Minding Their Own 3

For the second time today, Sangcheol turns to apologize to all their customers. Never in his life, would he have thought that he would have to do this kind of thing, twice, in the span of less than an hour. The last alpha almost hit him, if not for his senior's intervention. Despite her small structure, having two staffs threatening the man to take legal action is good enough scare to chase him out of the café, to everyone's delight.

But, the thing that shocked him the most about the whole thing is, Yoo Haneul.

It is as if the universe is playing a trick on him. Just this morning he heard about the omega being an abuse victim, and now he saw it happening right in front of him. Though he doubts the man will still be with his abuser after all this time, he read somewhere that people tend to get back into the bad cycle. If his friend knows the man he has been chasing still has an abusive lover, it will shatter his romantic heart into a million pieces.

"Thanks Cheol." Sangcheol brushes it off with a smile. He didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart. He had to do it, because nobody else could.

"Today's not a good day for business right?" He tries to lighten the mood. Two continuous incidents turned the whole café solemn; the customers no longer feeling joy. No doubt some of them already twitted what happen so they can be sure there will be a change in customer visits in the next few days.

Seeing his guilt-ridden senior still not comfortable letting him work without her constantly stealing glances, he continues, "It's fine. I've dealt with this kind of thing a few times while helping out in my cousin's bar." She now completely turns towards him, curious. "At the west district." He adds to which she mouths a big 'O'. What happened today is nothing compared to the crazy drunkards he has to deal with there. Now he knows why people don't mess with those from the west district.

"Cheol, just go back." He is about to ask why since he still have about an hour left in his shift before, "It's fine. It'll be uncomfortable for the customer too if you're still working after all that," she pauses, analyzing his reaction before continuing, "don't worry, we won't deduct your pay."

"That's not-" Finally looking around the whole premise, he realizes what his senior said is a fact. A few of the guests keep looking at him, some even pointing subtly while talking to their companies. He doesn't know if those are words of praise or criticism. One thing is clear though, his presence causes discomfort in a few.

Weighing his limited options, he decides to accept the offer; a decision he quickly regrets when he is yet again, reminded of Gyuri's betrayal.


Haneul finally gets out of the stationary shop and heads towards the bus stop, stopping at the small park along the way to collect his thought. His body is desperately trying to shake in fear but he won't allow that to happen. Despite being an omega, he refuses to submit to an alpha.

He will never.

Never again.

…But it is hard. He thought he has it under control, he thought he got rid of those damned instinct but apparently not. For the first time in four years, he finds his body and mind complying to the demands of an alpha once again, despite his own consciousness screaming for him to go against it.

For the first time in years, he feels violated once again. He feels weak and helpless, in front of all those people who did no shit to help him. Not that he expected them too, people only stick their noses into something that benefits them anyways. He lost faith in them a long time ago.

It is just, no matter how many alphas tried to manipulate him into giving in these past few years, he always found himself able to resist it. He should have been able to do the same back at the cafe, but he couldn't. And that, shocked him enough he couldn't even try to find a way to escape and just sat there, like an idiot. Like the stupid Haneul who would still go inside the hotel rooms despite knowing what is waiting on the other side of the door.

A worthless, pathetic omega.

Kicking the sand a few times, hitting the frame of the swing set, Haneul finally realizes what went wrong with him.

Trust. He fucking trusted the damned alpha and became his fucking puppet just like that. After all this time, his trainings amounted to nothing. Fucking alphas!! He fucking hates them! Why the hell does he have to depend on them to take care of him? Why is he born an omega???!

"Hey, are you okay?" Haneul flinches as he feels a hand on his shoulder. Staring coldly to the stranger, he quickly recognizes the man. Jung fucking Sangcheol. Another damned alpha who keeps getting into his business. What? He thought he can play the good guy? No way.

"Why do you care?" He scowls, exerting dominance. Breathing heavily from his agitated condition, realizing he is on the verge of having another episode, he contemplates whether he should go back to his room and take his medicine. Walking away seems like the best choice right now, and that is what he does before deciding to taunt the man one last time, to get him off his sight for good. "What the hell was that? You think I couldn't handle that? Cus I'm an omega?"

"He was getting rough and-"

"Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. I can handle my own shit." He hisses, satisfied with the frown and frustration now evident on the alpha's face. Good. "I don't owe you alphas anything-"

"You think I give a crap what happens to you? It's not my fucking problem if you keep seeing people like him but keep your bed problems outside my café." Sangcheol's sudden outburst shocks the omega who now finds himself frozen in place; his throat dry. Staring at the alpha, who, surprisingly caught himself in shock as well from the white face, Haneul forces himself to smile.

Yes, a smile always works in this situation. Scared omegas do not smile, so that is exactly what he is going to do. Smile widely and let the cursed alpha know he is not submitting. And he is not threatened. "People like him? Bed problems?" He questions, noting the unreasonable expression Sangcheol wears, "Just cus you read about me doesn't mean you know everything about me. Bastard."

He did it, he fucking won. Just look at that fucking face. Like a deer caught in a headlight, the alpha froze.

He still got it.

Pushing the man as he makes his way towards the bus stop, Haneul grabs his constantly vibrating phone and switches it off. He should change his number tomorrow; the pathetic alphas are getting annoying anyways. Maybe he should switch club as well and find some new partners. His heat is coming in a few weeks anyways, he needs to find a good one soon.

Maybe he should go to the club more frequently.