Orientation Night 1

"So how's your first week? Excited to start?" Haneul turns to look at a soft-looking male omega who took a sit beside him. The man is wearing a simple sweater with a cardigan, looking comfortable, but still fashionable. It is a simple outfit, but the man's figure and his gentle-looking face makes him stand out amongst the other freshman omegas who wear the best outfit they own as the start of their new adult life on campus. First impression and whatnot. Haneul gives him a quick smile, noticing the other looking at him while he is evaluating the latter's outfit. The man has a gentle look on his face.

"Owh, I know that look." With no definite answer, the other omega comments to which Haneul tries to ignore, hoping he will get the hint and leave him alone. He just wants to be alone with his mind, judging people.

After almost a week of socializing, the literature student decides he had enough and ignores the rest of the orientation activity. It won't actually affect his studies anyway so he doesn't need to pretend to enjoy it. Trying to act happy when he isn't is exhausting.

Though fully aware of the fact that he needs to make friends, Haneul really doesn't feel like interacting with the overly excited bunch. It uses too much social battery and he only has a few to begin with. Well, at least the guy sitting beside him doesn't look like the giddy, cheerful type so he may be left alone after a while. In fact, the man sounds really soft, and somehow sounds as if he is just asking out of concern instead of trying to force a conversation.

It feels weird. As if the man is a parent asking his child about his first day of school. Well, so to speak. He won't know exactly how it supposed to be though, since he barely remembers his own experience when his father was alive and everything was good.

"What look?" He tries to reply. It has been a while since somebody talks like that to him. The principle at the shelter used to use that tone, along with a few ahjummas so it feels really awkward to listen to it being spoken by a young man.

"That face you're making." Haneul doesn't know what to do with his face at that comment. All of a sudden he becomes fully aware of all the muscles on his face and tries to move them so he won't make 'the' face this other omega is talking about. "Haha, I had the same expression when I came here. You're feeling out of place, aren't you?"

"Are you a psychology major or something?" Haneul replies sarcastically. Maybe this guy is a know-it-all guy who is desperate to prove his intellect to every person he meets. And god, those people are annoying.

"Naah… you kinda remind me of someone." The other looks at him and Haneul just stares back, trying to analyze this person. He is wondering where this conversation is going.

"Me," the man answers without being asked, laughing by himself. His voice is so soothing to hear Haneul just feels like listening, even though his joke is lame.

"I didn't know anyone here. I didn't know the culture, didn't get the jokes… they didn't get mine…" he continues before pausing and Haneul stares at him curiously. One, because it is interesting how he keeps talking about himself without sounding too self-oriented, two because he speaks as if he is a foreigner in his own country. Or, maybe he is one of those weird otaku who speaks otaku language or whatever they speak. "I'm… from America in case you're wondering."

"Ahh… Explains the accent." Haneul finally allows himself to laugh. Of course the guy is a foreigner! He doesn't look like the weird anime-loving otaku, or whatever otaku is.

"Yah, I improved a lot. It's way better than when I first got here." Haneul smirks, trying to imagine how this pretty male sounded when he first got here. Wait, when DID he get here? Why does he sound like he had been here for a while when they look the same age?

"Joseph Lim, 4th year Social Science by the way. You?"

"Yoo Haneul. 1st year Literature." He takes the hand that is offered to him, almost shocking himself when he momentarily thought the other can read his mind. He has to admit, this Joseph guy seemed really different from the typical Korean in every way. From the way he talks, to his choice of words, to how he reacts, it is actually not hard to believe his story about being from America. "You're a senior? You don't look that old…"

"I'm actually your age." Joseph states, again with his gentle voice. It is calming. Haneul finds himself not hating this situation despite his earlier reluctance to make friends. "I'm just smart, if you're wondering."

"Heol." He replies jokingly, earning him a laugh from the American. Turning his whole body back to look at the group of freshmen, and again towards his senior, he finally understands the situation. "Aren't you supposed to be back there helping them out?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in there being herded?"

"Do I have to?" Haneul asks playfully. He knows the answer but he just wants to talk. It has been a while since he had a normal conversation with a stranger who doesn't know who he is. Based on Joseph's lack of reaction at the mention of his name, he likes to think the man has no idea who he is. "Not really. It'll help though."

