
Over the next few weeks, Yvonne and Samuel were inseparable, especially when Pierre was away for business. They had their own business to handle at the pool. As she rested on the bed of cane straw that he had made by the pool, she looked over at her new 'entertainment'.

"Samuel, do you realise that this arrangement will soon have to come to an end?"

"Why?" he asked angrily.

"Hush, my Samuel, Pierre comes back from Haiti tomorrow and he wants to have his marriage consummated, I will have to be his wife, unless you do what you promised to do. Then I will be yours," Yvonne replied softly as she stroked his dark cheek tenderly.

Samuel had a puzzled look on his face.

"What did I promise to do Ms Yvonne?"

"Kill Pierre Culchard," she said dryly.

"What! Kill my Master?" Samuel asked. His voice trembled and his mouth fell open in shock.

"Yes, don't you want more of this?" she asked as she placed her hand on her patch of red hair below her waist. "Do you remember our plans to own land? The best part about it Samuel, is that I could make you live forever and never age a day, but only if you do as I ask. You could be a god on earth Samuel. Besides, what do you think will happen when he hears that you have been a stud, fornicating with the woman who he has not yet slept with as his wife?" Yvonne replied angrily.

Her eyes glowed pink and Samuel jumped up from beside her.

"What is wrong with your eyes Miss Yvonne? They looked so pink just a while ago."

"I showed you the real me Samuel, nothing has changed, I have a fire in me that burns and I thirst for your touch that is all baby."

"What the hell!" Samuel yelled.

She watched as he grabbed his clothes and ran through the bushes.

Modern day 2040

I heard Zoe's voice calling.

"Here Smokey, I didn't mean to frighten you after you bit me come here, please kitty."

My eyes glossed over as I felt pain and for the first time in centuries. I began to see my brother Pierre in a different light. I now loathed him for his ill-treatment of who had found herself in a pickle and really and truly was not of her own doing. Pierre had always been someone that loved and craved material things over love. Shit, what is she to me? What if she is my niece? I had been dreaming about her. There was so much wrong with that.

Pierre, you are truly selfish, and you have been so for a very long time. I have had to watch everybody that I have loved grow old and die because you wanted to show me something in the thirteenth century and my life has been cursed to be a drifter ever since, I thought as I came timidly out of the closet after biting Zoe's finger. Her blood had made me see the past and it was an amazing trip back in time.

Zoe cuddled me and stroked my smooth fur as I purred softly. Her touch and voice were so reassuring that she meant me no harm.

However, I could still hear Tiffany's voice on the phone yelling.

"Zoe, you need to get rid of that cat because it could be riddled with diseases or the next time it could bite a vital place on your body and cause you to bleed to death. You do remember that you have a special blood condition that you should not get cuts or scratches Zoe. Zoe? Are you listening to me?"

I watched as Zoe picked up the phone and smiled.

"Tiffany, I am fine it was only a scratch and it has stopped bleeding already. You should see him; he looks so apologetic and innocent."

"Cats are dangerous Zoe, remember that the Egyptians used them to be guardians of the underworld?" Tiffany said.

"Yes, Tiffany I have watched National Geographic too, I love the stories of the ancient civilisations and I would love to be immortal."

I laughed in my mind. It is nothing special Zoe, you do not want this curse.

"Zoe, you already have Ruffles, he is innocent and I know that huge dog that is always chained in the back yard loves to play. No more pets Zoe," Tiffany yelled.

"Why do I think you would be my mother trying to tell me that I can't have another pet or this or that? My parents were killed in a car accident and I bounced around from one foster home to another until I aged out and put myself through school. But you know my story Tiffany I have told you this story every time we have this kind of discussion. I am certainly not a child and the last time I checked you and I are the same age Tiffany Thomas," Zoe replied in a calm but yet irritated manner.

"Alright Zoe, send me a picture of your new furry friend?" Tiffany asked.

"Ok I will do even better, let me send you a live chat call and you can see my handsome fellow. By the way I haven't finished telling you about the awesome dream I had," Zoe said in a sing song tone.

"Alright call me," Tiffany replied.

I watched the phone and as I saw the picture of Tiffany, I hissed loudly and the fur on my body stood on end. I jumped from Zoe's hand and ran through the bedroom door.

I could hear Zoe laughing hysterically.

