P3 - Chapter #12: Vengeance Part 1

A/N #1: The beginning of this chapter is set shortly after the end of chapter 1 from part 1. To make sense of the context, please check part 1 and part 2. If you already understand, feel free to continue! There will be mild violence, so proceed with your discretion.


(Back to the present day...)

//"So, you want to be free?"// Kaine's demonic reflection asked him, with an expectant tone, as if he was waiting for a certain answer.

"Y-Yes..." It made a wicked grin form on the demon's face. "Please... Anything. I'll do it just to end this nightmare..." Tears were already trickling down from his glassy red eyes. The look on his face was the look of someone who wanted to give up and surrender control.

//"Still remember the man who killed your father? He's still hiding out there somewhere."//

Kaine looked at his darker self's reflection on the bathroom mirror, "What do you want me to do with him...?"

//"Be the predator. Hunt the prey. Find his whereabouts. And when you find Flint, kill him."//

"What? Kill?!" he snapped, "No, I don't kill. No!"

//"Do you want this to be over or not, Kaine?"// he fired back, causing the teen to question himself and have second thoughts. //"He killed your father. He is the reason for your nightmares and you losing a chance to fix things. Yet, you don't want to get rid of the problem."// The demon reminded him, //"An eye for an eye. He took your father's life, now it's time you take his own."//

For a few moments, Kaine looked down, averting his eyes from the mirror. He was at his most desperate. He didn't want to take a life. However at the same time, he would continue to be tormented by his never-ending nightmares. He was cornered... Sighing heavily, he looked up to the mirror and nodded reluctantly. "Fine... If that's what it needs to get rid of this burden..."

The demon smiled, as Kaine's eyes and skin changing into something akin to his: blood red eyes and grey skin.

//"From today... We have work to do."//


(Three days later...; Nighttime...)

"Peter! Dinner time!" Mary called her son from the dining room, while he was still in his room.

"Y-Yeah, Mom! Coming..." Peter still sat on his bed, his eyes on the phone he was holding. He sighed softly, looking at his messaging app, while scrolling through his messages with Kaine. It had been four days since his cousin contacted either him or Anna. His phone then vibrated, receiving a message from Anna.

//Pete, any new message from K?//

He typed something and sent it.


//Why did he ghost us, Peter..?//

//Maybe he needs some time alone, Ann. He still feels guilty for what happened.//

//He could've texted one of us... Told us to give him some time.//

"Yeah... But he didn't..." he mumbled to himself.

//Peter, what if something happens to Kaine? No- What if something already happened to him? I just. Hhh, I want to slap him for ghosting us. But on a serious note... I just- I don't know...//

He put up a weak smile, trying to stay optimistic as he typed a reply...

//I'll try to visit him tomorrow. To check up on him. Let's hope for the better, okay?//

//Please do... And say hi from me. Tell him not to ghost us next time :)) If he wants to say sorry to me, I prefer him to do it face-to-face on Monday//

//Pfft XD Okie dokie, I will. Gotta go now, dinner time.//


//Take care, T-Rex XD We'll talk again soon//

//Oi! Don't call me that, Glasses. Though you don't wear it anymore lmao- Oaky, take care and au revoir!//

Peter chuckled and shoved his phone into his shorts' pocket as he exited the room and headed toward the dining room. His parents were eating while the TV was playing the DB (Daily Bugle) news channel. He picked up a plate and a spoon, before proceeding to take some rice and chicken nuggets filled with cheese. He then took an empty seat and started eating.

"Peter, have you two talked lately?" Richard asked after swallowing a spoonful of rice and a piece of a nugget. His son simply shook his head, "No, Dad. He hasn't texted me for four days..." He and Mary glanced at each other and sighed softly, continuing to eat their dinner.



"This is related to Kaine. Do you think there are times when we can't forgive people? Even the ones close to us? I still give him another chance but...I just want to know if there's a limit."

His father nodded, "Yes, when they go too far or betray our trust."

"But, that doesn't mean there's no chance for them to redeem themselves if they want to," Mary added.

Richard smiled in agreement. "Even if one goes on a different path, it's not too late to change to the right course. One can only do so much and hope for the better for their fellow."

Peter smiled warmly and nodded as he was nearly done with his dinner. But something made him stop for a moment, his eyes widened in shock as he watched the news.

//"In other news, police has recently concluded that a series of violent cases from these last three nights are connected. Pedestrians said the perpetrator was a masked man webbing these muggers and using violent methods on them, such as slashing and torture. Police found them shaking out of fear. They confessed that he was looking for a man called Flint–Flint Marko, who was hiding from the police after a mugging and carjacking attempt with Dennis Carradine. Apparently, this vigilante is connected to the two mysterious Spider-Men who first appeared Thursday in the previous week. However, the question is... Which one is responsible for this violence? Stay updated with the Daily Bugle. This is Betty Brant reporting."//

"Dear goodness... Why would a man do such a thing...?" Mary spoke her thoughts aloud, earning a shrug from her husband.

Peter was simply frozen still, processing of what he just heard. A violent vigilante? Obviously it wasn't him. Unless... Kaine. His hold on the spoon grew tightened and shaky. Disbelief and fury were reflected on his eyes. He couldn't believe that his cousin dared to go something pretty far after what happened to Flash and uncle Ben.

"Kid? What's wrong?" Richard looked at his son in confusion and surprise.

"Huh?-" Peter snapped back to reality, before realizing he just bent the spoon. "Oh uh... It's just... I can't believe a Spider-Man did it..." he said in disappointment. The teen quickly finished his dinner and put his plate and spoon - unbending it first - in a dishwasher.