"You're not convincing me."

"I wasn't planning to..." Joseph replies nonchalantly, moving his head closer, whispering, "I'm just here so I can rest."

"Owh…" Haneul nods his head, turning back to look at the wall he had been staring at since before Joseph kept him company. The other seems content with the silence which, Haneul is also not used to. He feels like he has to start another conversation just for the sake of talking. "You don't know me?"

"Are you an idol? I don't watch TV…" The cat-eyed omega replies apologetically which sounds sincere. Somehow everything that comes out of that sweet mouth of him makes Haneul believe him. Joseph is just, a soft, lovable puppy in his eyes. He never thought of anyone like this, not even his friends let alone a person he just met. "I wrote a few books."

"Owh… I only read white paper. Sorry… I'll make sure to read your writing!" Again, Joseph sounds apologetic. He just put the man in an awkward situation.

"No! It's fine. It's nothing to be proud of. I prefer you don't read it." Haneul answers honestly. He actually somehow like the idea of making friends like this, the traditional way. Joseph seems like a cool guy, and it's been years since someone asked him personal questions because they want to get to know him instead of confirming what they read about in his books or some websites. If he remembers correctly, the last time would be when he first joined the omega school. Since then, everyone is more curious about his dark past rather than who he really is.

He really wants to experience that again.

He wonders if college is filled with people like this. Before coming here, his social circle only consists of the omegas from the shelters, the alphas he met at the clubs, and of course, his readers; all of whom know well about what happened to him. Meeting Joseph, he realized there are actually people like the guy who never even heard of the Korean boy who made the headlines for exposing his abusers.

Which means, he may be able to do it, making friends.

Shit, now everything seemed interesting again. He can't wait to officially start his college life.


Let's stop seeing each other – Lovely Gyuri

Sangcheol stares at the message from his girlfriend for the umpteenth time, still trying to digest reality. He already tried calling her, he left voice messages, he even sent her private messages on all her social media accounts. There is still no reply and he is left helpless and lost at the situation.

Rubbing his eyes, sighing to release his confusion and frustration, Sangcheol lets himself fall on the bed and covers his eyes with his sleeve. He can't think straight. Everything doesn't make sense. Everything feels like a dream. A bad dream he wishes he will wake up from. Very soon.

He can hear the ringing in his ears, his cheeks vibrating from the pressure in his eyes... all his nerves are palpitating and yet he feels as if all his energy are drained out of his body.

He can't believe it. He wants to think that his omega sent the wrong message to him but it makes even less sense if she was to send the message to another person. Maybe she is drunk, he wants to believe that but the night is still young that excuse won't make any sense either.

"No…" The alpha tries to convince himself one more time as he takes his phone again and opens the message. This time, he scrolls up. He scrolls up to read anything he might have said wrong. Anything that might hint their break is coming. Anything, just anything at all…


…or maybe it is something he said to her instead of the texts? Did he say something that made her feel suffocated? The last time they talked was the start of orientation but they didn't say much to each other…

…is it the calls he had been trying to make every day? Was she stressed out by that? Why? He wanted to listen to her voice, he even made the calls at night when he knows the omega is done with her own orientation.

Is he not even allowed to call her? She didn't reply to his texts either so what should he have done?

What did he do wrong? Why is she breaking up with him? Out of the blue??

"Urgh!!" The thump of the music from the orientation party is too loud Sangcheol wants to scream out of frustration to make it all stop. He wants peace to calm himself but that is obviously impossible tonight. Drunkards and party animals already started to swarm their dormitory and, in a few hours, he knows things will go wild.

Damnit. He just wants to fucking sleep right now so he can fast forward to tomorrow when he hopes Gyuri will be calm enough to give him an explanation. This can all just be a mistake and she is indeed drunk. Or maybe she needs time to gather her thoughts tonight and come tomorrow, she will realize she made a mistake. Maybe tomorrow, everything will be like nothing ever happened.

Staring at the ceiling, Sangcheol considers getting himself drunk instead. Well, maybe not drunk but a drink or two, enough alcohol to keep him distracted from the noise and this nightmare so he can sleep it off. They are having a party whether he likes it or not, might as well take advantage of it and drink his sorrow out. He hears it works wonders.