"Tiffany, you frightened the living daylights out of the cat as soon as your picture came online he ran out of my arms. I always knew something was wrong with you Tiffany, but this confirms it. Ruffles and Smokey don't like you at all. Anyway, Tiffany, I can't stay and chat any longer. I just remembered I have a meeting online in a few minutes and I must prepare a presentation. We can catch up later."

I knew that I had seen Tiffany before, but my cat brain was more focused on the scent of the dog in the back yard and what Ruffles was doing around the corner. The taste of bacon had only started to open my appetite, but the taste of Zoe's blood was intoxicating and made me want more. I knew something was special about her from the first day I saw her. Eternity was a bitch though to have seen the things and felt the emotions of so many years was taking a toll on me. She was a very sexual being and her prowess made me feel horny. I needed some action, but I was unable to transform at will.

Ruffles hissed and his arched back caught my attention as I approached the kitchen to find him standing beside his feeding dish.

"Relax, Ruffles I am not here to replace you. I only want to transform and then I will leave you and Zoe alone."

Strangely, I could understand his response as if he was speaking English.

"Leave this house now undead or else I will take action myself and make your life a living hell," Ruffles replied.

"Hell!" I laughed in his face. "Ruffles, I came here for some action and I got it. I might have stumbled onto something that was much bigger than I am right now but it just means someone upstairs has a sick sense of humour. The woman I took an oath to kill is the mother of the woman who I made love to last night." I paused and thought for a while then continued, "Wait why am I telling you this? Ahh, I remember you are just a house cat, so get lost Ruffles."

I pushed him out of the way to eat the rest of the food in the dish. I was famished and I loved the taste of tuna mixed with bacon gravy.

Zoe came in the kitchen and said, "Guys what is all the ruckus about? I am trying to work on something here. Ruffles stop your screeching."

I smiled to myself and continued eating. I knew I had a lot to figure out, but there was very little I could do in this form but to take control of the house and sleep with Zoe over and over until I was able to shape shift. Until then, I wanted to know the full story behind Pierre and that would mean biting Zoe again, but this time I needed to drive a wedge between Ruffles, Tiffany and Zoe. However, at the very least until I can remember where I knew Tiffany from.

I licked his paws clean as he lay on the mat near the back door, I stiffened when I smelt a dog in the back yard, and the fur on my back stood on end. The new moon would be fast approaching, and I hoped I would be able to transform on the Lunar cycle. Being a cat should only been a temporary event, but I had been stuck for a few days. I watched as Ruffles slid the glass door to the back yard effortlessly and walked outside. Even though good sense should have prevailed, I wanted to pee and I followed Ruffles outside. The back yard was immaculate with a green zoysia lawn and paving stones to the barbeque pit. I could smell the dog and especially the stench of his waste. I hated dogs because they were nasty and clumsy creatures that only relied on brute strength.

I closed my eyes and relieved myself behind the rose bush. Suddenly, I heard the glass door click followed by heavy breathing behind me. It was a huge Rottweiler.


Ruffles had set me up. I looked around for a tree to climb, but there were none.

"I'm fucked."

My pee dried up instantly and I summoned the will to run for my life, but the Rottweiler was just too swift. I felt searing pain as the huge teeth pierced my back legs and three hundred years of life began to flash before my eyes.

The dog growled as it swung me like a rag doll in its grip before dropping me on the grass. I could hear him barking and snarling. Just before the place went black, I heard Zoe, shouting and hurried footsteps. Blood from the open wound covered her hand and on her clothes as she rushed me inside and chided the dog.

"I don't understand it at all. Ruffles and that darn dog are best friends yet it attacked Smokey and almost kills him. The cat has been with me for days and no trouble and now this," Zoe said through her tears.

I woke up in Zoe's bed with bandages on my back legs two days later. Zoe tended to my every need and brushed my fur constantly. She fed me tuna and forced capsules down my throat for days. Ruffles was not allowed in the bed. I knew that he had been set up by the jealous cat. If Zoe had to leave the house for hours then she would lock the room door and left me on a mat beside the litter box. Three days had passed with constant attention from Zoe and I could hear the dog wailing and howling outside. He had been beaten and chained for his role in the attack. I smiled and felt my strength slowly returning to my hind quarters. Zoe still slept naked on the bed. Her warm body was soft and comforting as I thought about the first time, I had dreamt that I feasted on her soft succulent flesh. Her back was turned to me, I could feel the roundness of her bottom against my fur, and I wished I could transform. But nothing happened and I fell asleep dreaming of a better time.