsh, but as I said, death will never part us and we will be together for a very long time. Just relax and enjoy each day. You are no longer a Barnes, you are a Culchard so I expect you to behave how I say you should. We are gods among men. With my colour and you by my side we can become untouchables."

"So Pierre, is our marriage just ruse to acquire property, get power and then what?"

"Yes, our marriage is like a business, just like how I saved Roselle for your parents and we control the locals with the exotic powers that I have shared with you. By the way I got rid of your young, black lover."

Yvonne knew instantly that this marriage was not for her and she had to get out of it one way or the other. Even if it meant killing Pierre and then running away to a free village in the west. Confinement did not sit well with her spirit and neither with her body. The problem was that she needed money to survive and even though she thought she was black, her pale, brown skin showed that physical work was not her cup of tea. Killing him was the only option and it would be far better if the ex-slaves did it so that she could inherit his money and position in life. She felt no love for the man but she would have to be cunning and not be dramatic in her approach she thought.

"It's fine, Pierre we all have to deal with change, and it was not like there was any possibilities that of an ex-slave could have even dreamt of being with a woman like me. Life is all about change and now I am a married woman with an ambitious husband who is determined to make me rich," she replied.

"Ah! That sounds like you have finally come to your senses. You will not know the power that you have if you don't master the occult. We can live like gods among the mortals and if we are smiled upon by my master we could become the rulers of this island."

"Pierre, what are you talking about?" she asked.

"The power that you have within you it's not only about being immortal, and strength, we have the power to influence people's mind and over time you will learn, but it comes at a price and you need to feed on the blood of the innocent or else you may become weak and susceptible to those who could do us harm," Pierre replied with an air of authority.

Yvonne thought about what Pierre had just told her. "Hmm...what do you mean become susceptible to those who would try to do us harm if we are immortal?"

"We do not age or suffer from mortal diseases but we can be killed. The only way to maintain our livelyhood is through secrecy, discretion and absolute loyalty from those who serve us. How do we do that, we promise them immortality too since everyone would want to live forever. The church says you have to die in this life in order to inherit eternal life, with the gift that I have bestowed on you Yvonne, we can enjoy our eternal life right here on earth. Yes we may have to move after a number of years because our mortal friends will age, but just imagine the life we can live. With your beauty and my blind ambition we can become rich and powerful."

"What about the people who serve us Pierre?" she asked.

"What about them? They are disposable. We can always buy more or better yet under this new arrangement apprentice they breed like rabbits and the more we have our value goes up."

"Pierre, you are still stuck in slavery, they are no longer chattel or property, they are people with dreams just like you and me. I am sorry husband. I spoke out of turn."

"Ahh, you are learning quite well my young wife, come let us eat and fill our bellies and remember your place is always two paces behind me."

Yvonne obeyed and walked two steps behind her husband, even though she would have been considered as equal, she was still black in his sight and therefore was obligated to being below him. Her lily-white skin still did not prevent her from feeling the pain for her black brother and sisters. However, in her heart and mind she started to hatch a plan.

"Pierre, I don't like the taste of the females, I want to taste something rich and strong, find me a big strong buck that is an innocent so that I may feed and he can be my guard when you are not around, but I still need my female servants to take care of my needs."

Yvonne smiled as she asked and touched his hand tenderly. She watched as Pierre considered her request and rolled his blue eyes.

"Oh that reminds me I will be travelling to Haiti next week and I will be away on business for about three months, so yes your request seems to be in order."

"Why are you going to Haiti dear?" she asked.

"Shh!" he replied, "Please remember your place my dear, a man's business is not that of his wife and only upon my return shall I tell you if it was successful."

Yvonne felt ashamed but emboldened by his reproach, she knew that Pierre Culchard would not be her husband after his return.

Breakfast on the patio overlooking the cane fields and the deep blue see at the Stokes Hall great house was spectacular, the sun was playing hide and seek with the clouds and a cool crisp breeze blew in from the coasts, Birds were singing in the tall pine trees near the great house as the wind complemented their songs with its own version.

Pierre Culchard was not the most handsome man that she had come across but he had striking features. He was tall and slim with piercing blue eyes that felt as if they drilled deep into her soul that had been changing slowly the longer she breathed near him.

"If I wanted to swim, is there a place near here that we can relax in private and just talk? After we have eaten, I would love to spend some time with you alone away from prying eyes and eager ears," Yvonne said in a feigned meek manner.

"Ah my love, unfortunately I have business to take care of so that is impossible. I will ask Samuel to take you to the watering hole on the estate."

"Samuel?" she asked quizzically.

"Yes, he is my trusted man servant, the ladies will also accompany you. Call Samuel for me, please Tiffany," Pierre said.

A few minutes later a tall, handsome man came forward. He had broad shoulders with bulging biceps and triceps. He was at least six feet tall and had muscular legs that stretched his calico pants. His skin was black and shiny but when he opened his mouth, his teeth were white like the crests of the waves on the distance sea.

Her loins stirred as she looked at the fine specimen of a man.

"Samuel, this my wife, I need you to stay close by her side while I am away. I don't have to tell you Samuel, that I can still have you hanged if I catch you looking at her body," Pierre said arrogantly.

"Yes Busha," the man replied and avoided eye contact with Yvonne.

"Is he an innocent Pierre?" Yvonne asked while playing with her hair.

"Yes, he is. I was saving him to breed me some new stock and hence why I am going away. I am thinking long term, with Roselle and Stokes Hall under my control and I am setting my eyes on Belvedere. I want to become one of the largest land owners in this fair parish with a hefty stock of slaves to trade with as well as the rum, sugar and beef. We will be rich," Richard said with a gleam of greed in his eyes.

Yvonne found it hard not to stare at Samuel, she had been treated to and liked the taste of strong black meat between her legs and she looked at his muscular form, her garden became wet with anticipation. The marriage was not yet consummated between her and Pierre and already he sounded as if he had no interest in sex. Not that she was looking forward to it at all, but she was already hooked on the strength and stamina of the black man and somehow Pierre did not look the type that would make her sweat and scream. Her mouth salivated as she ate her breakfast and she crossed her legs below the table in order to keep her excitement to herself.

Pierre Culchard excused himself from the table and kissed her on her forehead and wished her a good day.

Yvonne, got up and said, "Come along ladies, I need to be ready and Samuel don't move, I will be with you shortly."

She stood before the mirror as the women gently disrobed her and she looked as her body in the full-length mirror, her red pubic hairs were accentuated by the pale white skin as she looked at her flat stomach that Benjamin had pumped his strong, black seed deep inside her, her pink nipples were like small grapes as she pinched them awake. She liked the sweet, sharp sensation of pain.

She turned to the younger of the two women and said, "Come I thirst and I need to feed."

Her eyes glowed pink as she bit into the woman's arm. Colour filled her body as she fed on the warm blood of her servant.

"Ahh, oil my body," she commanded and watched as the young woman staggered off towards the cupboard where the oils were kept and steadied her gait by holding on to the frame of the timber structure.

"I like the taste, so full of life and vigour," she said as her mind immediately went on Samuel and wondered what it would be like to taste his blood. Her silk half- trousers covered her lower half and she choose a pink top that covered her breasts, followed by a coat.

"I am ready," she shouted to Samuel.