"Uh, Mom? Dad? I want to rest early so I'm gonna lock the door. Is it okay?"

Mary and Richard glanced at each other, before looking at her son. "Hon, is everything alright? You seem to be in a rush." It only earned a nod from Peter. "You know you can tell us, right?"

"I know, Mom... But yeah, everything's alright," he put up a half-smile.

Mary and Richard frowned for a few moments, but they just let it slide.

"Alright. Sweet dreams, little Peter. We love you," she waved at him.

Peter chuckled, "Love you, Mom, Dad." He then headed back to his room and locked it, sighing to himself. "I'm sorry.... But I have to save Kaine."

He walked to his wardrobe and was about to open it. But...he hesitated. //"I could die... He could kill me..."// His doubt was soon replaced by a full determination, yet still accompanied by fear. //"No. I'm the only one who can stop him. I can prevent something bad from happening. Though I may die... If this be my last day, so be it. At least, one soul...one soul can be saved."//

Peter opened the wardrobe and took out his red mask with goggles, red leather jacket, black tipless gloves, blue jeans, and red-and-blue ASICS shoes. The teachings from his parents when he was a kid echoed within his mind.

//"Help yourself, but don't forget others in need. If you can help them within your ability and when you can, then why not?"// (Mary Parker)

//"The power, the ability to help your fellows is in your hand. No matter what it is. No matter the scale. Be it a power, a skill, intelligence. Even something simple: a desire. It's all up to us really. A choice. But to me, it's a moral obligation. A responsibility. Always remember that, Pete. Remember that."// (Richard Parker)

After suiting up, he slid open the window in his room, got out, and slid it close. His fingers and feet were now attached to the apartment's wall. Taking a few deep breaths, Peter leaped off and shot a web line to a building. Swinging from one building to another, the masked Peter scanned for any signs of Kaine through his goggles while also waiting for any vibrations from inside his head–his spider sense, if you would.

Hopefully there was still time to save his cousin...


(Meanwhile, a few blocks away...)

A hooded Dennis Carradine was walking alone on the crowded street, his hands in his jeans' pockets–one holding a gun. He was gazing at an unsuspecting Flash Thompson in front of him, but he would glance and turn around in fear at times, especially the rooftops because of the recent news. Everything seemed fine. Unbeknownst to him however, a hooded masked figure was tailing him carefully from nearby rooftops.

Soon the street got quieter, with a dark alley just around the corner. Seeing a chance, Dennis immediately covered the teen's mouth, causing him to let out a muffled yelp. He then moved fast to the alley and pulled out his gun, putting it against Flash's temple.

"Alright, kid. You don't want me to put a bullet in your brains? Gimme all of your money and don't even try to do sumthin stupid. Understand? I'm watchin'."

Terror could be seen in Flash's eyes as he nodded. The mugger released the teen and pointed his gun at him while Flash pulled out his wallet and checked it. But as he was about to get Flash's money, a web line snatched his pistol from above, prompting both to look up. It was the masked vigilante; a grey-skinned male standing on a ledge and staring at the man with his blood red eyes. Realizing it was him, the teenager's face lit up with a mixture of hope and slight discomfort while the mugger's eyes widened in fear. The vigilante shot two web lines onto Dennis's shoulders and pulled him up against the wall, attaching the web lines on the ledge.


"Go. I have some business with this man," Kaine ordered the teen, which he complied, before thanking the vigilante. He then turned his attention to the man. "This guy better have something I want," he growled in desperation.

The masked teen crawled down on the wall and faced Flint's friend. "It's you..." Astonishment could be heard from his voice. He then protruded a stinger from one of his wrists and brought it forth to Dennis's neck, its tip meeting his skin. "Where is he? WHERE IS FLINT?" Kaine yelled impatiently.

"I- I- I don't know who you are talking about," he stuttered.

"Wrong answer." He scratched Dennis's neck with his stinger's tip, earning painful groans. "I've gotten VERY IMPATIENT AND DESPERATE. I have considered killing others just because they have no value to me. But you? You are no good to me dead. If I were you, I'd rather not push my luck. So let's make things easier and end this quickly. Where. Is. Flint?"

Still no answer, causing Kaine to move down his hand to Dennis's upper body and slashed it several times. The man remained helpless as he screamed in pain and blood started to drip, soaking his clothes. He even pissed himself because of how scared he was, being tortured by someone who didn't look human. "I can do this all day. I prefer not to kill you, so don't test my patience. How about you just tell me and I'll stop this once and for all!?" Kaine hissed at him, intending to stab Dennis.

"Alright- Alright! Damn it... He's- He's hiding at an abandoned warehouse. Just a few blocks from here... Please, please...don't hurt me anymore..."

A smile formed underneath the web mask that covered nearly all of his face. The vigilante retracted his stinger, "Thank you. See, that was so easy. Now, enjoy getting cuffed by the boys in blue. Don't worry, your wounds won't kill you. You'll live."

Kaine dropped to the ground, intending to find and finish off the cause of his nightmares. When he was about to swing away to Flint's location however, he felt vibrations in his head, his hair stood up. He turned around to find a fellow Spider-Man, none other than Peter Parker. His blood red eyes changed into his normal hazel ones and his grey skin back to his usual one.


The younger one remained silent, shaking his head after witnessing what just happened. Rain started to fall down from the skies and thunder cracked in the sky. Both teens were looking at each other in the eyes, surprised and still processing everything. This could either lead to an argument or perhaps...a fight.

A fight to save or take a life. Only the winner would decide how this night ended. Only time would tell...


A/N #2: A cliffhanger eh? ;) Wanna find out how it will unfold??? Stay tune for the next chapter coming in two days ;) MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA